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The Federal Railroad Administration Passenger train traveling through New England, autumn

R&D Initiatives

The Track and Structures Program

The Track and Structures Program provides the analytical and technical basis for the development of safety standards and best industry maintenance, inspection, and operating practices to reduce accidents, deaths, injuries, and property damage related to track and other infrastructure failures.

This program will improve analytical and experimental procedures for better understanding the mechanism of fracture development in rail steel under passing loads, improved nondestructive (field) test methods for detecting flaws in rail steel, and improved methods for determining when track is at risk of sudden lateral buckling or of pulling apart from rail longitudinal forces induced by seasonal temperature changes or by tractive or braking forces. 

The program also addresses advanced inspection technologies to detect track hazards (track bed weakness, wide gage, faulty geometry) well before accidents can occur and the safe load capacity and structural integrity of bridges. Research results get incorporated into the FRA Track Safety Standards and railroad maintenance practices.

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Federal Railroad Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590