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Superfund Risk Assessment: Risk Communication

Superfund Additional Risk Assessment Topics:

Risk Management

Risk Communication


Risk Communication comprises the formal and informal processes of communication among various parties who are potentially at risk from or are otherwise interested in the site. Throughout the risk assessment process, EPA will keep the public informed on issues concerning the site and provide guidance on how it will receive and respond to input from the affected community. Advisory groups are one example of the tools EPA may employ to communicate risk information including Biological Technical Assistance Groups or "BTAGs." In addition, the Agency will notify and communicate with the Natural Resource Trustees who have jurisdiction at the site regarding known or potential adverse effects on ecological receptors.



  1. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund, Volume I
    Part A (1989)
    Part B (1991)
    Part C (1991)
    Part D (2001)
    Part E (2004)
    Part F (2009)
    Supplement to Part A: Community Involvement in Superfund Risk Assessments (1999)
    The purpose of this guidance document is to provide the site team--risk assessor, remedial project manager (RPM), and community involvement coordinator--with information to improve community involvement in the Superfund risk assessment process.

  2. Presenters' Manual for: Superfund Risk and Assessment and How You Can Help (PDF) (77 pp, 1MB, About PDF)
    EPA developed the 40-minute videotape "Superfund Risk Assessment and How You Can Help" to help explain in plain terms the Superfund human health risk assessment process and how communities can be involved.

  3. Superfund Today: Focus on Risk Assessment: Involving the Community (PDF) (6 pp, 87K, About PDF)

  4. A Community Guide to Superfund Risk Assessment (December, 1999)
    A basic overview of the risk assessment process in Superfund.

  5. A Community Guide to Superfund Risk Assessment, Spanish Version (December, 1999)
    EVALUACIÓN DE LOS RIESGOS DEL SUPERFUND: De Qué Se Trata La Evaluación De Los Rriesgos Y Cómo Nos Puede Ayudar.

  6. Asbestos

  7. Dioxin (PDF) (6 pp, 44K, About PDF)

  8. Lead

  9. Assessment Guidance for Perchlorate (PDF) (2 pp, 72K, About PDF)

  10. EPA Radiation Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund sites

  11. Ecological Assessment of Superfund Sites: An Overview (PDF) (8 pp, 67K, About PDF)
    Eco Update (December 1991)
    This EcoUpdate bulletin describes the components of the ecological risk assessment process and how they fit into the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study process.

  12. Ecological Risk Assessment and Risk Management Principles for Superfund Sites, Issuance of Final Guidance (PDF) (9 pp, 1MB, About PDF) (October 7, 1999)
    Guidance intended to help Superfund project managers to make ecological assessment decisions that are consistent across the United States and are transparent to the public.

  13. Role of BTAGs in Ecological Assessment (PDF) (4 pp, 364K, About PDF) Eco Update (September, 1991)
    This EcoUpdate bulletin describes the responsibilities and activities of the Biological Technical Assistance Group: a group of scientists established to aid remedial project managers.

  14. Role of Screening Level ERAs and Refining Contaminants of Concern in Baseline Ecological Risk Assessments (PDF) (4 pp, 364K, About PDF)
    This EcoUpdate bulletin describes the process and purpose of the screening level ecological risk assessment, which is the first steps in a ecological risk assessment at a site, and how the list of COCs can be refined to include only those contaminants that may pose a risk.

  15. The Role of Natural Resource Trustees in the Superfund Process (PDF) (10 pp, 191K, About PDF) Eco Update (March, 1992)
    This EcoUpdate bulletin is intended to help project managers to work with Natural Resource Trustees, explaining the responsibilities and authorities of those trustees and those of the Remedial Project Managers and On-Scene Coordinators with respect to those trustees.

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