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Did You Know?

Do you think your doctor keeps your medical information on a computer? 40 percent of Americans think so, but only 5 percent of doctors actually do.

Source: Markle Foundation

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How Do Providers Manage Your Health Record?

Your healthcare provider may keep your health information in one of the following formats: paper, microfilm, or electronic.

Currently most healthcare providers still manage health records in a paper format. The healthcare industry and the federal government are working to improve healthcare through the use of information technology. This is done through the use of electronic health records (EHR) and a system that would allow EHRs to be shared across healthcare systems and providers. But this may take at least 10 years to create, and even then, it won't replace your personal health record.

At your doctor's office or hospital, trained health information management professionals are working to maintain your health record. These professionals are responsible for ensuring that your health record is accurate, complete, confidential, and available when you or your doctor needs access to the information. To learn more about health information management professionals, visit the About Us section of this Web site.