Better Health Through Information Sharing

Connecting for Health is working to realize the full potential of networked information sharing to improve health and health care, while protecting the privacy and security of personal health information. Welcome from Carol Diamond.

Markle Announces Broad Agreement on Principles for Getting Health IT Right Under ARRA

Markle Connecting for Health hosted a forum on April 30, 2009 in Washington, DC on health reform under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Leaders in health care, information technology, and government and policy experts discussed establishing a framework for 'meaningful use' and 'certified or qualified' electronic health records.

Collecting and Sharing Data for Population Health: A New Paradigm

A new article by Carol Diamond, Farzad Mostashari, and Clay Shirky argues for broadening the use of networked models for analyzing population health data.

Markle Helps Define "Meaningful Use" of EHR Technology

The National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics convenes its Executive Committee to develop criteria for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).

Key Requirements for Health IT Investments to Improve Health Care

This brief outlines critical attributes and expectations for health IT investments.

Connecting for Health Responds to Government on E-Prescribing Incentive Program

A collaborative response urges focus on information to drive better medication management.

A 21st-century approach to privacy

A new policy brief outlines how to protect and share health information to improve health and health care.

Connecting for Health releases new framework to increase consumer participation and protect information

Tech companies, providers, health plans, employers, consumer and privacy groups endorse new framework.

Consumer's perspective: What the new Connecting for Health framework means

See how implementation of the Common Framework would benefit a health 21st century consumer.

Population Health: Future vision scenarios

An illustrated vision for how health professionals, consumers, and others can be connected to timely health information.

New survey: Americans overwhelmingly believe electronic personal health records could improve their health

Nearly 9 in 10 say privacy practices are a factor in their decision to try one.

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The Common Framework's Personal Health Technology Initiative intends to enable and increase participation by consumers in their health and their health care through the use of networked Personal Health Records (PHRs) and related technologies.

IMPACT: The Common Framework in Action

"[The Common Framework materials] laid out many of the basic policy and technical issues that we needed to consider when developing our consumer-centric health record banking model." » Read more

— Juan Alaniz, Senior Health Policy Analyst, the Washington State Health Care Authority

Connecting for Health Releases Framework to Increase Consumer Participation and Protect Information
Tech companies, providers, health plans, employers, consumer and privacy groups endorse new framework.

Fostering Innovation and Consumer Choice in Emerging Personal Health Information Services
Carol Diamond, MD, MPH, told the American Health Information Community (AHIC) that new personal health information services should address all of the practices in the Connecting for Health Common Framework for Networked Personal Health Information.

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The Common Framework helps health information networks to share information among their members and nationwide while protecting privacy and allowing for local autonomy and innovation. It consists of a set of 17 mutually-reinforcing technical documents and specifications, testing interfaces, code, privacy and security policies, and model contract language.

IMPACT: The Common Framework in Action

"There are many things for a state Health Care Commission to love about Connecting for Health. Its issues are cutting edge, and its reports move the field by developing both public policies and technical solutions." » Read more

— Rex Cowdry, MD, Executive Director, Maryland Health Care Commission

Connecting for Health Responds to Government on E-Prescribing Incentive Program
A collaborative response urges focus on information to drive better medication management.

Critical Approaches to Analyzing Data for More Effective Health Care Treatments
Presented by Carol Diamond at the Summer 2008 IOM Roundtable on evidence-based medicine.

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Connecting for Health has begun a program exploration on how the Common Framework can support the nation's goals of improving the health of entire populations.

IMPACT: The Common Framework in Action

"The most impressive part of Connecting for Health to me is how it helps people to listen and learn from the projects and points of view of others." » Read more

— Peter A. Schad, PhD, Health Informatics Coordinator, National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences

Better Decisions for Many, Not More Data for the Few
Carol Diamond's presentation at the Institute of Medicine promotes 21st Century thinking for population data challenges.

Future Vision Scenarios
An illustrated vision for how health professionals, consumers, and others can be connected to timely health information.

Connecting for Health Responds to Government on Quality Data Stewardship
Collaborative response to the AHRQ/AQA Request for Information Regarding a National Health Data Stewardship Entity.

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