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Superfund Program Implementation Manual (SPIM) Fiscal Year 2009/2010

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OSWER 9200.3-14-1G-T
March 31, 2009

Program Implementation Guidance for OSRTI, OSRE, FFRRO, FFEO and OEM (Removals)

DISCLAIMER: The policies and procedures established in this document are intended solely for the guidance of employees of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. They are not intended and cannot be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable by any party in litigation with the United States. EPA reserves the right to act at variance with these policies and procedures and to change them at any time without public notice.

CONTACTS: Please see the list of subject matter experts (SME) with phone numbers, at the end of each Chapter and Appendix. To email an SME, use the following format: 'lastname.firstname@epa.gov' and please copy Renee Hamilton.

Organization Documents
Cover (PDF) (2 pp, 356K)
Change Log (PDF) (3 pp, 68K)

Program Goals and Planning Requirements (PDF) (2 pp, 356K)
Chapter I: Introduction (PDF) (12 pp, 144K)
Chapter II: Superfund Budget Planning Process And Financial Management (PDF) (44 pp, 674K)
Chapter III: Program Planning and Reporting Requirements (PDF) (22 pp, 288K)

Program Implementation Procedures (PDF) (2 pg, 356K)
Appendix A: Site Assessment/NPL Listing (PDF) (34 pp, 318K)
Appendix B: Response Actions (PDF) (74 pp, 1.1M)
Appendix C: Enforcement (PDF) (42 pp, 623K)
Appendix D: Federal Facility Response (PDF) (52 pp, 407K)
Appendix E: Information Systems (PDF) (16 pp, 236K)
Appendix F: Removals (PDF) (12 pp, 128K)
Appendix G: Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) (PDF) (10 pp, 107K)
Appendix H: Community Involvement (PDF) (14 pp, 160K)

Links to SPIMs
FY 02/03 SPIM
FY 04/05 SPIM
FY 06/07 SPIM
FY 08/09 SPIM


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