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Presentations and Materials from the Institutional Controls Roundtable and Training Conference

Institutional controls are actions, such as legal controls, that help minimize the potential for human exposure to contamination by ensuring appropriate land or resource use. Although it is EPA's expectation that treatment or engineering controls will be used to address principle threat wastes and that groundwater will be returned to its beneficial use whenever practicable, ICs can and do play an important role in remedies. EPA is committed to ensuring ICs are successfully implemented at Superfund sites

In April 2006, EPA co-hosted an Institutional Controls Roundtable and Training Conference to ensure institutional controls are successfully implemented. The Roundtable was co-hosted with the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials, the International City/County Management Association, and the Environmental Council of States.

The Roundtable was attended by almost 150 people, representing EPA cleanup programs, municipalities, tribes, and more than 30 states. The two and a half day conference included a variety of presentations, panels, and training sessions. Topics ranged from legal issues, such as implementing effective restrictive covenants and using the new Uniform Environmental Covenant Act, to programmatic topics, such as enforcing institutional controls (ICs), implementing ICs at Federal Facility sites, using fish advisories, and addressing off-property ground water contamination. Popular sessions included those on mapping ICs at sites, tracking IC data, inspecting sites for IC compliance and usage, integrating ICs into redevelopment plans, and ICs as components of local land use planning. Because institutional controls are implemented, monitored, and enforced at federal, state, and local levels, coordination is a critical component of success.

Presentations and materials from the Institutional Controls Roundtable and Training Conference are now available on-line at http://www.epa.gov/superfund/policy/ic/roundtable.htm.


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