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EPA Science Advisory Board Announces Review of Superfund Benefits Analysis

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The Superfund program is the principal federal program to cleanup hazardous substances in the United States. While the costs of the Superfund program have been examined extensively, to date most of the benefits of the program have not been quantified.

To improve understanding of the Superfund program, EPA has commissioned a study to comprehensively evaluate the benefits of the program. The Superfund Benefits Analysis (SBA) will identify and describe all the benefits of the Superfund program, quantify those for which the data exist, and estimate the monetary value where possible. Some of the benefits occur due to Superfund activities overseen by agencies other than EPA. Not all important benefits can be reliably monetized, either due to methodological or data limitations. Nonetheless, the existing evidence strongly suggests that the Superfund program has very substantial benefits. This study is currently being completed and will be reviewed by an expert panel assembled by the EPA Science Advisory Board.

Disclaimer: This version of the Superfund Benefits Analysis is a draft prepared for review by the EPA Science Advisory Board's Superfund Benefits Analysis Advisory Panel.

Entire File:
Superfund Benefits Analysis (PDF 3.4M, 236 pages, about PDF)

Individual Chapters:

Front Matter (PDF 116KB, 18 pages, about PDF)
Chapter 1: Introduction (PDF 131KB, 22 pages, about PDF)
Chapter 2: Literature Review (PDF 124KB, 20 pages, about PDF)
Chapter 3: Characterization of Superfund Responses (PDF 1.7M, 52 pages, about PDF)
Chapter 4: Property-Based Valuation (PDF 685KB, 34 pages, about PDF)
Chapter 5: Effect-by-Effect Analysis (PDF 362KB, 48 pages, about PDF)
Chapter 6: Non-Quantified Benefits (PDF 184KB, 28 pages, about PDF)
Chapter 7: Conclusions and Future Research (PDF 20KB, 2 pages, about PDF)
Appendices A-C (PDF 104KB, 12 pages, about PDF)


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