Children With Special Needs

Air Force Special Needs Identification Assignments Coordination (SNIAC) Program

Provides special assignment consideration to Air Force members who have a spouse, child or dependent adult with medical conditions requiring prolonged hospitalization or out-patient treatment.

Autism Society of America (ASA)

Dedicated to increasing public awareness about autism and day-to-day issues faced by individuals with autism, their families, and the professionals with whom they interact. Provides information and education, supports research, and advocates for programs and services for people with autism and their families. Also provides local referrals and support through a network of local chapters.

Autism Speaks

Promotes and advocates for best practices in treatment, education and all services - from early intervention to adult care. Family services include Tools for Families, links to local resources, information on opportunities to participate in research and contacts for specially trained Autism Response Team (ART) members who can connect families with information, resources and opportunities.

Benefits for Children with Disabilities

Describes the kinds of Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and health benefits a child with a disability might be eligible for and explains the evaluation of disability claims for children.

CDC Autism Information Center

Provides information on autism, including symptoms, screening and diagnosis, and on treatment and therapy. Also includes answers to frequently asked questions, information on CDC activities and links to resources for practitioners, researchers, educators and families.

Categories of Disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

There are 14 primary disabilities included in the IDEA under the definition of child with a disability. These definitions guide how states define disability, and determine eligibility for a free public education under special education laws.

Department of Education Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services (OSERS)

Dedicated to improving results for infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities ages birth through 21 by providing leadership and financial support to assist states and local districts.

Dietary Intervention for Autism & Related Disorders

Page from the Parent to Parent New Hampshire Web site offers information on dietary intervention for Autism and related disorders. Provides help with dietary issues, finding appropriate foods locally and recipes.

Directory for Children with Special Needs

Lists organizations providing assistance with legal, resources, benefits and programs that provide aid to families with children that have special needs.

Disability Among Children

Data on children with disabilities from the 1990 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), a nationally representative survey of the civilian non-institutionalized population.

DoD Special Needs Parent Toolkit

Provides comprehensive information and tools that are geared towards helping military families with special needs children navigate the maze of medical and special education services, community support and benefits and entitlements. The Toolkit is broken down into six colorful modules that can be easily downloaded and printed.

Exceptional Parent - The Family & Professional Site for the Special Needs Community

Offers practical advice and emotional support to families of children and adults with disabilities and special health care needs, as well as the physicians, allied health care and educational professionals who are involved in their care and development.

Family Village

Provides information on issues faced by children and youth with disabilities, including physical, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their families.

Heroes with Handicaps, Inc.

Provides financial assistance to military special needs children who are diagnosed within the autism spectrum and have an emotionally impaired disability.

Information & Resources for Girls & Young Women with an Illness or Disability

Information about chronic illness and disabilities from the Web site. Includes information on becoming independent, rehabilitation therapies, as well as stories shared by young people living with a disability.

Jacob's Bridge through Autism

A resource dedicated to helping families with children with Autism gain the knowledge to help themselves and bridge the gap between diagnosis and the next steps.

John Tracy Clinic

John Tracy Clinic is a private, non-profit education center that provides free services worldwide for parents of infants and children with hearing loss.

Kid Quest Page on Disability & Health

Encourages kids to think about people with disabilities and some of the issues related to participation in daily activities, health and accessibility.

Military HOMEFRONT Special Needs Assistance

Provides special needs consultation, research, resources and materials intended to enhance current military services available to families with special needs.

National Autism Association (NAA)

A parent-led non-profit organization that creates and implements direct-assistance programs for families affected by autism. Along with these services, NAA provides autism research funding, ongoing advocacy, support and education.

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities

Serves as a central source of information on disabilities in infants, toddlers, children and youth; IDEA, which is the law authorizing special education; No Child Left Behind (as it relates to children with disabilities); and research-based information on effective educational practices.

National Institute of Child Health & Development (NICHD) Autism Site

Provides easy access to the most current information about NICHD research projects, publications, news releases and other activities related to Autism and similar disorders. NICHD, part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is one of the primary Institutes doing research into various aspects of Autism, including its causes, prevalence and treatments.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute of Child Health & Human Development Mental Retardation & Developmental Disabilities (MRDD) Branch

Sponsors research and training aimed at preventing mental retardation and related developmental disabilities.

Opening Doors - Technology & Communication Options for Children with Hearing Loss

Publication from the U.S. Department of Education provides information and resources for parents of children with hearing loss.

Resources for People Affected by Developmental Disabilities

Information for parents and educators on children with intellectual and other developmental disabilities, including cerebral palsy and autism spectrum disorders.

STOMP - Specialized Training of Military Parents

Provides support and advice to military parents who have children with special education or health needs. STOMP is a federally funded Parent Training and Information (PTI) Center that provides information and training, connects families to other families and raises awareness of issues faced by military families of children with disabilities.

Shriners Hospitals for Children

One-of-a-kind health care system supported by the Shriners of North America and dedicated to improving the lives of children by providing pediatric specialty care, innovative research and outstanding teaching programs.

Supportive Health Service Needs of Children with Disabilities

Research paper focusing on supportive services, a subset of health-related services that are used almost exclusively by children with disabilities.

The Arc

Advocates for the rights and full participation of all children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and provides an array of services and support for families and individuals. Find a chapter near you.

Through the Looking Glass (TLG) - Serving Families with Disabilities

Information on TLG, a nationally recognized center that has pioneered research, training and services for families in which a child, parent or grandparent has a disability (including physical, developmental or intellectual disabilities) or medical issue. Also available in Spanish.

University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research & Service (UCEDD)

Work with people with disabilities, members of their families, state and local government agencies and community providers in projects that provide training, technical assistance, service, research and information sharing. Includes links to technical assistance resources and a UCEDD Directory with contact information for centers in every state and territory.

  • The White House
  • The U.S. government's official web portal.

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