
2-1-1 Michigan

2-1-1 is an easy-to-remember telephone number that connects people with important community services, including transportation options.

2-1-1 United Way of Midland County

Connecting you to community information and referrals to services in Midland County, Michigan.

Addiction Treatment Information & Support - Michigan

Provides links to information on treatment centers and programs by client type and special focus, including chronic pain and treatment vs. jail. Also provides information on programs for specific types of drug addictions and programs for specific age groups and gender.

Army Emergency Relief (AER) Sections in Michigan

Provides locations and contact information for AER Sections in Michigan. AER provides emergency financial assistance to soldiers, Veterans and their dependents when there is a valid need.

Disabled Sports USA (DS/USA) Michigan Chapters

List of DS/USA Chapters in Michigan. Established by Vietnam veterans with disabilities, DS/USA offers sports rehabilitation programs, including winter skiing, aqua sports, competition and special sports events, to anyone with a permanent disability.

Emergency Preparedness for the State of Michigan

Provides, families, businesses, schools and communities with valuable information on how to prepare for and manage disasters and emergencies.

Gryphon Place - Suicide Prevention Services

Provides suicide prevention asssitance and support groups, mediation services and critical incident stress management. Dial the 2-1-1 Helpline to reach a skill professional who will listen and provide resources.

Michigan Alliance of Information & Referral Systems (MI-AIRS)

Promotes awareness of information and referral services in Michigan and advocates for public interests.

Michigan Association of County Veterans Counselors

Assists Veterans and their families in obtaining any and all county, state, and federal benefits to which they are entitled. The site provides a listing, by county, of contact information for trained and accredited Veterans counselors.

Michigan Food Assistance Program

Program supplements the food purchasing power of low-income individuals and families. Eligibility for food assistance depends on the financial situation of all members of the household group.

Michigan National Guard

Provides information and resources related to the Michigan National Guard.

Michigan State Summary of VA Programs & Services

Fact sheet that describes the full range of VA programs, benefits and services available to Veterans and their families in Michigan. Resources include information on health care facilities, counseling centers and vocational rehabilitation. Download the VA's Michigan fact sheet

Michigan Transition Assistance Advisor (TAA)

Statewide point of contact to assist members in accessing Veterans Affairs benefits and healthcare services. Download the TAA contact list to find the Transition Assistance Advisor information for the state of Michigan.

Michigan Veterans Services & Benefits Booklet

Provides information and contacts for services and benefits including employment, health care, housing, education, loans, tax credits and financial assistance.

Michigan Veterans Trust Fund (MVTF)

Temporary assistance for emergencies or hardships is available to eligible wartime Veterans, and their families, residing in the state. Applications for assistance are submitted in the Veteran's county of residence.

MySTATE Directories of Services - Michigan

Organizations in Michigan that provide special discounts and services to members of the military community, including directories, locations of programs and services, maps and directions.

National Association of Counties (NACo)

Represents more than 2,000 counties across the U.S. NACo also provides links to important contacts and resources in Michigan counties such as Congressional districts and census data. For more information visit the Web site of the Michigan Association of Counties.

National Governors Association (NGA)

Provides governors with services that include representing states in Washington, DC on key issues and developing policy reports on innovative state programs. NGA addresses areas that include education, health and technology and welfare reform. Visit NGAs Web site for information about Michigan state government.

National League of Cities (NLC)

Works to strengthen and promote cities as centers of opportunity, leadership and governance. NLC also provides contact information for many cities and towns in Michigan to connect you to the programs and services they offer in your community.

Project Blue Star

Michigan Governor's Military Family Support initiative that provides assistance to families of Michigan soldiers serving overseas. This program identifies and catalogues all services available to military families in one convenient online location.

The Compassionate Friends (TCF)

TCF chapters offer help with grief resolution after the death of a child. To find your local chapter, use the Chapter Locator and select your state from the drop down menu on the page.

Upper Peninsula Commission for Area Progress Services, Inc.

A local nonprofit organization that acts as the Region XI Area Agency on Aging for Michigan and provides services including housing development, long term care, a family caregiver network and child day care.

VA Vet Centers in Michigan

Vet Centers provide readjustment counseling and outreach services to all Veterans who served in any combat zone and to their families for military-related issues.
  • The White House
  • USA.gov: The U.S. government's official web portal.

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