
Knowledge and Skills that Support Future Success

Photograph of three children looking at a globe in a classroom.

Education is a key determinant of future success, and every American deserves equal access to education. The opportunity for a quality education should not be denied on the basis of physical, mental or cognitive disability. Beginning with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1975 and most recently through the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, the United States government has championed the right of people with disabilities and their families to get the most out of America's educational opportunities.

This section of offers information on educational programs and resources available throughout the federal government, including Individualized Education Programs; college opportunities; school-to-work transition and tools for educators.

Please choose from the categories listed along the left-hand side of this page for more information on this topic.

  • The White House
  • The U.S. government's official web portal.

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