West Virginia

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation in West Virginia

Recipients of Medicaid and recipients of the Children with Special Health Care Needs program may request reimbursement for the cost of transportation associated with receiving medical services. Payments are made to the client or the transportation providers and can include meals, lodging and turnpike tolls when required.

West Virginia Transportation Providers Directory

Features profiles of public transit systems, specialized transportation providers such as county aging programs, sheltered workshops, community mental health centers and taxi companies that operate in each county in West Virginia.

Kanawha Valley Regional Transportation Authority Accessibility Information

Information about accessible transportation and paratransit for people with disabilities in Kanawha County.

Here & There Transit

Information on transportation services offered by the Barbour County Senior Center.

Eastern Panhandle Transit Authority Half-Fare Program

Program is offered to senior citizens, holders of a Medicare Card and persons who can demonstrate that a disability prevents them from effectively using existing PanTran services and facilities.

Tri-State Transit Authority (TTA) Dial-A-Ride Services for People with Disabilities

TTA offers paratransit and other transportation services to individuals with disabilities who are unable to use the fixed route system.

West Virginia University Accessible Transportation Services

Information on accessible vans to transport students with mobility impairments to and from class.

Transit Systems in West Virginia

Click on your county to find public transportation options in your community.

Area Agencies on Aging (AAA)

The AAAs contract with county providers (senior centers) for the provision of meals, transportation and other services

West Virginia Transit Links

County by county transportation information for West Virginia.

Aging & Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs)

Links to county contact information for Aging and Disability Resource Centers, which provide a single point of entry for access to public long-term support programs and benefits, including transportation options for seniors and people with disabilities.

West Virginia Medicaid

Information on services covered by the state Medicaid program, including medical transportation and physician services.

Mountain State Centers for Independent Living

A community-based organization providing advocacy, networking and resources to persons with disabilities and their families. The centers are a place where people with disabilities are free to meet, share, learn and plan lives of greater independence and self reliance.
  • The White House
  • USA.gov: The U.S. government's official web portal.