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Briefing Booklets

The DG Office's Briefing Booklets are intended in part to indicate best practices, lessons learned, and guidelines for practitioner consideration. They also include publications that are intended to stimulate debate and discussion. There are currently four booklets in the series.

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Anti-Corruption Agencies (ACAs): A Democracy and Governance Program Brief
June 2006

Since the 1990s, more than 30 countries have established some form of anticorruption agency (ACA) or commission as a key tactic in their efforts to fight corruption. USAID Missions and other international donors are faced with many questions as they provide advice and assistance to host country governments on their efforts to combat corruption. This program brief is intended to assist DG Officers by outlining the critical questions around the establishment and workings of a host country’s ACA. The note also provides substantive input on how the answers to those questions may affect the effectiveness of donor support for an ACA.

USAID's Experience Strengthening Legislatures
(PN-ACH-308), June 2001

This document provides an overview of USAID's experiences in legislative strengthening. It describes what the Agency has done and is now doing to promote responsive and effective legislatures. It highlights ways in which improved legislative performance has strengthened democracy in all regions of the world. It is a summary of approaches that have been tried by USAID.

Policy Implementation: What USAID Has Learned
(PN-ACH-306), January 2001

This paper discusses USAID's efforts to promote the use of an approach that incorporates treatment of democratic governance concerns as integral to the way to improve policy implementation. The paper identifies a series of tasks, such as legitimation, constituency-building, and resource accumulation and discusses different strategic management approaches that can be implemented to achieve these tasks. It provides a sample of policy implementation tools and their application while focusing on governance issues with a special emphasis on the emergence of public-private partnerships working on policy reform. The paper also focuses on the potential for adopting these approaches in the developing world. It looks at implementing policy reforms in post-conflict environments, assisting countries as they adapt to rapid changes due to increased globalization, and deepening our understanding of the link between governance issues and successfully policy reform efforts.
USAID's Experience in Decentralization and Democratic Local Governance
(PN-ACH-302), September 2000

This report gives an overview of USAID's experience in decentralization and democratic local governance. It describes what the Agency has done and is not doing to promote responsive, participatory, and effective governments at the local level.
Promoting Transparency and Accountability
(PN-ACF-740), January 2000

This report provides a snapshot of what USAID has done over the years to combat corruption. It includes early USAID experience in fighting corruption and USAID cooperation with other donors and international organizations. It also outlines the areas the Agency responds to in anti-corruption work, such as legal reform, privatization and regulatory reform, administrative reform, and judicial reform. The report also addresses changing attitudes of advocacy organizations, public-private partnerships, and the media.

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