Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
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Table 8-1. Milestones for Applying the R&D Investment Criteria

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Research Product or Information Gained FY 07-08 FY 09-10
System Planning and Resource Management    
Publish annual aviation research plan x x
Work with research advisory committee to plan and implement RD&T investments x x
Enable and Motivate Internal Excellence    
Build strategic roadmaps x x
Implement/capture research management performance metrics x x
Support President's Management Agenda x x
Provide Transit Research Leadership    
Update Strategic Research Plan and work with Transit Research Analysis Committee to improve research management x x
Support TRB core activities x x
Produce Transit Conditions and Performance Report x x
RD&T Coordination    
RD&T Planning Council review of RD&T budgets, programs, and priorities x x

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