Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
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Table 4-4. Milestones for Improving Infrastructure Durability and Characterizing Materials

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Research Product or Information Gained FY 07-08 FY 09-10
Airport Technology    
Improved paving materials x  
Advanced airport pavement design procedures x x
Asphalt Research Consortium    
Validation and calibration of findings concerning the performance impact of fundamental properties of asphalt x x
Advanced technological capabilities to increase pavement durability and performance and reduce life-cycle cost x x
Identification of mechanism of action for polyphosphoric acid as an asphalt binder modifier as well as its potential beneficial and deleterious effects x x
Exploratory Advanced Research    
Nuclear system for nondestructive measurement of chlorides in concrete x  
Guidelines for preventing delayed ettringite formation in concrete x  
Recommendations for use of retarders to control setting of concrete   x
Fundamental Properties of Asphalt    
Establish linkage between mechanical/engineering properties of an asphalt mixture and its individual constituents to the fundamental chemical/molecular properties of the mix components   x
Develop engineering performance prediction model of asphalt pavement that relates engineering properties to chemical/molecular parameters   x
Develop improved chemical and physicochemical methods to enhance the characterization and performance prediction of modified asphalts   x
High-Performing Steel Bridge    
Modern fracture control plan to guide fabrication and maintenance of bridges x  
Designers guide for efficient use of high-performance steel x  
Economically efficient and structurally durable corrosion-resistant steel   x
Innovative Bridge Research and Deployment    
Develop and deploy Accelerated Bridge Construction techniques to increase safety and durability and reduce construction time and traffic congestion x x
Continue the improvement in and deployment of high-performance materials for infrastructure applications x x
Develop and deploy improved methods for economical bridge foundation designs x x
Innovative Pavement Research and Deployment    
Develop and implement quality assurance technologies x x
Guidance for optimizing pavement surface characteristics x x
Improved design systems, materials selection, and performance prediction technologies to optimize pavement performance for new and recycled materials x x
Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP)    
Develop database and supporting documentation x  
Develop and implement quality assurance technologies x  
Develop and implement LTPP product website   x
Seismic Research    
Design details to accommodate seismic behavior and design of prefabricated segmental bridge piers for accelerated bridge construction in seismic regions x  
Design criteria for protection of bridges against earthquakes and other hazards x x
Implementation of improved earthquake loss estimation technology   x
Strategic Highway Research Program II    
Develop technologies for faster in situ construction x x
Develop rapid construction techniques that provide minimal disruption to the public x x
Develop innovative and equitable contracting methodologies x x
Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) Demonstrations    
Precast UHPC bridge deck with enhanced durability x x
UHPC superstructure and deck solutions based on simple modifications to existing x  
practice that can be implemented immediately    
Design provisions and examples compatible with American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials specifications   x
Wood Composite Materials    
Development of alternate materials x  
Development of design systems for bridges and other structures   x
Guidelines and code development   x
Track and Structures    
Research durability of new rail steels, tie materials, fastener types, concrete bridges, switches, and welding techniques x x

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