Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
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Table 3-4. Milestones for Hazardous Materials Transportation

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Research Product or Information Gained FY 07-08 FY 09-10
Advance Safety Through Information-Based Initiatives    
Expand crash analysis of serious hazmat incidents x  
Enhance hazmat shipper prioritization algorithm x  
Hazardous Materials Transportation-Rail    
Research to reduce the number of serious hazardous material incidents on railroads x x
Safety, Energy, and Environment    
Address policies for coordinating hazardous materials inspection and enforcement between DOT's operating administrations and the economic and safety regulation of petroleum products pipelines   x
Hazardous Materials Safety    
Hazardous Materials Transportation Cooperative Research Program x x
Develop 2008 Emergency Response Guidebook x x
Conduct performance-oriented package testing x x

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