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OFCCP ensures employers comply with nondiscrimination and affirmative actions laws & regulations when doing business with the federal government.

OFCCP Directive

Transmittal Number: 274
DATE: March 15, 2007

  1. SUBJECT: Outstanding Partnership and Liaison (OPAL) Award.
  2. PURPOSE: To outline the criteria and nomination process for the OPAL Award.
  3. FILING INSTRUCTIONS: File in the Administrative Binder under "Other." The Transmittal Sheet may be filed separately or discarded at your option.
  4. OBSOLETE DATA: ADM Notice/Other, issued May 24, 2001, under Transmittal #247 (Outstanding Partnership and Liaison [OPAL] Award).

(Signed) Charles James
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Contract Compliance


  1. SUBJECT: Outstanding Partnership and Liaison (OPAL) Award.
  2. PURPOSE: To outline the criteria and nomination process for the OPAL Award.
  3. BACKGROUND: In a January 29, 1992 memorandum, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) encouraged enhanced communications between the federal contractor community and the agency through a newly created concept of “Industry Liaison Groups” (ILGs). The concept was so well received that federal contractors began forming ILGs throughout the country. Now, in the 21st Century, there are hundreds of ILG members governed by a NILG Partnership Committee that is committed to mentoring small and mid-sized federal contractors by featuring “best practices” from ILG member companies. OFCCP also recognizes superior achievement in affirmative action and equal employment opportunity by presenting one deserving ILG with the annual OPAL Award. The OPAL Award was established to honor the accomplishments of ILGs and is presented yearly at the Annual NILG Conference.
  4. AWARD CRITERIA: The following criteria apply to the OPAL Award:
    1. Nominee must show concrete accomplishments in the support of equal employment opportunity which were achieved by specific activities or projects of the ILG. The activity for which the award is being sought may be a single activity or a multi-faceted activities program, including, but not limited to, (1) community-based projects directed towards changing the demographics of the workforce or (2) educational activities if the impact of such activity is demonstrable and substantial. The activity or event being considered for the award must have a substantial impact on enhancing equal employment opportunity.
    2. Nominees must have demonstrated activity by the ILG, which "supports the mission of OFCCP" and made a substantial, positive contribution to the public understanding of equal employment opportunity.
  5. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Nominee must be a local ILG nominated by either an OFCCP Regional Director with knowledge of the ILG’s activities or by the NLIG Partnership Committee. Nominee must have demonstrated superior achievement in furthering affirmative action and equal employment opportunity.
  6. NOMINATION AND SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: The following are guidelines for preparing the nomination document:
    1. Nomination submissions should be limited to one per OFCCP Regional Director and no more than six nominations from the NILG Partnership Committee.
    2. The nomination should discuss the nominee's accomplishments, how those accomplishments promote equal employment opportunity, and the length of time of the project.
    3. The nomination also must provide the following data on the nominee: name and address of the group; name, address and title of the highest ranking official; and the name, address, title and telephone number of the contact person.
    4. All nominations from an OFCCP Regional Director must be forwarded with a cover memorandum explaining why the ILG is being nominated and should include appropriate support data substantiating the justification for the nomination. Similarly, all nominations from the NILG Partnership Committee (limit of six nominations per year) should be forwarded with a cover memorandum explaining why each ILG is being nominated and should include appropriate support data substantiating the justification for each nomination.
    5. All nominations must be submitted to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Contract Compliance at a date and time to be announced by the agency. Submissions should be addressed as follows:
      Charles E. James, Sr.
      Deputy Assistant Secretary
      200 Constitution Ave., NW, Rm. C3310
      Washington DC 20210
      Attn: Director, DMAP
    1. A team of OFCCP managers will review and evaluate each nomination. Upon completion of this process, the team will make recommendations to the Deputy Assistant Secretary who will make the final selection.
    2. The nominees will be notified of their selection and provided with details regarding the presentation of the award.
    3. The ceremony will be held during the annual NILG Conference. Date and time of the award presentation will be announced.

(Signed) Charles James
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Contract Compliance





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