Idaho SILC logo

P.O. Box 83720
Boise ID, 83720-9601
(816 West Bannock Street,  Suite 202, Boise 83702)
208/334-3800 (V/TDD)
Toll Free in Idaho:
208/334-3803 (FAX)

What's New:
Disability Rights on IPTV

Idaho Americorps


Domestic Violence Project

Idaho Centers
for Independent Living 

Idaho Disability Statutes

Información:  Español


Links to Other CILs, SILCs and Disability Info on the Web

Links to Other Web Sites in Idaho


Plans and Reports  




The Idaho SILC uses
links to other Web sites, and is not responsible
for their content.

Kelly Buckland, SILC Executive Director







Welcome to the Idaho State Independent Living Council (SILC) Home Page. This service is provided to acquaint the disability community and service providers to our organization, which advocates for equal opportunity, equal access, self-determination, independence and choice for people with disabilities. The focus of the SILC is to maximize opportunity and to incorporate people with disabilities into all walks of life by empowering them. The Idaho SILC provides leadership development opportunities to empower grassroots advocates, who, in turn, will develop systemic changes in public policy to positively impact people with disabilities. Read about successful legislation, developed and sponsored by the Idaho SILC, which has led to decisive change for Idahoans with disabilities.

Independent Living Movement stems from a philosophy which states that people with all types of disabilities should have the same civil rights and control over choices in their own lives as people without disabilities. The SILC, therefore, works to change societal attitudes about people with disabilities away from a patronizing, pitying medical model towards empowerment, independence, home- and community-based services, and integration as fully contributing, valued members of society.

We invite you to explore our site to learn more about our work in Idaho, and to check other links that may be of value. If you'd like to receive additional information through the mail, including hard copy of reports or survey results with footnotes, graphs and detailed statistics, please contact Executive Director .

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere...Martin Luther King, Jr.

2007 Hall of Fame inductees with National Spinal Cord Injury Assoc. leaders

2007 Hall of Fame inductees with National Spinal Cord Injury Association leaders. Back row, from left: NSCIA board president, Pat Maher, NSCIA executive director and CEO, Marcie Roth, Dean Kamen, Diane Korman, Conrad Ricketts, Ron Cohen. Front row, from left: Renee Tyree, Gary Karp, Mark Johnson, Michael Collins, Kim Anderson, Chris Canales, Kelly Buckland and Chris Skinner.

Send correspondence or comments to the SILC OFFICE

Kelly Buckland, Executive Director

Ginny Pollock, Administrative Assistant
Jackie Beverage, Administrative Assistant
Kim Steinberg, Program Manager, AmeriCorps Accessible Transportation Grant
Robbi Barrutia, OVW Project Director

Watercolor showing Idaho Independent Living advocates

Copyright © 2008 Idaho State Independent Living Council
Site last updated 11 Apr 2009

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