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For Consumers

Most Families USA materials are intended for policy specialists and advocates. However, we do have some materials, listed below, that are written for individual consumers:

  • What Is a "Special Enrollment Opportunity" and Why Should I Care about It? discusses who may have the option of signing up for job-based health coverage when it isn't open season. (June 2009)
  • Getting Covered: Finding Health Insurance When You Lose Your Job 
    Getting Covered: Finding Health Insurance When You Lose Your Job is designed to help consumers who've lost their health coverage sort through possible options for new coverage, including COBRA, Medicaid, CHIP, other federal and state programs, and the individual market. (February 2009)
  • Your Guide to HIPAA Protections 
    The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law that helps protect your rights to health coverage when you move from one health plan to another health plan. This guide describes those protections and under what circumstances they may or may not apply. (June 2007) 
  • State Guides to Finding Health Insurance  (updated March 2007)
    If you are looking for health coverage, Families USA has created a guide for each state that can help point the way. Whether you have recently lost your job, are an early retiree, or have a serious medical condition, these guides include numerous resources that may help you find the coverage you need.  
  • Consumer Info 
    Need help finding health insurance or learning about your rights to health care? See our list of resources.
  • Consumer Assistance Program Locator 
    A directory of programs that assist consumers with Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance problems.

For Consumer Advocates

The following materials are resources for advocates and professionals who assist consumers:


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