Terrorists Evolve. Threats Evolve. Security Must Stay Ahead. You Play A Part.


Welcome to the Delete-O-Meter

In the spirit of transparency, we proudly introduce the (drum roll please...) Delete-O-Meter.

This new, permanent feature of the Evolution of Security blog will update on a weekly basis the number of posts we have deleted during moderation. It will be housed on the bottom, right corner right below the RSS feed.

While we’re on the subject of deleted posts, it’s important to know why we do delete some posts. It all breaks down to the following reasons:
  • Personal attacks (on both officers and passengers)
  • Profanity (and I thought some sailors knew how to curse)
  • Long embedded url strings (only because it messes up the format of the blog)
  • Threats (enough said on this one)
  • Duplicate posts (hitting submit 12 times won't make the comment appear any faster)
  • Off-topic comments (and since we can't tell which topic a comment goes under when we moderate, we mean REALLY off topic, think plagues of locust off topic…)
  • Sensitive information (TSA folks explaining exact procedures that could aid someone wishing to do us harm)
Other than that, all's fair in love and blogging.


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