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2005 Stakeholders Report

Cover Page: A Report to Stakeholders from the US EPA Brownfields ProgramIn early 2002, the enactment of the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act, commonly referred to as the Brownfields Law, marked the beginning of a new era for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Program. The law provided EPA with expanded authority and funding to help communities clean up and reuse the hundreds of thousands of brownfields blighting their neighborhoods and hosting unknown health and environmental risks. EPA swiftly implemented these new provisions, providing the benefits contained in the law directly to brownfields stakeholders across the country.


2003 Stakeholders Report

  • Front Cover, Table of Contents, Overview
    [ PDF (390K) 5 Pages ]

  • Fulfilling the Mandate
    [ PDF (150K) 4 Pages ]

  • Partners in Progress
    [ PDF (673K) 12 Pages ]

  • Measures of Success
    [ PDF (4.5MB) 10 Pages ]

  • Moving Forward
    [ PDF (377K) 7 Pages ]

  • Backcover
    [ PDF (103K) 2 Pages ]
  • EPA-560-R-05-004
    November 2005

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