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(San Francisco, Calif. -- 04/01/09) DOE will pay a $165,000 fine for shutting down the cleanup systems at Lawrence Livermore and failing to restart them as requested by the EPA in January 2009. Recent sampling showed that the closure of a large treatment unit on the perimeter of the site had resulted in a loss of control of the contaminated groundwater plume offsite. Some of the systems at the site have already been restarted and DOE is regaining control of contaminated groundwater. The remaining facilities that need to be restarted are subject to an agreed upon schedule that is enforceable by the EPA under a Federal Facility Agreement. The EPA and DOE have also agreed to re-evaluate the cleanup in areas where it is no longer effective, and will involve state regulatory agencies and community stakeholders in the decision-making.

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Last Updated: July 03, 2007