NOAA Fisheries: Office of Law Enforcement
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Criminal Investigator Training Program
An in-depth study of basic law enforcement concepts and techniques, the curriculum is frequently revised to stay abreast of the changing needs of the participating organizations. New agents are provided the specific information and skills training necessary to equip them for actual job performance in law enforcement and investigation. Among the subject areas presented are Human Behavior, Modern Investigative Technology, Cultural Sensitivity, Law and Skills Training in Firearms, Physical Techniques and Driving.

Natural Resources Police Training
Federal land management organizations whose officers perform law enforcement related duties in urban, rural or isolated areas are the participants in this program. Agencies include the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Tennessee Valley Authority, National Marine Fisheries Service and the Bureau of Land Management. Lectures, laboratory techniques, and practical exercises are oriented toward protection in a natural resources environment. Included are such subjects as Behavioral Science, Officer Safety and Survival, constitutional Law, Civil Rights, and other basic law enforcement subjects. Personnel attending this program are employed primarily as cultural and natural resources protectors engaged in professional law enforcement activities and management.

Marine Law Enforcement Training Program
The Marine Law Enforcement Training Program provides basic marine law enforcement training for employees of those agencies and organizations involved in the specialized areas of marine regulation and law enforcement. The major emphasis of this comprehensive training program is on the safe and proper operation of marine patrol vessels, with specific training in law enforcement operations.

Advanced Marine Law Enforcement Training Program
The Advanced Marine Law Enforcement Training Program was developed to meet the identified need for additional specialized training in the operation of fast interceptor and large patrol vessels. This program includes advanced instruction on the use of electronic navigation equipment such as RADAR, GPS, DGPS and chart plotters which are installed on these vessels. Through classroom instruction and "hand-on" training in simulated practical exercises, the students are introduced to the operation, tactics and management for the successful use of these vessels.

Advanced Marine Law Enforcement Training Program
Coordination of marine operations planning, including interagency cooperation and use of air support, is stressed. This program places great emphasis in "hands-on" underway exercises and minimizes classroom time as much as possible.

NOAA-Office for Law Enforcement Basic Training Program
This program provides the newly graduated enforcement officer and special agent with the skills and knowledge needed to perform his or her duties within the scope and authority of the U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA and National Marine Fisheries Service. Special emphasis is placed upon laws, regulations, policies and procedures of NOAA and the National Marine Fisheries Service.

Field Training Officer Program
The program is designed to identify and develop standardized evaluation guidelines for job performance and uniform standards for practical on-the-job assessments of newly graduated officers and agents.

Basic Training
Enforcement Officer
Title Weeks Hours
Natural Resources Police Training 17 670
Marine Law Enforcement Training Program 4 150
NOAA - Enforcement Basic Training Program 4 150
Field Officer Training Program 7 280
Total 32 1250

Special Agent
Title Weeks Hours
Criminal Investigator Training Program 10 400
Marine Law Enforcement Training Program 4 150
NOAA - Enforcement Basic Training Program 4 150
Field Officer Training Program 7 280
Total 25 980

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