NOAA Fisheries: Office of Law Enforcement
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1783 Treaty of Paris, which ended the Revolutionary War, mentioned rights of U.S. fishermen.

1818 Convention Respecting Fisheries between the U.S. and U.K. signed

1871 Feb 9, the United States Fish Commission of Fish and Fisheries is formed when the President appoints the first Commissioner of the U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries. This is the first federal agency concerned with natural resources.

1888 Jan 20, Congress established the US Fish Commission as an independent agency of the Federal government.

1900 The Lacey Act took effect as the first federal law protecting game.

1903 In Feb, The Fish Commission transferred to the Bureau of Fisheries within the new Department of Commerce and Labor.

1906 Sponge Act enacted, the first federal regulation of marine fisheries.

1913 Department of Labor separated from the Department of Commerce, which retains the Bureau of Fisheries.

1915 Department of Commerce and Labor became the Department of Commerce.

1930 Although law enforcement work has long been a part of many U.S. Fish Commission and Bureau activities, an official Division of Law Enforcement is finally established this year. This is the predecessor of the Office for Law Enforcement.

1939 Bureau of Fisheries within the Department of Commerce and the Bureau of Biological Survey within the Department of Agriculture were transferred to the Department of Interior.

1940 Bureau of Fisheries combined with the Bureau of Biological Survey into the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries within the Department of Interior’s Fish and Wildlife Service; in addition, it provides for the establishment of five regional fisheries offices. All law enforcement responsibilities continued to reside in the Division of Game Management.

1956 Department of Interior divides Bureau of Fisheries into Bureau of Commercial Fisheries and Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife. Wildlife law enforcement responsibilities were placed in the Branch Management and Enforcement of the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife.

1970 The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is formed.

Bureau of Commercial Fisheries and some activities of Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife are incorporated into the National Marine Fisheries Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce.

The Office of Law Enforcement is formed within NOAA.

1977 First Notice Of Violation and Assessment (NOVAs) issued.

1983 The Law of the Sea Treaty is signed and established a 200-mile limit, inside which countries had the exclusive right to regulate fishing.

1987 In May, an organizational restructuring gave the Office of Enforcement direct line authority over all NMFS enforcement operations.

1994 The OLE embarks on a satellite-based vessel monitoring program, known as Vessel Monitoring System (VMS).

1995 Office of Law Enforcement amends name to the Office for Law Enforcement. (HQ)

The OLE adopts Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving (COPPS) as a national initiative designed to empower communities and individuals to actively participate in their local conservation management.

In June, the OLE activates the OLE 1-800 Hotline number allowing citizens to call in complaints and concerns 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week.

1999 National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) now commonly referred to as NOAA Fisheries.

2000 30th Anniversary of NOAA

2001 The first Joint Enforcement Agreement (JEA) is enacted and implemented. This would eventually lead to additional JEAs
with 19 states and 4 U.S. territories.

OLE special agents across the country provide support and assistance to numerous other federal agencies following the
Sept. 11th terrorist attacks.

2003 In April, the Pacific Island Division was formed, consisting of Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa and other U.S. territories in
the Western Pacific.

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