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Social Security Online
Benefit Calculator
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Social Security Detailed Calculator

Current version

The current version of the Detailed Calculator is 2009.1, which was released on November 10, 2008. It updates the 2008.2 version with the new benefit increase and average wage index from the automatic adjustments announced on October 16, 2008. A PC with ANYPIA on screen

Statement or calculator

If you would like to receive a record of your earnings and possible Social Security benefit, please request a Social Security Statement. If you already have your Social Security Statement with your earnings and you now want to do a "what if" analysis, then make a selection from the list below.

Retirement Estimator

The Social Security Administration now has a calculator that lets you estimate your retirement benefit by accessing your actual earnings record through a secure interface. If you are estimating a normal retirement benefit, then you may want to try using the Retirement Estimator first, because it is easier to use than the Detailed Calculator and does not require you to enter your earnings record.

Note that the Retirement Estimator does not have all of the features of the Detailed Calculator, and does not provide estimates for everyone. In particular, if you are receiving a benefit based on your own earnings record or if you are receiving Medicare benefits, the Retirement Estimator will not give you an estimate. You also have to be permanently insured to get an estimate from the Retirement Estimator.

Online calculator

The Detailed Calculator has many features which are not necessary for normal retirement benefit estimates. If you do not require these features, you should try using the Online Calculator first, because it is much easier to use.

Links to detailed calculator

Questions or comments

Questions or comments about the Detailed Calculator? Be sure to specify the "Detailed Calculator" in your message so we know to which calculator your question or comment refers. Portal to U.S. government agencies Privacy Policy  | Website Policies & Other Important Information  | Site Map
Last reviewed or modified November 10, 2008
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