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Notices of Funds Availability / Notices of Funding Opportunities


Volunteer Organization Capacity Building

End Date: 3/10/2008
CFDA # 94.007

Contact: Amy Borgstrom

The Corporation for National and Community Service (the Corporation) announces the availability of approximately $5,000,000 for the first year of a three year cooperative agreement to strengthen our nation’s volunteer infrastructure and increase the number of Americans who engage in quality volunteer activities. Funding for years two and three of the agreement is contingent upon the availability of funds and the recipient’s satisfactory progress towards agreed-upon objectives.

The Corporation expects to make a federal financial assistance award to a national nonprofit organization with the demonstrated capacity to provide financial and technical resources to local organizations that identify, place, and support volunteers engaged in addressing critical community needs. A portion of the funds provided under this agreement must be provided on an annual basis to such local organizations through a subgrant process.

Application Materials


Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. What is the definition of a national organization?
    For the purposes of this competition a national non-profit organization is defined as a non-profit that has on-going, demonstrable relationships with volunteer connector organizations in at least one state in each of the five clusters of the country used by the Corporation to organize its field operations. The clusters are:
    • Pacific (AK, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY);
    • Atlantic (NJ, MD, DE, CY, DC, RI, MA, PA, PR, NY, MN, MT, NH);
    • North Central (IL, IN, IO, MI, MN, NB, OH, SD, ND, WI);
    • Southern (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV); and
    • Southwest (AZ, AR, CO, KS, LA, MO, NM, OK, TX).
  2. What is the definition of a volunteer connector organization?
    Volunteer connector organizations connect individuals with volunteer opportunities and support organizations and professional volunteer coordinators in effectively using those volunteers to create meaningful change in local communities.
  3. What kinds of organizations are not eligible to apply for this grant?
    If your organization is only local or regional, or only works with volunteers to perform direct service to communities, you are not eligible to apply. However, you may be eligible to apply to the successful applicant for a subgrant once the cooperative agreement is in effect.
  4. In terms of the match, if our subgrantees generate match may we count that towards the match requirement in the Notice?
    Yes, you may use cash and in-kind contributed by subgrantees as match. It can be raised at either the national or the local level, but the grantee is ultimately required to document the matching funds to the Corporation.
  5. Will the match required increase over time?
    Yes, the match increases over the three year project period: 30% first year, 40% second year, and 50% in the third year.
    Applicants are encouraged to address sustainability in the narrative.
  6. If additional funds are made available for specific technical assistance activities at a later date, will there be match required for those funds.
    No, there will probably not be a match required for funds made available at a later date for specific technical assistance activities.
  7. We have an ongoing relationship with a large national group that uses volunteers to create housing opportunities for low-income people. Would this be considered a volunteer connector organization?
    This competition is very focused on organizations that find volunteers and place them with other agencies. These organizations offer training, support and technical assistance to organizations that use volunteers to provide direct service, and conduct campaigns on their behalf, but they would most often not conduct direct service themselves. Please see the definition of a Volunteer Connector Organization under question #2.
  8. Will you consider virtual volunteer connectors, such as an online portal that people can use to identify volunteer opportunities?
    We are very interested in the role of online volunteer matching portals and specifically address this in two bulleted items on the list of potential activities:
    • collaborate with other organizations in the sector to streamline and consolidate on-line resources related to volunteer management and national service;
    • provide sector-wide leadership for development and marketing of web-based technologies that encourage creative, efficient electronic means to match volunteers with opportunities and organize service projects.
  9. Do subgrantees have to be local? In other words, can the successful applicant subgrant to other national or regional volunteer connector organizations?
    The Notice does not address this issue, although it specifies that the successful organization will provide grants to local Volunteer Connector Organizations for operating support, capacity building, and special projects. If you are planning to subgrant to a larger intermediary, you may provide your rationale in the narrative. You should also address how this approach influences the cost effectiveness of the project.
  10. Is there an advantage to an application from an organization with current capacity to deliver training and technical assistance via electronic means?
    Organizational capacity counts for 50% of your score. We are very interested in using and developing new technologies for distance learning and the cost savings associated with technology.


Technical Assistance Information:

The Corporation will be hosting two conference calls to answer your questions regarding the Volunteer Organization Capacity Building grant competition.

DATE:  Tuesday, February 26                       
LEADER:  Mr. Mark Abbott
CALL TIME:  2:00-3:00 PM Eastern Tim
PHONE NUMBER:  888-396-9923

For security reasons, the passcode and the leader's name will be required to join your call.  Restrictions may exist when accessing freephone/toll free numbers using a mobile telephone.


Replays are generally available one hour after a call ends.

END DATE: MAR-12-08 11:59 PM (CT)
PHONE NUMBER:  888-282-0035


DATE:  Thursday, February 28
LEADER:  Mr. Mark Abbott                         
CALL TIME:  2:00-3:00 PM Eastern Time
PHONE NUMBER:  888-282-0171

For security reasons, the passcode and the leader's name will be required to join your call.  Restrictions may exist when accessing freephone/toll free numbers using a mobile telephone.


Replays are generally available one hour after a call ends.

END DATE: MAR-07-08 10:59 PM (CT)
PHONE NUMBER:  800-489-7535



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