Thursday, January 29, 2009

[[Page D87]]

                              Daily Digest


      Senate passed H.R. 2, Children's Health Insurance Program.
      Reauthorization Act.


Chamber Action
Routine Proceedings, pages S1007-S1102
Measures Introduced: Fourteen bills and one resolution were introduced, 
as follows: S. 343-356, and S.J. Res. 7.
  Pages S1057-58
Measures Reported:
  S. 350, to provide for a portion of the economic recovery package 
relating to revenue measures, unemployment, and health.
Page S1057
Measures Passed:
  DTV Transition Date: Senate passed S. 352, to postpone the DTV 
transition date.
  Pages S1050-51
  Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act: By 66 yeas 
to 32 nays (Vote No. 31), Senate passed H.R. 2, to amend title XXI of 
the Social Security Act to extend and improve the Children's Health 
Insurance Program, after taking action on the following amendments 
proposed thereto:
  Pages S1007-50
  Baucus/Grassley Amendment No. 94 (to H.R. 2, as amended), to make a 
technical correction to the option to cover legal immigrant children 
and pregnant women.
Page S1042
  Baucus/Grassley Amendment No. 95 (to H.R. 2, as amended), to make 
technical corrections to the State option to provide dental-only 
supplemental coverage.
Page S1042
  Baucus/Grassley Amendment No. 96 (to H.R. 2, as amended), to clarify 
that no eligible entity that receives an outreach and enrollment grant 
is required to provide matching funds.
Pages S1042-43
  Rockefeller (for Baucus) Amendment No. 97 (to H.R. 2, as amended), of 
a technical nature.
Page S1043
  Coburn Amendment No. 50 (to H.R. 2, as amended), to restore fiscal 
discipline by making the Medicaid and SCHIP programs more accountable 
and efficient.
Pages S1007, S1044
  By 55 yeas to 43 nays (Vote No. 29), Bingaman Modified Amendment No. 
63 (to H.R. 2, as amended), to clarify that new paperwork and 
enrollment barriers are not created in the Express Lane Enrollment 
option and that income may be determined by Express Lane agencies based 
on State income tax records or returns.
Pages S1040, S1044-45
  By 36 yeas to 62 nays (Vote No. 24), Baucus (for Coburn/Thune) 
Amendment No. 47 (to H.R. 2, as amended), to ensure that children do 
not lose their private insurance and that uninsured children can get 
access to private insurance.
Pages S1016-19, S1030, S1031
  Bunning Modified Amendment No. 74 (to H.R. 2, as amended), to 
eliminate any exceptions to the prohibition on States receiving an 
enhanced Federal matching rate for providing coverage to children whose 
family income exceeds 300 percent of the poverty line. (By 54 yeas to 
44 nays (Vote No. 25), Senate tabled the amendment). 
                              Pages S1015-16, S1019-25, S1029-30, S1031
  By 39 yeas to 59 yeas (Vote No. 26), Hatch Amendment No. 80 (to H.R. 
2, as amended), to codify regulations specifying that an unborn child 
is eligible for child health assistance.
Pages S1009-15, S1031-32
  Grassley Amendment No. 83 (to H.R. 2, as amended), to provide H.R. 
3963 (CHIPRA II) as a complete substitute. 
                                        Pages S1025-29, S1030-31. S1036
  Grassley Amendment No. 71 (to H.R. 2, as amended), to extend the 
State Children's Health Insurance Program for 6 quarters in order to 
enact bipartisan, comprehensive health care reform.
Pages S1036-38
  By 40 yeas to 58 nays (Vote No. 27), DeMint Amendment No. 85 (to H.R. 
2, as amended), to

[[Page D88]]

provide an above-the-line Federal income tax deduction for health care 
costs of certain children in an amount comparable to the average 
federal share of the benefit provided to any non-citizen child for 
medical assistance or child health assistance. 
                              Pages S1032-33, S1038-40, S1040-42, S1043
  By 36 yeas to 62 nays (Vote No. 28), Coburn Amendment No. 86 (to H.R. 
2, as amended), to ensure that American children have high-quality 
health coverage that fits their individual needs. 
                                               Pages S1033-36, S1043-44
  Coburn Amendment No. 49 (to H.R. 2, as amended), to prevent fraud and 
restore fiscal accountability to the Medicaid and SCHIP programs. 
                                                     Pages S1007, S1044
  By 17 yeas to 81 nays (Vote No. 30), Hutchison Amendment No. 93 (to 
H.R. 2, as amended), to provide assistance for States with percentages 
of children with no health insurance coverage above the national 
Pages S1045-46
  Senate insisted on its amendment, requested a conference with the 
House thereon, and the Chair was authorized to appoint the following 
conferees on the part of the Senate: Senators Baucus, Rockefeller, 
Conrad, Grassley, and Hatch.
Page S1049
Nomination--Agreement: A unanimous-consent-time agreement was reached 
providing that at 3:15 p.m., on Monday, February 2, 2009, Senate 
consider the nomination of Eric H. Holder, Jr., of the District of 
Columbia, to be Attorney General, and that there be 3 hours of debate, 
with the time equally divided and controlled between the Chairman and 
Ranking Member of the Committee on the Judiciary, or their designees; 
provided further, that at 6:15 p.m., Senate vote on confirmation of the 
  Page S1027
Messages from the House:
  Page S1057
Additional Cosponsors:
  Page S1058
Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions:
  Pages S1058-69
Additional Statements:
  Pages S1055-57
Amendments Submitted:
  Pages S1069-S1102
Authorities for Committees to Meet:
  Page S1102
Privileges of the Floor:
  Page S1102
Record Votes: Eight record votes were taken today. (Total--31) 
               Pages S1031, S1032, S1043, S1044, S1045, S1046, S1048-49
Adjournment: Senate convened at 9:30 a.m. and adjourned at 9:15 p.m., 
until 9:30 a.m. on Friday, January 30, 2009. (For Senate's program, see 
the remarks of the Acting Majority Leader in today's Record on page 

Committee Meetings
(Committees not listed did not meet)
Committee on the Budget: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the 
global economy, focusing on outlook, risks, and implications for 
policy, after receiving testimony from Simon Johnson, Peterson 
Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC; Brad Setser, 
Council on Foreign Relations, New York, New York; and Tim Adams, The 
Lindsey Group, Fairfax, Virginia.
Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: Committee 
concluded a hearing to examine quality in health reform, after 
receiving testimony from Nancy Davenport-Ennis, National Patient 
Advocate Foundation, Washington, DC; Karen Davis, The Commonwealth 
Fund, New York, New York; Rhonda Robinson Beale, OptumHealth Behavioral 
Solutions, Golden Valley, Minnesota; Elizabeth Olmsted Teisberg, 
University of Virginia Darden School of Business, Charlottesville; and 
Christine Cassel, American Board of Internal Medicine, Philadelphia, 
Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee held closed hearings on 
intelligence matters, receiving testimony from officials of the 
intelligence community.

                        House of Representatives

Chamber Action
  The House was not in session today. The House is scheduled to meet at 
2 p.m. on Monday, February 2, 2009, pursuant to the provisions of H. 
Con. Res. 26.

Committee Meetings
  No committee meetings were held.

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Joint Meetings
  No joint committee meetings were held.

                            NEW PUBLIC LAWS

      (For last listing of Public Laws, see Daily Digest, p. D50)
  S. 181, to amend title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, and to modify the 
operation of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the 
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, to clarify that a discriminatory 
compensation decision or other practice that is unlawful under such 
Acts occurs each time compensation is paid pursuant to the 
discriminatory compensation decision or other practice. Signed on 
January 29, 2009. (Public Law 111-2)


                            JANUARY 30, 2009

        (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated)


  No meetings/hearings are scheduled.


  No committee meetings are scheduled.


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                       Next Meeting of the SENATE
                     9:30 a.m., Friday, January 30

                             Senate Chamber
Program for Friday: Senate will be in for a period of morning business.

              Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                       2 p.m., Monday, February 2

                             House Chamber
Program for Monday: To be announced.