Wednesday, March 11, 2009

[[Page D245]]

                              Daily Digest


Chamber Action
Routine Proceedings, pages S2991-S3034
Measures Introduced: Nine bills were introduced, as follows: S. 567-
  Page S3025
Measures Reported:
  S. 303, to reauthorize and improve the Federal Financial Assistance 
Management Improvement Act of 1999. (S. Rept. No. 111-7)
Page S3025
Measures Passed:
  Extend Certain Immigration Programs: Senate passed H.R. 1127, to 
extend certain immigration programs, clearing the measure for the 
  Page S3033
  Congratulating the People of the Republic of Lithuania: Committee on 
Foreign Relations was discharged from further consideration of S. Res. 
70, congratulating the people of the Republic of Lithuania on the 
1000th anniversary of Lithuania and celebrating the rich history of 
Lithuania, and the resolution was then agreed to.
  Pages S3033-34
  United States Capitol Preservation Commission: The Chair, on behalf 
of the President pro tempore, pursuant to Public Law 100-696, appointed 
Senator Murkowski as a member of the United States Capitol Preservation 
  Page S3034
  Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress: The Chair announced, 
on behalf of the Republican Leader, pursuant to Public Law 101-509, the 
appointment of Terry Birdwhistell, of Kentucky, to the Advisory 
Committee on the Records of Congress.
  Page S3034
Message from the President: Senate received the following message from 
the President of the United States:
  Transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on the continuation of the 
national emergency that was declared on March 15, 1995, with respect to 
Iran; which was referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and 
Urban Affairs. (PM-12)
Page S3023
Ogden Nomination: Senate began consideration of the nomination of David 
W. Ogden, of Virginia, to be Deputy Attorney General. 
                                                      Pages S2995-S3019
  A unanimous-consent-time agreement was reached providing that at 12 
noon on Thursday, March 12, 2009, Senate continue consideration of the 
nomination pursuant to the order of Tuesday, March 10, 2009; that the 
vote on confirmation of the nomination occur at 2 p.m.; provided 
further, that upon confirmation of the nomination, Senate begin 
consideration of the nomination of Thomas John Perrelli, of Virginia, 
to be Associate Attorney General; that there be 90 minutes for debate 
equally divided and controlled between the Majority and Republican 
Leaders, or their designees; that upon the use or yielding back of 
time, Senate vote on confirmation of the nomination of Thomas John 
Perrelli, of Virginia, to be Associate Attorney General.
Page S3019
Cloture Motions Withdrawn--Agreement: A unanimous-consent agreement was 
reached on Tuesday, March 10, 2009, providing that the cloture motions 
relative to the nominations of Austan Dean Goolsbee, of Illinois, and 
Cecilia Elena Rouse, of California, each to be a Member of the Council 
of Economic Advisers, be withdrawn.
Nominations Received: Senate received the following nominations:
  Jonathan Z. Cannon, of Virginia, to be Deputy Administrator of the 
Environmental Protection Agency.
  Richard Rahul Verma, of Maryland, to be an Assistant Secretary of 
State (Legislative Affairs).
  Esther Brimmer, of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant 
Secretary of State (International Organization Affairs).
  Philip H. Gordon, of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant 
Secretary of State (European and Eurasian Affairs).
  Ivo H. Daalder, of Virginia, to be United States Permanent 
Representative on the Council of the North Atlantic Treaty 
Organization, with the rank and status of Ambassador.
  Karl Winfrid Eikenberry, of Florida, to be Ambassador to the Islamic 
Republic of Afghanistan.

[[Page D246]]

  Christopher R. Hill, of Rhode Island, to be Ambassador to the 
Republic of Iraq.
  Melanne Verveer, of the District of Columbia, to be Ambassador at 
Large for Women's Global Issues.
  Ivan K. Fong, of Ohio, to be General Counsel, Department of Homeland 
  W. Scott Gould, of the District of Columbia, to be Deputy Secretary 
of Veterans Affairs.
  5 Navy nominations in the rank of admiral.
Page S3034
Messages from the House:
  Pages S3023-24
Measures Referred:
  Page S3024
Measures Read the First Time:
  Page S3024
Executive Communications:
  Page S3024
Petitions and Memorials:
  Pages S3024-25
Additional Cosponsors:
  Pages S3025-26
Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions:
  Page S3026
Additional Statements:
  Pages S3022-33
Authorities for Committees to Meet:
  Page S3033
Adjournment: Senate convened at 11 a.m. and adjourned at 5:56 p.m., 
until 11 a.m. on Thursday, March 12, 2009. (For Senate's program, see 
the remarks of the Acting Majority Leader in today's Record on page 

Committee Meetings
(Committees not listed did not meet)
Committee on the Budget: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the 
President's proposed budget request for fiscal year 2010 for the 
Department of Energy, after receiving testimony from Steven Chu, 
Secretary of Energy.
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Committee 
concluded a hearing to examine violent Islamist extremism, focusing on 
al-Shabaab recruitment in the United States, after receiving testimony 
from Philip Mudd, Associate Executive Assistant Director, National 
Security Branch, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of 
Justice; Andrew Liepman, Deputy Director of Intelligence, National 
Counterterrorism Center, Directorate of Intelligence; Ken Menkhaus, 
Davidson College, Davidson, NC; and Abdirahman Mukhtar, Brian Coyle 
Center of Pillsbury United Communities, and Osman Ahmed, both of 
Minneapolis, MN.
Committee on Rules and Administration: Committee concluded a hearing to 
examine voter registration, focusing on assessing current problems, 
after receiving testimony from Chris Nelson, South Dakota Secretary of 
State, Pierre; Stephen Ansolabehere, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; 
Curtis Gans, Center for the Study of the American Electorate, Kristen 
Clarke, NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc., and Jonah H. 
Goldman, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, all of 
Washington, DC; and Nathaniel Persily, Columbia Law School, New York, 

                        House of Representatives

Chamber Action
Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 28 public bills, H.R. 1426-
1453; and 1 resolution, H. Res. 236, were introduced.
  Pages H3337-38
Additional Cosponsors:
  Page H3338
Report Filed: A report was filed today as follows:
  H. Res. 235, providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1262) to 
amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to authorize 
appropriations for State water pollution control revolving funds (H. 
Rept. 111-36).
Pages H3329-30
Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein she appointed 
Representative Pastor to act as Speaker pro tempore for today. 
                                                             Page H3147
Suspensions: The House agreed to suspend the rules and agree to the 
following measures:
  Recognizing and commending the National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration (NASA), the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and Cornell 
University: H. Res. 67, to recognize and commend the National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory (JPL), and

[[Page D247]]

Cornell University for the success of the Mars Exploration Rovers, 
Spirit and Opportunity, on the 5th anniversary of the Rovers' 
successful landing, by a 
\2/3\ yea-and-nay vote of 421 yeas with none voting ``nay'', Roll No. 
  Pages H3292-96
  Urging the President to designate 2009 as the ``Year of the Military 
Family'':  H. Con. Res. 64, to urge the President to designate 2009 as 
the ``Year of the Military Family'', by a \2/3\ yea-and-nay vote of 422 
yeas with none voting ``nay'', Roll No. 119; 
                                            Pages H3297-H3330, H3315-16
  Calling on the central authority of Brazil to immediately discharge 
all its duties under the Hague Convention by facilitating and 
supporting Federal judicial proceedings as a matter of extreme urgency 
to obtain the return of Sean Goldman to his father, David Goldman, for 
immediate return to the United States: H. Res. 125, to call on the 
central authority of Brazil to immediately discharge all its duties 
under the Hague Convention by facilitating and supporting Federal 
judicial proceedings as a matter of extreme urgency to obtain the 
return of Sean Goldman to his father, David Goldman, for immediate 
return to the United States, by a \2/3\ yea-and-nay vote of 418 yeas 
with none voting ``nay'', Roll No. 120;
  Pages H3300-05, H3316-17
  Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ``Calling on Brazil in 
accordance with its obligations under the 1980 Hague Convention on the 
Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction to obtain, as a matter 
of extreme urgency, the return of Sean Goldman to his father David 
Goldman in the United States; urging the governments of all countries 
that are partners with the United States to the Hague Convention to 
fulfill their obligations to return abducted children to the United 
States; and recommending that all other nations, including Japan, that 
have unresolved international child abduction cases join the Hague 
Convention and establish procedures to promptly and equitably address 
the tragedy of international child abductions.''.
Page H3317
  Supporting the goals of International Women's Day: H. Res. 194, 
amended, to support the goals of International Women's Day; and 
                                                         Pages H3305-07
  Recognizing the plight of the Tibetan people on the 50th anniversary 
of His Holiness the Dalai Lama being forced into exile and calling for 
a sustained multilateral effort to bring about a durable and peaceful 
solution to the Tibet issue: H. Res. 226, to recognize the plight of 
the Tibetan people on the 50th anniversary of His Holiness the Dalai 
Lama being forced into exile and to call for a sustained multilateral 
effort to bring about a durable and peaceful solution to the Tibet 
issue, by a \2/3\ yea-and-nay vote of 422 yeas to 1 nay, Roll No. 121. 
                                                  Pages H3307-15, H3317
Suspension--Failed: The House failed to agree to suspend the rules and 
pass the following measure:
  Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009: S. 22, amended, to 
designate certain land as components of the National Wilderness 
Preservation System and to authorize certain programs and activities in 
the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture, by a 
\2/3\ yea-and-nay vote of 282 yeas to 144 nays, Roll No. 117. 
                                               Pages H3151-H3290, H3296
Suspension--Proceedings Resumed: The House agreed to suspend the rules 
and agree to the following measure which was debated on Tuesday, March 
  Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the National Peace 
Officers' Memorial Service: H. Con. Res. 38, to authorize the use of 
the Capitol Grounds for the National Peace Officers' Memorial Service, 
by a \2/3\ recorded vote of 417 ayes with none voting ``no'', Roll No. 
  Pages H3296-97
Suspension--Proceedings Postponed: The House debated the following 
measure under suspension of the rules. Further proceedings were 
  Supporting the designation of Pi Day: H. Res. 224, to support the 
designation of Pi Day.
  Pages H3290-92
Presidential Message: Read a message from the President wherein he 
notified Congress that the emergency declared with respect to Iran is 
to continue in effect beyond March 15, 2009--referred to the Committee 
on Foreign Affairs and ordered printed (H. Doc. 111-24).
  Page H3330
Senate Message: Message received from the Senate by the Clerk and 
subsequently presented to the House today appears on page H3150.
Quorum Calls 6 Votes: Five yea-and-nay votes and one recorded vote 
developed during the proceedings of today and appear on pages H3295-97, 
H3315-17. There were no quorum calls.
Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and adjourned at 6:27 p.m.

Committee Meetings
Committee on Agriculture: Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry 
held a hearing to review animal identification systems. Testimony was 
heard from John R. Clifford, D.V.M., Deputy Administrator,

[[Page D248]]

Veterinary Services, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA; 
and public witnesses.
Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, 
Science, and Related Agencies held a hearing on Assessment of the 
Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative. Testimony was heard 
from public witnesses.
  The Subcommittee also held a hearing on Innovative Prisoner Reentry. 
Testimony was heard from public witnesses.
Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Defense held a hearing on 
Soldier Equipment, Ergonomics and Injuries. Testimony was heard from 
GEN Peter Charelli, USA, Vice Chief of Staff, U.S. Army; and GEN James 
Amos, USMC, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps.
  The Subcommittee also met in executive session to hold a hearing on 
Army and Marine Corps Readiness. Testimony was heard from GEN Peter 
Charelli, USA, Vice Chief of Staff of the Army; and GEN James Amos, 
USMC, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps.
Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Financial Services, and 
Government Operations held a hearing on SEC Actions Relating to the 
Financial Crisis. Testimony was heard from Mary Shapiro, Chairman, SEC.
Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and 
Related Agencies held a hearing on U.S. Forest Service Oversight. 
Testimony was heard from Robin Nazzaro, Director, Natural Resources and 
Environment, GAO; and Phyllis K. Fong, Inspector General, USDA.
Committee on Armed Services: Held a hearing on security challenges 
arising from the global financial crisis. Testimony was heard from Dov 
Zakheim, former Under Secretary, (Comptroller), Department of Defense; 
and public witnesses.
Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Terrorism, Unconventional 
Threats and Capabilities held a hearing on Tracking and Disrupting 
Terrorist Financial Networks: A Potential Model for Inter-Agency 
Success? Testimony was heard from Edward Frothingham III, Principal 
Director, Transnational Threats, Office of the Deputy Assistant 
Secretary, Counternarcotics, Counterproliferation, and Global Threats; 
LTG David P. Fridovich, USA, Commander, Center for Special Operations, 
U.S. Special Operations Command, both with the Department of Defense.
Committee on the Budget: Held a hearing on Members' Day. Testimony was 
heard from Representatives Ehlers, Holt, Markey of Colorado, Hare, 
Lujan, Sablan, Griffith, Klein of Florida, McGovern, Peters, Walz, 
Giffords, Cohen, Green of Texas, Woolsey, Rodriguez, Goodlatte, Titus, 
Kirkpatrick of Arizona, Grayson, Pierluisi, Davis of Illinois, Carney, 
Teague, McCarthy of New York, and Matheson.
  Hearings continue March 18.
Committee on Education and Labor: Ordered reported, as amended, H.R. 
1388, Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act.
Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Health held a hearing 
on How Do You Fix Our Ailing Food Safety System? Testimony was heard 
from William Hubbard, former Associate Commissioner, Policy and 
Planning, FDA, Department of Health and Human Services; and public 
Committee on Financial Services: Began consideration of the following 
S. 383, Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program 
Act of 2009; and a Committee Print entitled ``Views and Estimates of 
the Committee on Financial Services on Matters to be Set Forth in the 
Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2010.
  Will continue tomorrow.
Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on Financial Institutions 
and Consumer Credit held a hearing on Mortgage Lending Reform: A 
Comprehensive Review of the American Mortgage System. Testimony was 
heard from Sandra F. Braunstein, Director, Division of Consumer and 
Community Affairs, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System; and 
public witnesses.

[[Page D249]]

Committee on Foreign Affairs: Held a hearing on The Summit of the 
Americas: A New Beginning for U.S. Policy in the Region? Testimony was 
heard from public witnesses.
Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Transportation Security 
and Infrastructure Protection held a hearing entitled ``The Mumbai 
Attacks: A Wake-Up Call for America's Private Sector.'' Testimony was 
heard from James Snyder, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Infrastructure 
Protection, Department of Homeland Security; James W. McJunkin, Deputy 
Assistant Director, Counterterrorism Division, FBI, Department of 
Justice; Raymond W. Kelly, Commissioner, Police Department, City of New 
York; and public witnesses.
Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Commercial and 
Administrative Law held a hearing on Circuit City Unplugged: Why Did 
Chapter 11 Fail to Save 34,000 Jobs? Testimony was heard from public 
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Subcommittee on Domestic 
Policy held a hearing on Peeling Back the TARP: Exposing Treasury's 
Failure to Monitor the Ways Financial Institutions are Using Taxpayer 
Funds Provided under the Troubled Assets Relief Program. Testimony was 
heard from Neel Kashkari, Acting Interim Assistant Secretary, Financial 
Stabilization, Department of Treasury; Neil M. Barofsky, Special 
Inspector General, Troubled Assets Relief Program; and Richard Hillman, 
Managing Director, Financial Markets and Community Investment, GAO.
Committee on Rules: Granted, by a non-record vote, a structured rule 
providing for consideration of H.R. 1262, the ``the Water Quality 
Investment Act of 2009.''
  The resolution provides for one hour of general debate equally 
divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the 
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.
  The resolution waives all points of order against consideration of 
the bill except those arising under clause 9 or 10 of rule XXI. The 
resolution makes in order the amendment in the nature of a substitute 
recommended by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure as 
the original bill for the purpose of further amendment and considers 
the committee amendment as read. The resolution waives all points of 
order against the committee amendment except those arising under clause 
10 of rule XXI. This waiver does not affect the point of order 
available under clause 9 of rule XXI (regarding earmark disclosure).
  The resolution makes in order only those amendments printed in the 
report and waives all points of order against such amendments except 
those arising under clause 9 or 10 of rule XXI. The amendments made in 
order shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time 
specified in this report equally divided by the proponent and an 
opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject 
to a demand for a division of the question. The resolution provides one 
motion to recommit with or without instructions. Finally, the 
resolution lays on the table House Resolutions 218, 219, and 229. 
Testimony was heard from Chairman Oberstar and Representatives Arcuri, 
Dahlkemper, Bordallo, Sablan, Mica, Miller of Michigan and Whitman.
Committee on Science and Technology: Subcommittee on Energy and 
Environment held a hearing on FutureGen and the Department of Energy's 
Advanced Coal Program. Testimony was heard from Pete Marone, Director, 
Technical Services, Virginia Department of Forensic Science; and public 
Committee on Small Business: Approved Committee Budget Views and 
Estimates for Fiscal Year 2010 for submission to the Committee on the 
Committee on Small Business: Subcommittee on Regulations and Healthcare 
held a hearing entitled ``Impact of Food Recalls on Small Businesses. 
Testimony was heard from Ken Petersen, Assistant Administrator, Office 
of Field Operations, Food and Safety and Inspection Service, USDA; 
Steven Solomon, Deputy Associate Commissioner, Compliance Policy, FDA, 
Department on Health and Human Services; and public witnesses.
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Subcommittee on Coast 
Guard, and Maritime Transportation held a hearing on overview of Coast 
Guard Drug and Migrant Interdiction. Testimony was heard from the 
following officials of the U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland 
Security: RADM

[[Page D250]]

Wayne E. Justice, Assistant Commandant, Capability; and RADM Joseph L. 
Nimmich, Director, Joint Interagency Task Force South.
Committee on Ways and Means: Approved Committee Budget Views and 
Estimates for Fiscal Year 2010 to be submitted to the Committee on the 
Committee on Ways and Means: Held a hearing on Health Reform in the 
21st Century: Expanding Coverage, Improving Quality and Controlling 
Costs. Testimony was heard from public witnesses.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Met to consider pending 

Joint Meetings
Joint Economic Committee: Committee concluded a hearing to examine 
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) accountability and oversight, 
focusing on achieving transparency, after receiving testimony from 
Richard H. Neiman, New York State Banking Department, Member, and Damon 
A. Silvers, Deputy Chairman, both of the Congressional Oversight Panel; 
and Nicole Tichon, U.S. Public Interest Research Group, and Alex J. 
Pollock, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, both 
of Washington, DC.
Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on the Constitution: 
Subcommittee concluded a joint hearing with the House Committee on the 
Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil 
Liberties to examine S.J. Res. 7 and H.J. Res. 21, both proposing an 
amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to the 
election of Senators, after receiving testimony from Senator Begich; 
Representatives Dreier and Schock; Thomas H. Neale, Specialist in 
American National Government, Government and Finance Division, 
Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress; Kevin J. Kennedy, 
Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, Madison; Vikram David Amar, 
University of California School of Law, Davis; Bob Edgar, Common Cause, 
and Matthew Spalding, Heritage Foundation, both of Washington, DC; 
Pamela S. Karlan, Stanford Law School Supreme Court Litigation Clinic, 
Stanford, CA; and David Segal, Fair Vote Center for Voting and 
Democracy, Providence, RI.


                             MARCH 12, 2009

        (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated)


  Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: to hold hearings 
to examine sustainable transportation solutions, focusing on 
investing in transit to meet 21st century challenges, 10 a.m., SD-
  Committee on the Budget: to hold hearings to examine the 
President's fiscal year 2010 budget and revenue proposals, 10 a.m., 
  Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: to hold 
hearings to examine the nominations of John P. Holdren, of 
Massachusetts, to be Director of the Office of Science and 
Technology Policy, and Jane Lubchenco, of Oregon, to be Under 
Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, both of the 
Department of Commerce, and routine promotion lists in the Coast 
Guard, Time to be announced, S-216, Capitol.
  Full Committee, to hold hearings to examine climate science, 
focusing on empowering our response to climate change, 10 a.m., SR-
  Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: to hold hearings to 
examine proposed legislation regarding siting of electricity 
transmission lines, including increased Federal siting authority and 
regional transmission planning, 9:30 a.m., SD-366.
  Full Committee, to hold hearings to examine the nomination of 
David J. Hayes, of Virginia, to be Deputy Secretary of the Interior, 
2:30 p.m., SD-366.
  Committee on Finance: to hold hearings to examine workforce issues 
in health care reform, focusing on assessing the present and 
preparing for the future; Business meeting to consider the 
nomination of Ronald Kirk, of Texas, to be United States Trade 
Representative, with the rank of Ambassador, 10 a.m., SD-215.
  Committee on Indian Affairs: to hold hearings to examine the 
President's proposed budget request for fiscal year 2009 for tribal 
priorities, 9:30 a.m., SD-628.
  Committee on the Judiciary: business meeting to consider S. 49, to 
help Federal prosecutors and investigators combat public corruption 
by strengthening and clarifying the law, and the nomination of Dawn 
Elizabeth Johnsen, of Indiana, to be an Assistant Attorney General, 
10 a.m., SD-226.
  Committee on Veterans' Affairs: to hold joint hearings to examine 
legislative presentations of veterans' service organizations, 9:30 
a.m., SD-106.
  Select Committee on Intelligence: closed business meeting to mark 
up certain intelligence matters, 2:30 p.m., SH-219.


  Committee on Agriculture, to consider the Budget Views and 
Estimates Letter of the Committee on Agriculture for submission to 
the Committee on the Budget, 11:30 a.m., 1300 Longworth.

[[Page D251]]

  Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Agriculture, on 
Domestic Nutrition Programs, 1 p.m., 2362-A Rayburn.
  Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies, 
on what Works for Successful Prisoner Reentry, 9:30 a.m., H-309 
  Subcommittee on Defense, on Army and Marine Corps Force 
Protection, 10 a.m., H-140 Capitol.
  Subcommittee on Homeland Security, on Securing the Nation's Rail 
and Transit Systems, 10 a.m., 2362-A Rayburn.
  Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies, on 
Council on Environmental Quality, 9:30 a.m., B-308 Rayburn.
  Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans' Affairs, and 
Related Agencies, on Review of VA Challenges, 10 a.m., and on Family 
and Troop Housing, 1:30 p.m., H-143 Capitol.
  Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, 
on Africa: Great Lakes, Sudan and the Horn, 11 a.m., 2359 Rayburn.
  Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and 
Related Agencies, on Transportation Challenges of Rural America, 10 
a.m., 2358-A Rayburn.
  Committee on Armed Services, hearing on the Department of Defense 
at High Risk: Recommendations of the Comptroller General for 
Improving Department Management, 10 a.m., 2118 Rayburn.
  Subcommittee on Military Personnel, hearing on military resale and 
morale, welfare and recreation overview, 1 p.m., 2212 Rayburn.
  Committee on the Budget, hearing on Department of Education Fiscal 
Year 2010 Budget, 10 a.m., 210 Cannon.
  Committee on Education and Labor, Subcommittee on Healthy Families 
and Communities, and the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and 
Homeland Security of the Committee on the Judiciary, joint hearing 
on Lost Educational Opportunities in Alternative Settings, 10 a.m., 
2175 Rayburn.
  Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee Communications, 
Technology and the Internet, hearing on Universal Service: Reforming 
the High-Cost Fund, 10 a.m., 2123 Rayburn.
  Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, hearing on Consumer 
Protection Policies for Climate Legislation, 10 a.m., 2322 Rayburn.
  Committee on Financial Services, full Committee, to continue 
consideration of the following: S. 383, Special Inspector General 
for the Troubled Asset Relief Program Act of 2009; and a Committee 
Print entitled ``Views and Estimates of the Committee on Financial 
Services on Matters to be Set Forth in the Concurrent Resolution on 
the Budget for Fiscal Year 2010,'' 9:15 a.m., 2128 Rayburn.
  Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance and Government 
Sponsored Enterprises, hearing on Mark-to-Market Accounting: 
Practices and Implications, 10 a.m., 2128 Rayburn.
  Subcommittee on International Monetary Policy and Trade, hearing 
on H.R. 1327, Iran Sanctions Enabling Act of 2009, 10 a.m., 2220 
  Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Terrorism, 
Nonproliferation and Trade, hearing on U.S. Foreign Economic Policy 
in the Global Crisis, 10:30 a.m., 2172 Rayburn.
  Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Border, Maritime 
and Global Counterterrorism, hearing entitled `` Border Violence: An 
Examination of DHS Strategies and Resources, 10 a.m., 311 Cannon.
  Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on 
National Security, and Foreign Affairs, hearing on Money, Guns, and 
Drugs: Are U.S. Inputs Fueling Violence on the U.S.-Mexican Border? 
10 a.m., 2154 Rayburn.
  Committee on Science and Technology, Subcommittee, on 
Investigations and Oversight, hearing on ATSDR: Problems in the 
Past, Potential for the Future, 10 a.m., 2318 Rayburn.
  Committee on Small Business, Subcommittee on Contracting and 
Technology, hearing on Ensuring Stimulus Contracts for Small and 
Veteran-owned Businesses, 10 a.m., 2360 Rayburn.
  Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Income Security and 
Family Support, to meet for organizational purposes; followed by a 
hearing on Protecting Lower-Income Families While Fighting Global 
Warming, 10 a.m., B-318 Rayburn.
  Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, executive, Briefing 
Intelligence Activities, 9:30 a.m., 304 HVC.

                             Joint Meetings

  Joint Hearing: Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs, to hold 
joint hearings to examine legislative presentations of veterans' 
service organizations, 9:30 a.m., SD-106.


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[[Page D252]]


                       Next Meeting of the SENATE
                      11 a.m., Thursday, March 12

                             Senate Chamber
Program for Thursday: After the transaction of any morning business 
(not to extend beyond 12 noon), Senate will continue consideration of 
the nomination of David W. Ogden, of Virginia, to be Deputy Attorney 
General, and vote on the confirmation thereon at 2 p.m.; following 
which, Senate will begin consideration of the nomination of Thomas John 
Perrilli, of Virginia, to be Associate Attorney General, and after a 
period of debate, vote on the confirmation thereon.

              Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                      10 a.m., Thursday, March 12

                             House Chamber
Program for Thursday: Consideration of H.R. 1262--Water Quality 
Investment Act of 2009 (Subject to a Rule).

            Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue
Barrett, J. Gresham, S.C., E629, E644
Boozman, John, Ark., E629, E635
Broun, Paul C., Ga., E631
Burgess, Michael C., Tex., E628, E635, E640
Carnahan, Russ, Mo., E631
Coffman, Mike, Colo., E632
Connolly, Gerald E., Va., E628, E628
Diaz-Balart, Lincoln, Fla., E641
Donnelly, Joe, Ind., E637
Emerson, Jo Ann, Mo., E636
Frank, Barney, Mass., E633
Garrett, Scott, N.J., E636
Gerlach, Jim, Pa., E637
Giffords, Gabrielle, Ariz., E631, E635
Hastings, Alcee L., Fla., E642
Herger, Wally, Calif., E639
Issa, Darrell E., Calif., E642
Jackson-Lee, Sheila, Tex., E630, E641
Johnson, Timothy V., Ill., E632
Klein, Ron, Fla., E632
Lance, Leonard, N.J., E629, E631, E631, E632, E632, E634, E636
Larson, John B., Conn., E637
LaTourette, Steven C., Ohio, E627
Levin, Sander M., Mich., E643
Mack, Connie, Fla., E627
Markey, Betsy, Colo., E641
Norton, Eleanor Holmes, D.C., E644
Peters, Gary C., Mich., E644
Putnam, Adam H., Fla., E628, E631, E633, E641
Rehberg, Denny, Mont., E639
Reyes, Silvestre, Tex., E638
Rogers, Mike, Ala., E641
Rohrabacher, Dana, Calif., E633
Rooney, Thomas J., Fla., E636
Roskam, Peter J., Ill., E628
Souder, Mark E., Ind., E627
Thompson, Bennie G., Miss., E630
Waters, Maxine, Calif., E630
Whitfield, Ed, Ky., E629
Wolf, Frank R., Va., E635