Tuesday, January 6, 2009

[[Page D2]]

                              Daily Digest


      Senate convened the first session of the One Hundred Eleventh 

      The Honorable Nancy Pelosi of California was elected Speaker of 
      the House of Representatives.


Chamber Action
Routine Proceedings, pages S1-S152
Measures Introduced: One hundred forty-three bills and thirteen 
resolutions were introduced, as follows: S. 1-10, 21, 31-162, S.J. Res. 
1-3, S. Res. 1-8, and S. Con. Res. 1-2.
  Pages S39-44
Measures Passed:
  Quorum of House and Senate: Senate agreed to S. Res. 1, informing the 
President of the United States that a quorum of each House is 
  Page S5
  Quorum of the Senate: Senate agreed to S. Res. 2, informing the House 
of Representatives that a quorum of the Senate is assembled.
  Page S5
  Counting of Electoral Votes: Senate agreed to S. Con. Res. 1, to 
provide for the counting on January 8, 2009, of the electoral votes for 
President and Vice President of the United States.
  Page S5
  Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies: Senate agreed 
to S. Con. Res. 2, extending the life of the Joint Congressional 
Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.
  Page S6
  Hour of Daily Meeting of the Senate: Senate agreed to S. Res. 3, 
fixing the hour of daily meeting of the Senate.
  Page S6
  Secretary of the Interior Compensation and Emoluments: Senate passed 
S.J. Res. 3, ensuring that the compensation and other emoluments 
attached to the office of Secretary of the Interior are those which 
were in effect on January 1, 2005.
  Pages S150-51
  Death of former Senator Claiborne de Borda Pell: Senate agreed to S. 
Res. 8, relative to the death of the Honorable Claiborne de Borda Pell, 
former United States Senator for the State of Rhode Island.
  Page S151
Measures Considered:
Objection: Pursuant to rule XIV, paragraph 1, of the Standing Rules of 
the Senate, Senator Coburn objected to the introduction of a bill, to 
designate certain land components of the National Wilderness 
Preservation System, to authorize certain programs and activities in 
the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture, by 
Senator Bingaman.
  Page S27
  Congressional Oversight Panel: The Chair, on behalf of the Republican 
Leader, pursuant to provisions of Public Law 110-343, appointed the 
following individual as a member of the Congressional Oversight Panel: 
Senator John Sununu, of New Hampshire, vice Senator Judd Gregg, of New 
  Pursuant to the order of the Senate of December 11, 2008, authorizing 
appointments to be made during the recess or adjournment of the Senate, 
the Chair lays before the Senate an appointment made on December 18, 
2008, which shall be printed in the Record.
Page S150
111th Congress--Unanimous Consent Agreements:
  A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that for the 
duration of the 111th Congress, the Ethics Committee be authorized to 
meet during the session of the Senate.
Page S6
   A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that for the 
duration of the 111th Congress, there be a limitation of 15 minutes 
each upon any roll call vote, with the warning signal to be sounded

[[Page D3]]

at the midway point, beginning at the last 7\1/2\ minutes, and when 
roll call votes are of 10-minute duration, the warning signal be 
sounded at the beginning of the last 7\1/2\ minutes.
Page S6
  A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that during the 
111th Congress, it be in order for the Secretary of the Senate to 
receive reports at the desk when presented by a Senator at any time 
during the day of the session of the Senate.
Page S6
  A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that the Majority 
and Minority Leaders may daily have up to 10 minutes each on each 
calendar day following the prayer and disposition of the reading of, or 
the approval of, the Journal.
Page S6
  A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that the 
Parliamentarian of the House of Representatives and his five assistants 
be given the privileges of the floor during the 111th Congress. 
                                                                Page S6
  A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that, 
notwithstanding the provisions of rule XVIII, conference reports and 
statements accompanying them not be printed as Senate reports when such 
conference reports and statements have been printed as a House report 
unless specific request is made in the Senate in each instance to have 
such a report printed.
Page S6
  A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that the 
Committee on Appropriations be authorized during the 111th Congress to 
file reports during adjournments or recesses of the Senate on 
appropriations bills, including joint resolutions, together with any 
accompanying notices of motions to suspend rule XVI, pursuant to rule 
V, for the purpose of offering certain amendments to such bills or 
joint resolutions, which proposed amendments shall be printed. 
                                                                Page S6
  A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that for the 
duration of the 111th Congress, the Secretary of the Senate be 
authorized to make technical and clerical corrections in the 
engrossments of all Senate-passed bills and resolutions, Senate 
amendments to House bills and resolutions, Senate amendments to House 
amendments to Senate amendments to House bills or resolutions. 
                                                                Page S6
  A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that for the 
duration of the 111th Congress, when the Senate is in recess or 
adjournment, the Secretary of the Senate is authorized to receive 
messages from the President of the United States, and--with the 
exception of House bills, joint resolutions and concurrent 
resolutions--messages from the House of Representatives; and that they 
be appropriately referred; and that the President of the Senate, the 
President pro tempore, and the Acting President pro tempore be 
authorized to sign duly enrolled bills and joint resolutions.
Page S6
  A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that for the 
duration of the 111th Congress, Senators be allowed to leave at the 
desk with the Journal Clerk the names of two staff members who will be 
granted the privilege of the floor during the consideration of the 
specific matter noted, and that the Sergeant-at-Arms be instructed to 
rotate such staff members as space allows.
Page S6
  A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that for the 
duration of the 111th Congress, it be in order to refer treaties and 
nominations on the day when they are received from the President, even 
when the Senate has no executive session that day.
Page S6
  A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that for the 
duration of the 111th Congress, Senators may be allowed to bring to the 
desk, bills, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions and simple 
resolutions, for referral to appropriate committees.
Page S6
Messages from the House:
  Pages S30-31
Measures Referred:
  Page S31
Measures Read the First Time:
  Pages S31, S151
Enrolled Bills Presented:
  Page S31
Executive Communications:
  Pages S8, S31-39
Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions:
  Pages S44-S150
Additional Statements:
  Page S30
Notices of Hearings/Meetings:
  Page S150
Quorum Calls:
  One quorum call was taken today. (Total--1)
Pages S4-5
Adjournment: Senate convened at 12:01 p.m. and adjourned, as a further 
mark of respect to the memory of the late Honorable Claiborne de Borda 
Pell, former United States Senator for the State of Rhode Island, in 
accordance with S. Res. 8, at 7:45 p.m., until 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, 
January 7, 2009. (For Senate's program, see the remarks of the Acting 
Majority Leader in today's Record on page S152.)

Committee Meetings
(Committees not listed did not meet)
  No committee meetings were held.

[[Page D4]]

                        House of Representatives

Chamber Action
Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced:
  (See next issue.)
Additional Cosponsors:
  (See next issue.)
Report Filed: A report was filed on January 3, 2009 as follows:
  Summary of Activities of the Committee on Standards of Official 
Conduct for the 110th Congress (H. Rept. 110-938).
(See next issue.)
Chaplain: The prayer was offered by the guest Chaplain, Cardinal 
Theodore E. McCarrick, Archbishop Emeritus of Washington.
  Page H1
Election Credentials for the Resident Commissioner and Delegates: The 
Clerk announced that credentials have been received showing the 
elections of the following: Honorable Pedro R. Pierluisi, Resident 
Commissioner from the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; Honorable Eleanor 
Holmes Norton, Delegate from the District of Columbia; Honorable 
Madeleine Z. Bordallo, Delegate from Guam; Honorable Donna M. 
Christensen, Delegate from the Virgin Islands; Honorable Eni F.H. 
Faleomavaega, Delegate from American Samoa; and Honorable Gregorio 
Sablan, Delegate from the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
                                                                Page H2
Member Resignation: The Clerk announced that she was in receipt of a 
letter of resignation from Representative Emanuel from the state of 
Illinois. Agreed without objection that the letters relating to his 
resignation will be printed in the Record.
  Pages H2-3
Election of Speaker: The Honorable Nancy Pelosi of California was 
elected Speaker of the House of Representatives and received 255 votes. 
The Honorable John A. Boehner of Ohio received 174 votes. Earlier, the 
Clerk appointed Representatives-elect Brady (PA), Daniel E. Lungren 
(CA), Kaptur, and Ros-Lehtinen to act as Tellers.
  Pages H3-4
Escort Committee: The Clerk appointed the following committee to escort 
the Speaker-elect to the Chair: Representatives-elect Boehner, Hoyer, 
Clyburn, Cantor, Larson, Pence, Becerra, and McCotter and the members 
of the California delegation: Representatives-elect Stark, George 
Miller, Waxman, Lewis, Dreier, Berman, Gallegly, Herger, Rohrabacher, 
Waters, Calvert, Eshoo, Filner, McKeon, Roybal-Allard, Royce, Woolsey, 
Farr, Zoe Lofgren, Radanovich, Sherman, Loretta Sanchez, Tauscher, 
Capps, Bono Mack, Lee, Gary G. Miller, Napolitano, Thompson, Baca, 
Harman, Davis, Honda, Issa, Schiff, Solis, Watson, Cardoza, Nunes, 
Linda T. Sanchez, Daniel E. Lungren, Costa, Matsui, Campbell, Bilbray, 
McCarthy, McNerney, Richardson, Speier, Hunter, and McClintock. 
                                                                Page H4
Administration of the Oath of Office to Members of the 111th Congress: 
The Dean of the House, the Honorable John D. Dingell, administered the 
oath of office to the Speaker. The Speaker then administered the oath 
to the Members, Resident Commissioner, and Delegates.
  Page H5
Election of Majority and Minority Leaders: The Chairman of the 
Democratic Caucus, Representative Larson, announced the election of 
Representative Steny H. Hoyer as the Majority Leader. The Chairman of 
the Republican Conference, Representative Pence, announced the election 
of Representative John A. Boehner as the Minority Leader.
  Page H5
Election of Majority and Minority Whips: The Chairman of the Democratic 
Caucus, Representative Larson, announced the election of Representative 
James E. Clyburn as the Majority Whip. The Chairman of the Republican 
Conference, Representative Pence, announced the election of 
Representative Eric Cantor as the Minority Whip.
  Page H6
Electing Officers of the House of Representatives: The House agreed to 
H. Res. 1, choosing the following officers for the House of 
Representatives: Lorraine C. Miller, Clerk; Wilson S. Livingood, 
Sergeant at Arms; Daniel P. Beard, Chief Administrative Officer; and 
Father Daniel P. Coughlin, Chaplain.
  Page H6
  On a division of the question, rejected the Pence amendment that 
sought to choose Paula Nowakowski as Clerk; Steve Stombres as Sergeant 
at Arms; and Jo-Marie St. Martin as Chief Administrative Officer. 
                                                                Page H6
Notify the Senate that a Quorum Has Assembled: The House agreed to H. 
Res. 2, to inform the Senate that a quorum of the House has assembled 
and of the election of the Speaker and Clerk.
  Page H6
Notify the President of the Assembly of the 111th Congress: The House 
agreed to H. Res. 3, authorizing the Speaker to appoint members of the 
House to a joint committee to notify the President of the assembly of 
the Congress. Subsequently, the Speaker appointed Representatives Hoyer 
and Boehner to the committee. Later, Representatives Hoyer and Boehner 
each announced that the Committee had notified the President that a 
quorum of

[[Page D5]]

each House had assembled and was ready to receive any communication 
that he may be pleased to make.
  Page H6
Notify the President of the Election of the Speaker and the Clerk: The 
House agreed to H. Res. 4, authorizing the Clerk to inform the 
President of the election of the Speaker and the Clerk.
  Page H6
Adopting Rules for the One Hundred Eleventh Congress: The House agreed 
to H. Res. 5, adopting the Rules of the House of Representatives for 
the One Hundred Eleventh Congress, by a yea-and-nay vote of 242 yeas to 
181 nays, Roll No. 4.
  Pages H6-20
  Rejected the Dreier motion to commit the resolution to a select 
committee comprised of the Majority Leader and the Minority Leader with 
instructions to report back the same to the House forthwith with 
amendments, by a yea-and-nay vote of 174 yeas to 249 nays, Roll No. 3. 
                                                           Pages H19-20
Election of Members to Certain Standing Committees: The House agreed to 
H. Res. 8, electing the following Members to certain standing 
committees of the House of Representatives: Committee on Agriculture: 
Representative Peterson, Chairman. Committee on Appropriations: 
Representative Obey, Chairman. Committee on Armed Services: 
Representative Skelton, Chairman. Committee on the Budget: 
Representative Spratt, Chairman. Committee on Education and Labor: 
Representative George Miller (CA), Chairman. Committee on Energy and 
Commerce: Representative Waxman, Chairman. Committee on Financial 
Services: Representative Frank (MA), Chairman. Committee on Foreign 
Affairs: Representative Berman, Chairman. Committee on Homeland 
Security: Representative Thompson (MS), Chairman. Committee on House 
Administration: Representative Brady (PA). Committee on the Judiciary: 
Representative Conyers, Chairman. Committee on Natural Resources: 
Representative Rahall, Chairman. Committee on Oversight and Government 
Reform: Representative Towns, Chairman. Committee on Rules: 
Representative Slaughter, Chairman; Representatives McGovern, Hastings 
(FL), Matsui, Cardoza, Welch, Castor (FL), Arcuri, and Sutton. 
Committee on Science and Technology: Representative Gordon (TN), 
Chairman. Committee on Small Business: Representative Velazquez, 
Chairman. Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: 
Representative Oberstar, Chairman. Committee on Veterans Affairs: 
Representative Filner, Chairman. Committee on Ways and Means: 
Representative Rangel, Chairman.
  Pages H20-21
Election of Certain Minority Members to Certain Standing Committees: 
The House agreed to H. Res. 12, electing the following Members of the 
minority to certain standing committees of the House of 
Representatives: Committee on Agriculture: Representative Lucas. 
Committee on Appropriations: Representative Lewis (CA). Committee on 
Armed Services: Representative McHugh. Committee on the Budget: 
Representative Ryan (WI). Committee on Education and Labor: 
Representative McKeon. Committee on Energy and Commerce: Representative 
Barton (TX). Committee on Financial Services: Representative Bachus. 
Committee on Foreign Affairs: Representative Ros-Lehtinen. Committee on 
Homeland Security: Representative King (NY). Committee on the 
Judiciary: Representative Smith (TX). Committee on Natural Resources: 
Representative Hastings (WA). Committee on Oversight and Government 
Reform: Representative Issa. Committee on Rules: Representative Dreier. 
Committee on Science and Technology: Representative Hall (TX). 
Committee on Small Business: Representative Graves. Committee on 
Transportation and Infrastructure: Representative Mica. Committee on 
Veterans' Affairs: Representative Buyer. Committee on Ways and Means: 
Representative Camp.
  Page H21
Daily Hour of Meeting: The House agreed to H. Res. 10, fixing the daily 
hour of meeting for the first session of the One Hundred Eleventh 
  Page H21
Assembly Outside of the District of Columbia: The House agreed to H. 
Con. Res. 1, regarding consent to assemble outside of the District of 
  Page H21
Appointment Authority: Agreed that during the One Hundred Eleventh 
Congress, the Speaker, Majority Leader, and Minority Leader be 
authorized to accept resignations and to make appointments authorized 
by law or by the House.
  Page H21
Extension of Remarks: Agreed that during the One Hundred Eleventh 
Congress, all Members be permitted to extend their remarks and to 
include extraneous material within the permitted limit in that section 
of the Record entitled ``Extensions of Remarks''.
  Page H21
Morning-Hour Debate: Agreed to the procedures regarding the format for 
morning-hour debate for the first session of the One Hundred Eleventh 
  Pages H21-22
Policies of the Chair: The Chair announced her policies with respect to 
particular aspects of the legislative process dealing with (1) 
privileges of the floor; (2) introduction of bills and resolutions; (3) 
unanimous-consent requests for the consideration of legislation; (4) 
recognition for one-minute speeches;

[[Page D6]]

(5) recognition for special-order speeches; (6) decorum in debate; (7) 
conduct of votes by electronic device; (8) use of handouts on the House 
floor; (9) use of electronic equipment on the House floor; and (10) use 
of the Chamber. Agreed without objection that the announcements will be 
printed in the Record.
  Pages H22-24
House Office Building Commission: The Chair announced that 
Representatives Hoyer and Boehner will serve as members of the House 
Office Building Commission with the Speaker.
  Page H24
Inspector General for the House of Representatives--Appointment: The 
Chair announced the joint appointment by the Speaker, the Majority 
Leader, and the Minority Leader of Mr. James J. Cornell of Springfield, 
Virginia, to the position of Inspector General for the House of 
Representatives for the One Hundred Eleventh Congress.
  Page H24
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence--Appointment: The Chair 
announced the Speaker's appointment of the following Members of the 
House to the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Representative 
Reyes, Chairman, and Representative Hoekstra.
  Page H24
Speaker Pro Tempore: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein she 
appointed Representative Hoyer and Representative Van Hollen to act as 
Speaker pro tempore to sign enrolled bills and joint resolutions in her 
absence during the period of the One Hundred Eleventh Congress. 
                                                               Page H24
Clerk Designations: Read a letter from the Clerk wherein she designated 
Ms. Deborah M. Spriggs, Deputy Clerk, and Mr. Robert F. Reeves, Deputy 
Clerk, to sign any and all papers and do all other acts in case of her 
temporary absence or disability.
  Page H24
Governing Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics--Reappointments: 
The Chair announced the reappointment of the following individuals to 
serve as the Governing Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics, 
pursuant to section 4(d) of H. Res. 5, 111th Congress, and the order of 
the House of today: Nominated by the Speaker with the concurrence of 
the Minority Leader: Mr. David Skaggs of Colorado, Chairman; Mrs. 
Yvonne Brathwaite Burke of California, subject to section 1(b)(6)(B); 
Ms. Karan English of Arizona, subject to section 1(b)(6)(B); and Mr. 
Abner Mikva of Illinois, Alternate. Nominated by the Minority Leader 
with the concurrence of the Speaker: Mr. Porter J. Goss of Florida, 
Cochairman; Mr. James M. Eagen III of Colorado, subject to section 
1(b)(6)(B); Ms. Allison R. Hayward of Virginia, subject to section 
1(b)(6)(B); and Mr. Bill Frenzel of Virginia, Alternate.
  Page H24
Succession of the Speaker of the House: Read a letter from the Speaker 
wherein she designated Representative Hoyer to act jointly with the 
Majority Leader of the Senate, or his designee, in the event of the 
death or inability of the Speaker, to notify Members of the House and 
Senate of any reassembly.
  Page H24
Order of Members to Act as Speaker Pro Tempore: The Chair announced 
that the Speaker delivered to the Clerk a letter dated January 6, 2009, 
listing Members in the order in which each shall act as Speaker pro 
tempore under clause 8(b)(3) of rule 1.
  Page H24
Designation of Minority Employees: The House agreed to H. Res. 13, 
designating minority employees pursuant to the Legislative Pay Act of 
1929, as amended.
  Page H25
Senate Message: Message received from the Senate by the Clerk and 
subsequently presented to the House today appears on page H24.
Quorum Calls--Votes: Two yea-and-nay votes developed during the 
proceedings today and appear on pages 19 and 20. There was one quorum 
call, Roll No. 1, which appears on pages 1 and 2.
Adjournment: The House met at 12 noon and adjourned at 4:55 p.m.

Committee Meetings
Committee on Financial Services: On January 5, the Committee met to 
discuss ``Assessing the Madoff Ponzi Scheme and the Need for Regulatory 
Reform.'' The following persons participated in the discussion: H. 
David Kotz, Inspector General, SEC; and non-governmental persons.

Joint Meetings
  No joint committee meetings were held.

                            NEW PUBLIC LAWS

      (For last listing of Public Laws, see Daily Digest, p. D--)
  H.R. 6859, to designate the facility of the United States Postal 
Service located at 1501 South Slappey Boulevard in Albany, Georgia, as 
the ``Dr. Walter Carl Gordon, Jr. Post Office Building''. Signed on 
December 19, 2008. (Public Law 110-454)
  S.J. Res. 46, ensuring that the compensation and other emoluments 
attached to the office of Secretary of State are those which were in 
effect on January 1, 2007. Signed on December 19, 2008. (Public Law 

[[Page D7]]

  H.R. 6184, to provide for a program for circulating quarter dollar 
coins that are emblematic of a national park or other national site in 
each State, the District of Columbia, and each territory of the United 
States, and for other purposes. Signed on December 23, 2008. (Public 
Law 110-456)
  H.R. 7311, to authorize appropriations for fiscal years 2008 through 
2011 for the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, to enhance 
measures to combat trafficking in persons, and for other purposes. 
Signed on December 23, 2008. (Public Law 110-457)
  H.R. 7327, to make technical corrections related to the Pension 
Protection Act of 2006, and for other purposes. Signed on December 23, 
2008. (Public Law 110-458)
  S. 3663, to require the Federal Communications Commission to provide 
for a short-term extension of the analog television broadcasting 
authority so that essential public safety announcements and digital 
television transition information may be provided for a short time 
during the transition to digital television broadcasting. Signed on 
December 23, 2008. (Public Law 110-459)
  S. 3712, to make a technical correction in the Paul Wellstone and 
Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008. 
Signed on December 23, 2008. (Public Law 110-460)


                            JANUARY 7, 2009

        (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated)


  No meetings/hearings scheduled.


  Committee on Rules, to meet for organizational purposes, 10:30 
a.m., H-313 Capitol.


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[[Page D8]]


                       Next Meeting of the SENATE
                   11:30 a.m., Wednesday, January 7 

                             Senate Chamber
Program for Wednesday: Senate will be in a period of morning business.
  (Senate will recess from 12:30 p.m. until 2:15 p.m. for their 
respective party conferences.)

              Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                     10 a.m., Wednesday, January 7

                             House Chamber
Program for Wednesday: To be announced.

            Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue
Becerra, Xavier, Calif., E17, E19
Berman, Howard L., Calif., E14
Blumenauer, Earl, Ore., E14
Bordallo, Madeleine Z., Guam, E21
Brady, Kevin, Tex., E5
Brown-Waite, Ginny, Fla., E1, E4, E6, E8, E11, E15, E17
Cardoza, Dennis A., Calif., E13
Castle, Michael N., Del., E2
Conyers, John, Jr., Mich., E9
Dreier, David, Calif., E4, E14, E20
Goodlatte, Bob, Va., E19
Graves, Sam, Mo., E1, E2, E3, E4, E6, E8, E9, E10
Hastings, Alcee L., Fla., E16
Kanjorski, Paul E., Pa., E6
Kildee, Dale E., Mich., E18
Kirk, Mark Steven, Ill., E1, E3, E5, E8, E11, E15, E19, E21
McGovern, James P., Mass., E6
Markey, Edward J., Mass., E20
Meek, Kendrick B., Fla., E16, E18
Miller, Jeff, Fla., E4
Mitchell, Harry E., Ariz., E9
Paul, Ron, Tex., E1, E3, E5, E7, E10, E15
Putnam, Adam H., Fla., E22
Rogers, Harold, Ky., E17
Ruppersberger, C.A. Dutch, Md., E1
Schiff, Adam B., Calif., E9
Shea-Porter, Carol, N.H., E22
Shuster, Bill, Pa., E2
Stark, Fortney Pete, Calif., E18, E22
Thompson, Mike, Calif., E19
Visclosky, Peter J., Ind., E10
Wolf, Frank R., Va., E2, E11
Wu, David, Ore., E15, E23