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Chandler S. Robbins--A Partial List of Memberships

Partial list of memberships:
Am. Meteorological Soc. (1956)
Am. Ornithol. Union (1944)
Am. Water Resources Assoc. (1993)
Assoc. of Field Ornithol. (1945)
British Trust for Ornithology (1968)
Colonial Waterbird Soc. (1977) 
Cooper Ornithol. Soc. (1954)
Mexican Ornithol. Soc. (1992)
Instit. for Bird Populations (1993)
Internatl. Ornithol. Congress (1962)
Neotropical Ornithol. Soc. (1991)
Soc. of Caribbean Ornithol. (1988)
Soc. for Conserv. Biology (1999)
The Wildlife Soc. (1947)
Wilson Ornithol. Soc. (1941) 

Regional and State Societies
Delmarva Ornithol. Soc. (1964)
Eastern Bird Banding Assoc. (1941)
Georgia Ornithol. Soc. (1961)
Inland Bird Banding Assoc. (1945)
Kansas Ornithol. Soc. (1972)
Louisiana Ornithol. Soc. (1953)
Maryland Natural History Soc. (1948)
Maryland Ornithol. Soc. (1945)
Michigan Bird Banders Assoc. (about 1960)
Oklahoma Ornithol. Soc. (1968)
Ontario Bird Banding Assoc. (1965)
Tennessee Ornithol. Soc. (1950)
Texas Ornithol. Soc. (1953)
Virginia Soc. of Ornithol. (1963)
Western Bird Banding Assoc. (1962)
Wisconsin Soc. for Ornithol. (1942)

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD, USA
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