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Sd'WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`(# DA 99 ĩ 778 ă  1 yx dddhy  aE@#6\  P6QĐP#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  X'#XP\  P6Q XP# Report No. CCB/CPD 9919 pp"XApril 22, 1999  X4 ` `  GPROTESTED TARIFF TRANSMITTALS   ACTIONS TAKEN  S '#&J\  P6Q&P#  G6!Pursuant to authority delegated under Section 0.291 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.291,  |$the Competitive Pricing Division of the Common Carrier Bureau has reviewed the petitions to reject and the petitions to suspend and investigate the tariff transmittals listed in this Report.  G6!We conclude that none of the parties filing petitions against the tariff transmittals listed in this  |$*Report have presented compelling arguments that these transmittals are so patently unlawful as to require  |$rejection. Similarly, we conclude that none of these parties have presented issues regarding these  |$transmittals that raise significant questions of lawfulness which require investigation of the tariff transmittals listed in this Report.  G6!Accordingly, the petitions to reject or suspend and investigate the following tariff transmittals are  |$denied, and these transmittals will, or have, become effective on the dates specified below. Applications  |$for review and petitions for reconsideration of these decisions may be filed within 30 days from the date  Sg' |$of this public notice in accordance with Sections 1.115 and 1.106 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.115, 1.106.  G6!AAdditional information about a particular tariff transmittal may be obtained from the contact person at (202) 4181540.  X4#XP\  P6Q XP#   yx8 dddy  X' CARRIER:  ` GPacific Bell Telephone Company(# TRANSMITTAL(s):  ` GTransmittal No. 2043, Tariff F.C.C. No. 128(#  X% ' SUBJECT:` `  GRevises the 1997 Line Counts and the 1997 Base Factor Portion ` `  Gto Reflect the Correct Demand Quantities ` `  G PETITIONER(s):  ` GAT&T Corp.(#  X$'EFFECTIVE DATE:  ` GApril 23, 1999(#  X&'CONTACT:` `  GSteve Funkhouser (202) 4181533  XV(4********************* *********************************************************  X?)' For more information, contact Judith A. Nitsche at (202) 4181540.  X+4 é FCC +,,, *@d;[!,L|  '#  h   8 '#G 8   U Ԍ  X4