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Online Representation And Certifications Applications
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Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA)

A new requirement for vendors became a Federal mandate as published in the Federal Acquisition Circular 2001-26, FAR case 2002-024. ORCA was developed as part of the Business Partner Network (BPN), which is a component of the Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE) E-Gov initiative.

The final rule requires offeror to:

  1. Provide representations and certifications electronically via the BPN website (orca.bpn.gov/) thus reducing the administrative burden on vendors who have been submitting the same reps and cert's repeatedly for various solicitations
  2. To maintain the representations and certifications at least annually so they stay current,
  3. To make changes that affect only one solicitation by completing sections of specific provisions that are required by the FAR, included in the solicitation.

Please visit http://orca.bpn.gov for more information.