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Header photos courtesy of Richard Strange. Hoover Dam, Navajo Bridge, Cathedral Rocks, Desert Sunset, Hedgehog plant; Grand Falls; Bright Angel; 2 elk at the Grand Canyon; a bobcat.
FHWA Arizona logo

FHWA's Arizona Division

FHWA's Arizona Division, working with our partners at the Arizona Department of Transportation, the Arizona Metropolitan Planning Offices and Council of Governments, the Arizona Public Transit System, and others are working to bring safe, efficient, and clean transportation to the citizens and businesses of Arizona, and the United States. We're here to tell you about our programs, introduce you to our partners, and show you some of the state we call home.

We as part of FHWA are responsible for the development and preservation of efficient and safe transportation facilities, including: freeways, highways, bridges, scenic byways, intermodal centers, roadside rests, and traveler information.

The Division is responsible for passing through approximately $650 million in annual Federal aid to the Arizona State Department of Transportation and the Arizona Metropolitan Planning Organization through a variety of formula, grant, and earmark programs. The agency performs oversight and monitors the State's Department of Transportation and MPO's programs and projects and ensures compliance of federal laws and regulations.


The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) was enacted August 10, 2005, as Public Law 109-59. SAFETEA-LU authorizes the Federal surface transportation programs for highways, highway safety, and transit for the 5-year period 2005-2009.

Planning A Trip?

Your first stop should be the National Traffic and Road Closure Information web site or to get more information on the Grand State of Arizona you should visit The Rocky Mountain Roads web site.

Live Traffic Cameras

The Arizona Department of Transportation has implemented a new high-tech system to monitor, assess and respond to roadway emergencies. The new system manages traffic on Arizona's major interstates (I-10 and I-17as well as many major local routes throughout the state (SR 51, SR143, L101, L202, US60 and in Tucson).

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Arizona Division
4000 N. Central Avenue, Suite 1500
Phoenix, Arizona 85012-1906
Phone: 602-379-3646 Fax: 602-382-8998

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