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729 N.E. Oregon Street
Suite 115
Portland, OR 97232
t: (503) 231-2300
f: (503) 230-5413

2267 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
t: (202) 225-4811
f: (202) 225-8941

RESPONSE: Rep. Blumenauer’s Reaction to Republican Stimulus Proposals

Click here to watch Rep. Blumenauer's Floor Speech

I listen to my friend from Indiana wondering what could possibly have economic impact investing in the arts or climate change. i don't know what's going on in Indiana but if you talk to the arts groups in Oregon or in Massachusetts or in New York or Illinois, they will tell you that investments there will produce economic activity in areas that are strained and underserved. Investment in climate change and energy research creates jobs and businesses crying out for it -- business is crying out for it large and small.


RELEASE: American Society of Civil Engineers Report Card on America’s Infrastructure a Wake-up Call

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore) Says Federal Government Must Become More Engaged and Invested in Renewing and Rebuilding Our Nation

For Immediate Release                                             
Media Contact: Sahar Wali
January 28, 2009                                             
202-225-8413 Office/202-834-6919 Cell
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Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) praised the American Society of Civil Engineers’ 2009 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure.  The report card assigned a cumulative grade of D to our nation’s infrastructure and noted that all levels of government and the private sector would need to invest $2.2 trillion for repairs and needed upgrades. Rep. Blumenauer’s statement on the report card is below:

A Right to Equal Pay

Today I voted for final passage of the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.  By reversing a Supreme Court decision that has kept women from pursuing pay discrimination claims, this bill will begin to close the pay gap for American women. It will likely be the first major piece of legislation President Barack Obama signs into law.

Getting Oregon the Federal Help it Needs

I was encouraged by a report from the House Appropriations and Transportation and Infrastructure Committees and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities that says Oregon is slated to receive more than $2.1 billion in federal stimulus under the American Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

My Priorities for Oregon and the Nation

Rebuilding and Renewing America

We are watching America’s highways and bridges crumble, levees breach, and antiquated water systems endanger our environment and our communities' health. The power grid is increasingly outdated and the promise of broadband internet has yet to be delivered to all Americans. I believe America needs a new plan to maintain and invest in the infrastructure that will keep our economy competitive, our environment clean, and our families safe, healthy and economically secure. Read more.

My Iraq Legislation

I have opposed the Iraq war from the beginning, but simply opposing the war is not enough. That is why I introduced the New Direction for Iraq Act, which requires the redeployment of U.S. troops from Iraq, a new diplomatic offensive to stabilize Iraq, aggressive efforts at oversight and accountability, and a new approach towards reconstruction. Read more.

Energy and the Environment

Global warming is an escalating crisis for this generation and the ones to follow. As a longtime advocate for reducing our carbon emissions and protecting the planet, I was honored to be named to the first ever Global Warming Committee. Read more about the committee and my work to stop global warming here.  Read more.

Health Care

Health care in United States is reaching a crisis point with 500,000 Oregonians lacking health insurance and over 47 million Americans nationwide struggling to access health coverage.  Employer-based health insurance is increasingly unsustainable and we need to move toward a new health care delivery system, which is why I have co-sponsored the Healthy Americans Act.  Read more.

Tax Fairness

Under the Bush administration, tax giveaways for the wealthy and unnecessary subsidies have badly tilted the playing field against average taxpayers. As a member of the Ways and Means Committee, which is responsible for taxes and revenue, I am protecting hardworking families from unfair taxes like the AMT and eliminating corporate tax loopholes and giveaways.
Read more.