Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
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About this Community of Interest

Transport, Logistics and Infrastructure Research

This portfolio area covers the fields of transport, infrastructure, logistics, and their mutual relationships.  The contents may be of a purely scientific or of an applied scientific nature dealing with new developments and feasibility aspects.  For instance, advancing subjects related with the fields of analysis and design in transport, infrastructure, and logistics in any way, such as:

  • Theoretical/analytical research of personal mobility and goods transport demand.
  • Functional/technical design of transport facilities.
  • Transport automation and control.
  • Inter-modality issues of persons and goods transport.
  • Interconnectivity of transport infrastructures.
  • Modeling logistics and supply chains.
  • Conducting studies on shifting global passenger and freight flows and their impact on transportation and logistics.
  • Analyzing supply chain information processing requirements to enable the development of information system strategies to meet future decision support needs.
  • Advancing technology to support the inspection, maintenance, and rehabilitation of the existing and future transportation infrastructure including vehicles, guide ways and intermodal facilities.

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