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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`(#(#1   yx\ dddhy  aE#6\  P6QP#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  X4#XP\  P6QXP#`(# August 2, 1999 ă  #i y[ #\  P6QP#FY 1999 Cable Television System#XP\  P6QXP#у  # y[S\#\  P6QP#Regulatory Fees#XP\  P6QXP# #XP\  P6QXP#у  X' |$! The Federal Communications Commission issues this Public Notice in order to provide  |$:"information concerning the payment of regulatory fees in FY 1999. If you are an operator  |$)!of a cable television system or a licensee of a cable television relay service (CARS) or  Xo'broadcast auxiliary service, you should carefully review this Public Notice.   b*4 WHO MUST PAY REGULATORY FEES IN FY 1999  X;4   X$4 |$ Cable television systems operating on December 31, 1998, must pay regulatory fees per  |$subscriber in FY 1999. Governments and nonprofit entities (exempt under Section 501 of the  |$VInternal Revenue Code) are not required to pay regulatory fees and should not submit payment.  V4 |$The Commission requires that each exempt entity submit, or have on file with the Commission,  |$+a current IRS Determination Letter documenting its nonprofit status, a certification of  |$governmental authority, or certification from a governmental authority attesting to its exempt  X4 |$status. All cable television systems must pay regulatory fees of $0.48 per subscriber for each  |$community unit in which it operates. Additionally, each licensee of a CARS facility operating  Xn4 |$Eon October 1, 1998, must pay a $55.00 fee for each CARS license held and, if applicable, a  |$$12.00 fee for each Broadcast Auxiliary Service license held. Responsibility for payment of that  |$fee rests with the current holder of the permit or license at the time payment is due. A regulatee  |$_is responsible for summing all of its services in order to determine if a fee is due. If the sum of all services owned is less than $10, then the regulatee is exempt from paying the fee.  b"4 yWHY THE COMMISSION MUST COLLECT REGULATORY FEES ă  |$/The requirement to collect annual regulatory fees from cable television systems is contained in  |$<Public Law 10366, "The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993." These regulatory fees,  |$which are likely to change each fiscal year, are used to offset costs associated with the  |$RCommission's enforcement, public service, international and policy and rulemaking activities.  |$IThese fees are in addition to any application processing fees associated with obtaining a license or other authorization from the Commission. =+,,,)e@w[!hL  \ '#k  \ h Ԍ b4 T WHEN FEES WILL BE DUE ă  X' |$" Fee payments must be received by the Commission during the period beginning September  X' |$"13, 1999, and ending September 22, 1999. Any payments not received at Mellon Bank by  X'11:59 p.m., September 22, 1999 will be assessed a 25% late payment fee. T ddx !ddx~ p T  c  3   TYPE OF FEE  zDV REGULATORY FEE 'PAYMENT  3 FEE CODE| Hc   3y  Cable System Subscriber Fee y $0.48 per subscriber y  | TOC9 q   y_  CARS License _ $55 per license _ | TQC9q     _  Broadcast Auxiliary Services License  $12 per license   g| MUB9     bv4 FCC FORM 159 Đl  Xp4 |$pRegulatory fee payments must be accompanied by FCC Form 159 ("FCC Remittance Advice"),  |$}dated July 1997. A copy of this form, with specific instructions, is attached to this Public Notice  |$and may be used to submit fees. Reproduced forms are acceptable. Please see "Special  |$Instructions for Completing FCC Forms 159 and 159C" for detailed information on how to  |$lcorrectly complete these forms. Unless you are submitting your information on diskette, you  X4 |$ymust list each community unit and/or each call sign separately on Forms 159/159C. Written  X4 |$attachments are not acceptable. Failure to properly complete FCC Form 159/159C will delay the processing of your regulatory fee payment.  |$WAny regulatee paying for more than 25 entities may do so by submitting the Form 159  |$information on diskette. Information on how to file electronically on diskette will be made available on a subsequent public notice.  X\'  b.4WHERE TO SEND REGULATORY FEE PAYMENTS ă  X( 4If sending your regulatory fee payment by mail, please address your envelope as follows:  X"4x B Federal Communications Commission 0Regulatory Fees P.O. Box 358835  X%4>hPittsburgh, PA 15251 ĩ 5835 ă  Xp'4 |$If you prefer to send your regulatory fee payment by courier to our lockbox bank, you may do  |$3so 24 hours per business day (except Federal or bank holidays). Please address your envelope and deliver it to the following address:"B),**4'` "Ԍ X4ԙx B Federal Communications Commission c/o Mellon Bank RiThree Mellon Bank Center |525 William Penn Way (f 27th Floor, Room 1532713 >gPittsburgh, PA 152590001  Xv' B(Attention: FCC Module Supervisor) ă  XH'o^ METHOD OF PAYMENT Đl  |$Regulatory fee payments may be made by check, money order, or by credit card (Visa or  |$Mastercard only). When paying by credit card, please make sure you complete and sign block  |$28 of FCC Form 159. Payments may also be made by wire transfer or ACH Debit. Instructions are provided below.  |$"NOTE: We encourage arrangements to consolidate regulatory fee payments either by a single  |$entity or by different entities into a single payment instrument. Consolidated fee payments may  |$8cover any number of service categories. Payers who will be making a single payment for a  |$lsignificant number of entities and wish to submit their payment information on diskette in lieu  |$of submitting a large number of FCC Forms 159C ("Advice Continuation Sheets") may do so.  |$Specific instructions regarding diskette submission will be issued separately. No more than  |$twentyfive (25) Form 159C's should be manually submitted for payment. If more than twenty |$five (25) Form 159C's are to be submitted, we encourage the public to file the information on  X4 |$_diskette. Only properly filled out Form 159's or diskettes will be accepted. Attached listings  X4of call signs or other identifiers will not be accepted.  X4h  WIRE TRANSFER PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS ă  |$A wire transfer is a transaction that you initiate via your bank. It authorizes your bank to wire  |$pfunds from your account to our lockbox bank, the Mellon Bank in Pittsburgh, PA. All payments  |$/made by wire transfer must be supported by a completed FCC Remittance Advice (FCC Form  |$"159) and Advice Continuation Sheet (FCC Form 159C), if required. The FCC Form 159 must  |$be faxed to Mellon Bank at (412) 2365702 at least one hour before the wire transfer on the same  |$business day. Indicate on the top of the FCC Form 159 "Wire Transfer Regulatory Fee  |$<Payment." In the Box (1) Lockbox#, located at the upper left hand corner, indicate "358835."  X' |$s  Failure to submit the completed FCC Form 159 will result in a delay in crediting your  |$!account. Due to Federal Reserve regulations, wire transfers received after 6:00 p.m.  X!4(EDT) will be credited the next business day. The following information should be provided to your bank to complete the wire transfer: "h$,**"` " ` ` ABA Routing Number 043000261 ` ` Receiving Bank: Mellon Pittsburgh ` ` BNF: FCC/ACV9116106 ` ` OBI Field: (Skip one space between each information item) ` `  "REGULATORYPAY" ` `  PAYER TIN (Exactly as on FCC Form 159, Block #25) ` `  PAYER NAME (Exactly as on FCC Form 159, Block #2) ` `  Phone: (Daytime Phone #, exactly as on FCC Form 159, Block #9) ` `  LOCKBOX 358835  X ' 1ACH DEBIT PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS ă  |$If you are interested in using Mellon's Customer Initiated Payment Program (CIP), a brief  |$application form must be completed and a personal identification number (PIN) issued by the  |$bank. Arrangements for using this process must be completed 14 days prior to submitting  |$payment of the regulatory fee. After you have been set up for this program, you have until  |$September 21, 1999 to submit payment to ensure processing by the deadline of September 22,  |$1999. Please contact the Credit and Debt Management Center at (202) 4181995 to request the Customer Initiated Payment Program Package.  XK4  X4'7 COMPLIANCE Đl  |$Please make sure your total remittance and the amount indicated on the FCC Form 159 are in  |$agreement. Failure to do so will delay processing. Cable television systems are solely  |$responsible for accurately accounting for all CARS and Broadcast Auxiliary Service licenses, as  |$4well as the number of subscribers within each community unit, and for paying the proper  |$regulatory fees. Any data omission, erroneous or incomplete data submission, or payment  X4 |$deficiency may result in a 25% monetary penalty , dismissal of pending actions, and/or  |$lrevocation of any authorization. You are strongly urged to submit your payment on time and  |$accurately in order to avoid a penalty. Additionally, the Commission will invoke any lawful  |$authority it may possess under the Debt Collection Act to collect any fees due or outstanding against any cable television system failing to meet its regulatory fee payment obligations.  X 4 WAIVERS, REDUCTIONS AND DEFERMENTS OF REGULATORY FEES l  |$The Commission will consider requests for waivers, reductions or deferments of regulatory fees,  X 4 |$in extraordinary and compelling circumstances only, upon a showing that such action overrides  |$the public interest in reimbursing the Commission for its regulatory costs. Your regulatory fee  |$must be paid by the due date even if a request is made for a waiver or reduction. This will  |$lensure efficient collection in situations where a waiver or reduction is not warranted and will  Xh$4 |$xallow the requestor to avoid a 25% latepayment penalty if its request is denied. The regulatory  |$fee will be refunded if the request is granted. Only in exceptional or compelling instances (where  |$/payment of the regulatory fee with the waiver or reduction request could result in the reduction  |$8of community service or financial hardship to the regulatee or licensee) will the Commission  |$accept a petition to defer payment for a waiver or reduction request. All requests for deferments  X(4 |$must be received before September 22, 1999, to avoid the 25% latepayment penalty . Please submit your written request for waiver or reduction to the following address:"),**'` "ԌoOffice of the Managing Director aFederal Communications Commission a445 12th Street, S.W., Room 1A625 Washington, D.C. 20554 E Battn: Regulatory Fee Waiver/Reduction Request However, submit your regulatory fee payment to the address on page 2 of this Public Notice.#o\  PCXP#  XH'WZ #o\  PCXP#ADDITIONAL INFORMATION #o\  PCXP#ѐl  |$Applicable Public Notices, and FCC Forms 159 and 159C are available from the Commission's  |$[Office of Public Affairs, Public Service Division or can be downloaded from the Internet  X 4 |$&(http://www.fcc.gov or ftp@fcc.gov). Text of the Report and Order including the entire Schedule  |$of Regulatory Fees can also be downloaded from the Internet. Forms may also be obtained by  |$contacting the Forms Hotline at (800) 4183676 outside the Washington, D.C. area, or (202) 418 |$E3676 locally. For more information, please contact the Public Service Division at (202) 418 |$p0192, or write to: Federal Communications Commission, Office of Public Affairs, ATTN: Public Service Division, 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20554.  bb4  bs4 #f\  PC +&P#PAYMENT PROCEDURES FOR CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEMS # o\  PCXP#у  Xm4; Subscriber Fees ă  X?4 |$All cable television systems are subject to a fee of $0.48 per subscriberi ?Z yO' %3 #C\  P6Q,P# e Ѝ #C\  P6Q,P#Number of Subscribers In a Community Unit = Number of single family dwellings + Number of individual  % households in multiple dwelling units (e.g., apartments, condominiums, mobile home parks, etc.) paying at the basic  % subscriber rate + Number of bulkrate customers + Number of courtesy and free service. (NOTE: BulkRate Customers = total annual bulk rate charge  basic annual subscription rate for individual households). i. A system's total  |$_subscriber fee can be determined by multiplying $0.48 times the number of subscribers as of  X4 |$pDecember 31, 1998, within all community units in which it operates as defined below. You may  |$Rpay for multiple community units with a single payment instrument as long as the community units are all part of the same cable system or part of a group of commonlyowned cable systems.  X4 8 CARS and Broadcast Auxiliary Licenses ă  S' |$t#f\  PC +&P#Cable systems holding CARS licenses must pay a regulatory fee of $55.00 for each CARS license and,  S_' |$if applicable, a regulatory fee of $12.00 for each Broadcast Auxiliary Service license held as of October  S7' |$#1, 1998. NOTE: One payment may be submitted for all regulatory fee obligations (i.e., "subscriber  S'fees" and all Cable Television Relay Service and Broadcast Auxiliary Service licenses). # o\  PCXP#  s A #h##\  PCP#Payment Due Date #o\  PCXP#у  S#' |$O$ #&a\  P6G; +&P#All regulatory fee payments for cable television systems must be received at the Commission during  S#' |$!the period beginning September 13, 1999, and ending September 22, 1999. Any payments not  X$4 |$)!received by Mellon Bank by 11:59 p.m., September 22, 1999 will be assessed a 25% late fee.# Xj\  P6G;XP# "$,**e#` "ԑ b4v  SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING  b4O FCC FORMS 159 AND 159C    |$lFCC Form 159 ("FCC Remittance Advice") and, as necessary, FCC Form 159C ("Advice  |$Continuation Sheet") must accompany all regulatory fee payments. FCC Form 159 allows payers  |$to report information on one or more payment items (e.g., multiple community units, CARS  |$licenses, Broadcast Auxiliary Service licenses, or any combination). Use FCC Form 159C to report additional community units or licenses.   |$FCC Forms 159 and 159C have been attached to this Public Notice for you to complete and  |$<remit with your payment. Payers filing electronically must include information equivalent to the  |$items on the FCC Forms 159 and 159C. You may make additional copies of the forms as  |$Erequired. In addition to the instructions for FCC Form 159, the following information applies specifically to cable television payers:  X4Block (10) "Telephone Number":  X4 G6! XEnter the telephone number of the individual responsible for submitting the payment and supporting FCC Form 159 and Form 159C.(#  Xm4Block (19) "FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID":  X?4 G6!XEnter your community unit identification number for reporting subscribers in each  X(4community unit within your system. (#  X4 Enter your call sign for CARS or Broadcast Auxiliary Service licenses.  X4Block (20) "PAYMENT TYPE CODE":  X4  k TOC9: ` ` Use this code when paying a subscriber fee ($0.48 per subscriber). Please note  X4  kOthat subscriber information must be provided for each community unit in which the system is operated. (#`  XY'  XB4  k`TQC9: ` ` Use this code when making a regulatory fee payment for a CARS license ($55.00 per license).(#`  X!4  k MUB9: ` ` Use this code when making a regulatory fee payment for a Broadcast Auxiliary  X"4Services license ($12.00 per license).(#`  X$4Block (21) "QUANTITY":  X&4 G6!XFor subscriber fees (payment type code TOC9) enter the number of subscribers within  Xs'4 G6!each community unit. For CARS or Broadcast Auxiliary Service licensees, enter "1" in this block.(# "E),**N'` "Ԍ X4Block (22) "FEE DUE":  X4 G6!XFor subscriber fees (payment type code TOC9), multiply the amount in Block 21  X4 G6!("Quantity") by $0.48 and enter the result here. Round down to the nearest whole  X'dollar. (#  Xv4XFor CARS licenses (payment type code TQC9) enter $55.00. (#  XH4XFor Broadcast Auxiliary Service licenses (payment type code MUB9) enter $12.00.(#  X14  X 4Block (23) "FCC CODE 1":  X 4LEAVE BLANK.  X 4Block (24) "FCC CODE 2":  X4 G6!zXFor subscriber fees only (i.e., payment type code TOC9),  provide the name of the community unit.(#  XK4Block (25) "PAYER TIN":  X4Enter the fee payer's nine digit Taxpayer Identification Number.  X4Block (26) "APPLICANT TIN":  X4XIf different from payer, enter the applicant's nine digit Taxpayer Identification Number.(#  X4Block (27) "CERTIFICATION":  Xe4 G6!XProvide the printed name and signature of an individual owner/licensee or officer attesting to the accuracy and completeness of the information supplied.(#  X ' |$  Please remember to include a daytime telephone number so that the Federal  X'Communications Commission can contact you if questions arise regarding your payment. q FCC