Transportation Safety Institute


TSI has partnered with the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) for certification in visual inspections of alternative fuels cylinders. This partnership will allow TSI to conduct a 1-day Alternative Fuel Cylinder Inspection course as a follow-on to the Safety Evaluations of Alternative Fuels Facilities and Equipment course. Once the participant successfully completes the training and final exam, the participant can apply to CSA for certification.

The Safety Evaluations of Alternative Fuels Facilities and Equipment course underwent a major revision during 2002. One major change included an addition for cylinder inspections. Hence, all participants who have successfully completed the Safety Evaluations of Alternative Fuels Facilities and Equipment course since October 2002 are eligible to attend a 2-hour cylinder inspection review and Alternative Fuels Cylinder Inspection course. Participants that do not meet this criteria must retake the Safety Evaluations of Alternative Fuels Facilities and Equipment course.