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FAM No. 2002-01 (Use of Frequent Traveler Benefits - Travel Advisory 5)
January 8, 2002


To:		Bureau Assistant Directors, Administration
		Director, National Business Center
		Bureau Finance Officers
		Finance Officer, National Business Center

From:		William E. Webber /s/
		Focus Leader, Asset and Debt Management
		Office of Financial Management

Subject: 	Use of Frequent Traveler Benefits - Travel Advisory 5

Attached is a copy of Federal Travel Advisory Number 5, dated December 31, 2001, issued by 
the General Services Administration, Office of Governmentwide Policy.  The travel advisory 
allows employees to immediately use accumulated travel bonus points and benefits for 
personal travel.  Authority to use benefits obtained as a result of official travel for 
personal use is contained in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002.

GSA will issue an amendment to the Federal Travel Regulation, 41 CFR 301, and other 
controlling regulations in the near future.  Additional guidance will also be issued on the 
taxability of these benefits when used by an employee for personal travel.

Please direct any questions you may have on this subject to Mr. Lesley Oden on 
(202) 208-6225.


Prior Financial Administration
Memoranda on this Subject:
No. 84-162 (II.G.1.), November 19, 1984 - Canceled
No. 88-018 (II.G.1.), March 02, 1988 - Canceled
No. 90-072 (II.G.1.), September 6, 1990 - Canceled
No. 92-071 (II.G.1.), December 1, 1992 - Canceled
No. 96-019 (II.G.1.), May 29, 1996 - Canceled
No. 96-028 (II.G.1.), July 10, 1996 - Canceled
No. 96-049 (II.G.1.), November 5, 1996 - Canceled
No. 97-004 (II.G.1.), February 3,1997 - Canceled
No. 97-019 (II.G.1.), April 22, 1997 - Canceled
No. 98-009 (II.G.1.), June 11, 1998 - Canceled
No. 99-004 (II.G.1.), January 25, 1999, 1990 - Canceled
No. 99-031 (II.G.1.), July 21, 1999 - Canceled
No. 2000-17 (II.G.1.), May 31, 2000 - Canceled
No. 2001-02 (II.G.1.), January 23, 2001 - Canceled

FAMDesciptionName Phone #
GEN FAMs - General Eric Eisenstein 202-208-3417
II A FAMs - General Eric Eisenstein 202-208-3417
II E Bonding Eric Eisenstein 202-208-3417
II F 1 Treasury Policy, Operations and Disbursing - General Eric Eisenstein 202-208-3417
II F 5 Treasury Policy, Operations and Disbursing - Depositaries Eric Eisenstein 202-208-3417
II G 1 Travel and Transportation - General Robert Smith 202-208-5684
II G 2 Travel and Transportation - Maximum Per Diem Allowances in Certain Robert Smith 202-208-5684
II G 3 Travel and Transportation - Maximum Per Diem Allowances for Travel Robert Smith 202-208-5684
II G 4 Travel and Transportation - Travel Management Center Robert Smith 202-208-5684
II G 6 Travel and Transportation - Relocation Allowances Robert Smith 202-208-5684
II H Unemployment Compensation Michael Anthony 202-208-6824
II J Cash Management, Debt Collection and Prompt Payment Eric Eisenstein 202-208-3417
III A Financial Data, Fiscal and Financial Reporting - General Eric Eisenstein 202-208-3417
III E Financial Data, Fiscal and Financial Reporting - Treasury Eric Eisenstein 202-208-3417
IV A Activity Based Cost (ABC) Management David Horn 202-208-5542

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U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Financial Management

Last Updated on 02/26/07