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 In Tunisia, deputy chief discusses customs automation, cybersecurity

08 May - UNCTAD´s Deputy Secretary-General reviewed the status of an UNCTAD-Tunisian customs-modernization project and expressed the wish that Tunisian expertise in cybersecurity will enable UNCTAD to establish a related Centre of Excellence there. More >>

Investment Reviews of Dominican Republic, Nigeria presentedInvestment Reviews of Dominican Republic, Nigeria presented

5 May - The Dominican Republic should continue its already effective efforts to use foreign investment to diversify its economy, and Nigeria should strive to attract more investment outside its oil sector, new UNCTAD studies say. More >>

 Deep investment decline foreseen for developing countries

04 May - The global downturn that reduced foreign direct investment (FDI) by some 15% in 2008 will probably intensify in 2009, especially for developing countries, UNCTAD´s Secretary-General said. More >>

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Events & Meetings
11–15 May 2009
Trade and Development Commission (first session), Geneva

18–19 May 2009
UNCTAD Public Symposium: The global economic crisis and development - the way forward, Geneva

18–22 May 2009
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2009, Geneva

19 May 2009
Measuring the impact of ICTs: Debate at WSIS Forum 2009, Geneva

20 May 2009
WSIS follow-up Action Line Facilitation Meeting on E-business: Interactive Panel Debate on E-business and Poverty Alleviation, Geneva

25–29 May 2009
ECOSOC - CSTD, 12th session , Geneva

8–12 June 2009
Working Party on the Strategic Framework and the Programme Budget, Fifty-second (resumed) session, Geneva

8–12 June 2009
Séminaire de renforcement des capacités locales d´utilisation des TIC dans le secteur du tourisme : L’Initiative e-Tourisme pour le Développement , Ouagadougou,

9 June 2009
Short course on key international economic issues - Investment promotion, Geneva
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Developing Country Interests in Climate Change Action and the Implications for a Post-2012 Climate Change Regime
Investment Policy Review: Nigeria
IIA Monitor No. 1 (2009): Latest Developments in Investor–State Dispute Settlement
Investment Policy Review: Dominican Republic
The global economic crisis: systemic failures and multilateral remedies
The global economic crisis: systemic failures and multilateral remedies - Executive summary
UNCTAD Policy Briefs, No.7
Is south–south trade a testing ground for structural transformation? by Bailey Klinger
UNCTAD Investment Brief, No. 1, 2009
International Investment rule-making: stocktaking, challenges and the way forward
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