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Image Gallery

EPA maintains several collections of photographs and other images available for use by the public. Please note that while photographs and graphic materials produced by the federal government are not subject to copyright restriction, some photographs included in these collections may be copyrighted. Please observe carefully all rights and permissions information.


The Agriculture collection includes general and agriculture-related maps and for photos illustrating a wide range of agricultural topics.

Great Lakes

The Great Lakes collection is an extensive collection of photographic images that provide a glimpse of the majesty of the lakes and their problems.


The History collection includes photographs of early EPA administrators, certain historic events, and the “Documerica” collection of photographs documenting subjects of environmental concern in the 1970s.

Non-road Diesel

The Non-road Diesel equipment collection includes photos of the many types of equipment covered by the Clean Air Nonroad Diesel Rule.

USA.gov   Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

USA.gov links to U.S. Government Graphics and Photos (not necessarily environmental).


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  • EPA Directory Assistance: 202-272-0167
  • All Headquarters press calls: 202-564-4355  

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Visit Headquarters Public Affairs:

The EPA Office of Public Affairs (OPA) includes a National Press Secretary supported by a Headquarters Media Relations Office and Regional Public Affairs Offices.

The press office is staffed Monday-Friday from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm Eastern except federal holidays.

OPA is located with the Administrator's Office on the third floor of the Ariel Rios North building. Entry is beneath the archway connecting the North and South Buildings and adjacent to the entrance to the DC Metro Federal Triangle station.

Visitors must be met and escorted. All visitors and their belongings are screened and camera crews should plan accordingly.

Send mail to:
Office of Public Affairs
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Room 3413 ARN
Washington, DC 20460