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History of SSA-Related Legislation
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92nd Congress


Unless specified in the statute, legislation is effective upon enactment.

The Capitol
Acronyms used by this website

PL 92-5 An Act to increase the public debt limit set forth in section 21 of the Second Liberty Bond Act, and for other purposes. (enacted 3/17/71)

Section 2 increases the public debt limit until 6/30/72, by $400,000,000,000.

Title II - Amendments to the Social Security Act
Section 201 determines the primary insurance amount and maximum family benefits by granting a 10% increase in Social Security payments.
Section 202 increases benefits for certain individuals age 72 and over. Effective after 12/70.
Section 203 increases earnings counted for benefits and tax purposes. Effective after 12/71.

Continuing Appropriations Resolution

PL 92-7 (3/30/71 - 6/30/71) (enacted 3/30/71)
Making continuing appropriations for FY 1971 at FY 1970 levels until enactment of permanent FY 1971 appropriations.

PL 92-18 An Act making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971, and for other purposes. (enacted 5/25/71)

Title II – Increased Pay Costs for FY 1971
Social Security Administration
Provides an increase of $47,530,000 in the limitation on salaries and expenses paid from trust funds.

Continuing Appropriations Resolution

PL 92-38 (7/1/71 - 8/6/71) (enacted 7/1/71)
Making continuing appropriations for FY 1972 at FY 1971 levels until enactment of permanent FY 1972 appropriations.


PL 92-40 An Act to amend the Social Security Act in order to continue for two years the temporary assistance program for United States citizens returned from abroad. (enacted 7/1/71)

Amends Section 1113(d) of the Social Security Act by continuing for two years the temporary assistance program for U.S. citizens returning from abroad.


Continuing Appropriations Resolution

PL 92-71 ( 8/6/71 - 10/15/71) (enacted 8/9/71)
Making continuing appropriations for FY 1972 at FY1971 levels until enactment of permanent F Y 1972 appropriations.


PL 92-80 An Act making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, and Health, Education, and Welfare, and related agencies, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, and for other purposes. (enacted 8/10/71)

Title II
Social Security Administration
Provides an additional amount of $2,465,297,000 for “Payments to Social Security Trust funds.”
Provides an additional amount of $644,249,000 for “Special benefits for disabled coal miners.”
Provides an increase of $1,134,640,000 in the “Limitation on salaries and expenses.” Provides for an additional amount of $18,194,000 for “Limitation on construction.”


Continuing Appropriations Resolutions

PL 92-139 (10/15/71 - 11/15/71) (enacted 10/15/71)
PL 92-162 (11/15/71 - 12/8/71) (enacted 11/20/71)
Making continuing appropriations for FY 1972 at FY 1971 levels until enactment of permanent FY 1972 appropriations.


PL 92-184 An Act making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, and for other purposes. (enacted 12/15/71)

Chapter III
Social Security Administration
Provides an additional amount of $289,696,000 for “Special benefits for disabled coal miners.”


PL 92-187 An Act to amend title 5, United States Code, to provide equality of treatment for married women Federal employees with respect to preference eligible employment benefits, cost-of-living allowances in foreign areas, and regulations concerning marital status generally, and for other purposes. (enacted 12/15/71)

Section 1 amends 5 U.S.C. Section 2108 by defining “preference eligible” as the unmarried widow or widower of a veteran or the wife or husband of a service-connected disabled veteran who has been unable to qualify for any appointment in the civil service or the government of the District of Columbia.
Section 2 amends 5 U.S.C. Section 5924 by providing a separate maintenance allowance to assist a Federal employee because of dangerous or unhealthy living conditions while located in a foreign area, and to meet the additional expense of the employee’s spouse or dependents, or both.
Section 3 amends 5 U.S.C. Section 7152 by providing the same benefits for a married female Federal employee and her spouse and children as are provided for a married male Federal employee and his spouse and children.


PL 92-194 An Act to provide overtime pay for intermittent and part-time General Schedule employees who work in excess of forty hours in a workweek. (enacted 12/15/71)

Amends 5 U.S.C. Section 5542(a) by providing overtime pay for intermittent and part-time General Schedule Federal employees who work in excess of 40 hours in a work week.


Continuing Appropriations Resolution

PL 92-201 (12/8/71 - 2/22/72) (enacted 12/18/71)
Making continuing appropriations for FY 1972 at FY 1971 levels until enactment of permanent FY 1972 appropriations.


PL 92-223 An Act to amend title II of the Social Security Act to permit the payment of the lump-sum death payment to pay the burial and memorial services expenses and related expenses for an insured individual whose body is unavailable for burial. (enacted 12/28/71)

Section 1 amends Title II by permitting the payment of lump-sum death payments for the burial and memorial services for an insured individual whose body is unavailable for burial. Effective with respect to deaths which occur after 12/31/70.


PL 92-250 An Act to provide for a temporary increase in the public debt limit. (enacted 3/15/72)

During the period between 3/15/72 and 6/30/72, the public debt limit, as temporarily increased by Section 2(a) of PL 92-5, shall be further temporarily increased by $20,000,000,000.


PL 92-261 Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 (enacted 3/24/72)

Provides enforcement powers to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Authorizes the EEOC to institute court proceedings to enforce the prohibition against employment discrimination based upon race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Established significant changes relative to coverage and exemptions, recordkeeping, administration, government contracts, and deadlines for filing charges.


PL 92-303 Black Lung Benefits Act of 1972 (enacted 5/19/72)

Section 1 amends Section 412(a) of the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 (FCMHSA) by providing disability benefits to orphans of deceased miners, and permitted dependent parents, brother or sisters of a deceased miner to receive such benefits, where no widow or child survived the miner, if they had been totally dependent on the miner and had lived in the miner's household for one year prior to the miners death.
Section 2 amends Section 412(b) of the FCMHSA by specifying that disability benefits for black lung disease does not correspond to a Federal workmen’s compensation program and could not be regarded as a precedent for such a program in the future. Effective 12/30/69.
Section 3 makes minor technical changes to Sections 401, 411(c)(1), 411(c)(2), and 422(h) of the FCMHSA.
Section 4 amends Section 402(f) of the FCMHSA by broadening the definition of “total disability” to include any respiratory impairment which prevented a miner from engaging in their usual occupation. Prohibits the denial of a claim solely on the basis of a negative chest X-ray, and provides that miners with 15 years’ service prior to 7/1/71, who were disabled by a respiratory disease would be presumed disabled by pneumoconiosis unless proven to the contrary.
Section 5 authorizes the Sec. of HEW to issue grants for construction of pneumoconiosis treatment facilities and directs the Sec. of HEW to initiate research on devices to test for the presence of black lung disease.
Section 6 amends Title IV of the FCMHSA by adding Section 431, which states that the Sec. of HEW shall, upon enactment of the Black Lung Benefits Act of 1972, generally disseminate to all persons who filed claims under this Title prior to the date of enactment of such Act that changes in the law created by such Act, and forthwith advise all persons whose claims have been denied for any reason or whose claims are pending, that their claims will be reviewed with respect to the provisions of the Black Lung Benefits Act of 1972.
Section 7 amends Title IV of the FCMHSA by adding Section 415 at the end of Part B, which states (a) that notwithstanding any other provision in this Title, for the purpose of assuring the uninterrupted receipt of benefits by claimants at such time as responsibility for administration of the benefits program is assumed by either a State workmen’s compensation agency or the Sec. of Labor, any claim for benefits under this part filed during the period from 7/1/73 to 12/31/73, shall be considered and determined in accordance with the procedures of this Section. With respect to any such claim Section 415(a)(2) states the manner and place of filing such claim shall be in accordance with regulations issued jointly by the Sec. of HEW and the Sec. of Labor, which regulations shall provide that such claims may be filed in district offices of the SSA and thereafter transferred to the jurisdiction of the Dept. of Labor for further consideration; (b) the Sec. of Labor, after consultation with the Sec. of HEW, may issue such regulations as are necessary or appropriate to carry out the purpose of this Section.
Section 8 amends Section 422(f) of Title IV of the FCMHSA by adding paragraph (2), which states that any claim for benefits under this Section in the case of a living miner filed on the basis of eligibility under Section 411(c)(4) of this Title, shall be filed within three years from the date of last exposed employment in a coal mine or, in the case of death from a respiratory or pulmonary impairment for which benefits would be payable under Section 411(c)(4) of this Title, incurred as the result of employment in a coal mine, shall be filed within 15 years from the date of the last exposed employment in a coal mine.


PL 92-306 An Act making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, and for other purposes. (enacted 5/27/72)



Title II
Increased Pay Costs
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
Social Security Administration
For additional amounts for appropriations for the FY 1972, for increased pay costs authorized by or pursuant to law. Limitation on salaries and expenses (increase of $15,527,000 in the limitation on salaries and expenses paid from Trust Funds.)

PL 92-310 An Act to provide that the Federal Government shall assume the risks of its fidelity losses, and for other purposes. (enacted 6/6/72)










Title I - Elimination of Surety Bonds for Federal Civilian and Military Personnel
Section 101(a) states no agency of the Federal Government may require or obtain surety bonds for its civilian employees or military personnel in connection with the performance of their official duties.
Section 101(b) states the personal financial liability of the Federal Government of such employees and personnel shall not be affected by reason of subsection (a) of this Section.
Section 101(c) states that for the purpose of this Title, the term “agency of the Federal Government” means any agency, department, or other entity of the legislative, executive, or judicial branch of the Government of the U.S., and includes each entity listed as a “wholly owned Government corporation” in Section 101 of the Government Corporation Control Act.
Section 102(a) states whenever (1) it is necessary to restore or otherwise adjust the account of any accountable officer or his or her agent for any loss to the U.S. due to the fault or negligence of such officer or agent, and (2) the head of the agency of the Federal Government concerned determines that the amount of the loss is uncollectible, such amount shall be charged to the appropriation or fund available for the expenses of the accountable function at the time the restoration or adjustment is made. Such restoration or adjustment shall not affect the personal financial liability of such officer or agent on account of such loss.
Section 102(b) states the restorations and adjustments provided for by subsection (a) of this Section shall be made in accordance with regulations which the Comptroller General of the U.S. shall prescribe and issue.
Section 103(a) states that for each of the first five full fiscal years following the date of enactment of this Act, the Sec. of Treasury shall transmit to the Congress, on or before the 31st day of December following the close of such FY, a report of the experience of agencies of the executive branch under this Act.
Section 103(b) states each agency of the executive branch shall furnish to the Sec. of Treasury such information as the Sec. of Treasury may require to carry out the purposes of subsection (a) of this Section.
Existing Surety Bonds and Liabilities
Section 104 states that each surety bond procured before the date of enactment of this Act for any of the civilian employees or military personnel of the Federal Government and in effect on such date shall remain in full force and effect for all periods provided in the bond subject to the cancellation and other provisions therein. Any change made by this Act in existing law shall not affect (1) any liability of a surety to the Federal Government arising under the provisions of any such bond; (2) any responsibility of a surety upon any such bond of a consular officer under former Section 1735 of the Revised Statutes; or (3) the jurisdiction of the U.S. district courts, concurrently with the courts of the several States, over any action brought on any such bond of an internal revenue officer or employee.


Continuing Appropriations Resolution


PL 92-334 (7/1/72 - 8/17/72) (enacted 7/1/72)
Making continuing appropriations for FY 1973 at FY 1972 levels until enactment of permanent FY 1973 appropriations.


PL 92-336 An Act to provide for a four-month extension of the present temporary level in the public debt limitation, and for other purposes. (enacted 7/1/72)


Section 1 states that PL 92-250 and Section 2(a) of PL 92-5 are each amended by striking out 6/30/72, and inserting in lieu thereof 10/31/72.

Title II - Amendments to the Social Security Program
Section 201 provides for a 20% across-the-board increase in Social Security benefits effective for 9/72.
Section 202 establishes procedures for issuing automatic COLAs each year beginning in 1975.
Section 203 increases from $9,000 in 1972 to $10,800 in 1973 and to $12,000 in 1974 the maximum amount of a worker's annual earnings that may be counted in figuring the worker and the worker’s family's Social Security benefits (and on which the worker pays Social Security contributions).
Section 204(a)(1) provides an increase in the rate of tax on self-employment income during specified time periods for purposes of OASDI.
Section 204(a)(2) provides an increase in the rate of tax on employees with respect to wages received during specified time periods for purposes of OASDI.
Section 204(a)(3) provides an increase in the rate of tax on employers with respect to wages paid during specified time periods for purposes of OASDI.
Section 204(b)(1) provides an increase in the rate of tax on self-employment income during specified time periods for purposes of hospital insurance.
Section 204(b)(2) provides an increase in the rate of tax on employees with respect to wages received during specified time periods for purposes of hospital insurance.
Section 204(b)(3) provides an increase in the rate of tax on employers with respect to wages paid during specified time periods for purposes of hospital insurance.
Section 204(c) states the amendments made by subsection (a)(1) and (b)(1) shall apply only with respect to taxable years beginning after 12/31/72. The remaining amendments made by this Section shall apply only with respect to remuneration paid after 12/31/72.
Section 205 provides changes in the allocation of funds to the DI Trust Fund.


Continuing Appropriations Resolution

PL 92-390 (8/17/72 - 9/30/72) (enacted 8/18/72)
Making continuing appropriations for FY 1973 at FY 1972 levels until enactment of permanent FY 1973 appropriations.


PL 92-392 An Act to provide an equitable system for fixing and adjusting the rates of pay for prevailing rate employees of the Government, and for other purposes. (enacted 8/19/72)

Section 1(a) amends 5 U.S.C. Chapter 53, Subchapter IV by rewriting Section 5341-5345 and adding new Sections 5346-5348:

Section 5341 states that it is the policy of Congress to provide a system of equal pay for substantially equal work for all blue collar employees working under similar conditions in all government agencies within the same geographic area, keyed to the prevailing rate paid for similar work by local private industries.
Section 5342(a) defines “agency” to exclude certain Government agencies which are generally excluded from laws relating to civil service. Effective on the first day of the first applicable pay period which begins on or after the180th day after the date of enactment or on such earlier date as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission (CSC).
Section 5342(b) defines “prevailing rate employee” to include ordinary wage board employees plus employees of nonappropriated fund activities of the Armed Services and the Veterans’ Canteen Service. Effective on the first day of the first applicable pay period which begins on or after the 180th day after the date of enactment or on such earlier date as prescribed by the CSC.
Section 5342(c) requires U.S. citizenship for all wage board employees employed in the U.S. unless no U.S. citizen is available to fill the position. Effective on the first day of the first applicable pay period which begins on or after the 180th day after the date of enactment or on such earlier date as prescribed by the CSC.
Section 5343(a) establishes the wage determination system by which employee pay shall be fixed and adjusted from time to time as nearly as is consistent with the prevailing rates. The CSC is vested with responsibility for determining boundaries of wage areas. Limits wage areas for nonappropriated funds to the immediate locality of the activity. The CSC shall designate a lead agency from among agencies having prevailing rate employees in a wage area which shall put the designated wage rates into effect. The authority for setting rates for wage board employees outside the U.S. is vested with the CSC. Effective on the first day of the first applicable pay period which begins on or after the 19th day after the date of enactment.
Section 5343(b) requires the CSC to schedule wage surveys every two years, with follow-up surveys each two years thereafter. Effective on the first day of the first applicable pay period which begins on or after the 19th day after the date of enactment.
Section 5343(c) states the CSC is empowered to issue regulations which prescribe practices and procedures for conducting wage surveys, analyzing data, and scheduling rates. This includes regulations for administering the prevailing rate system, and shall include surveys of private enterprise which are similar in work and job content.
Section 5343(d) states that the lead agency shall determine whether there are sufficient comparable jobs in the wage area to make a reasonable survey. If there is not a sufficient number of comparable jobs, a separate schedule shall be established by surveying the nearest wage area which does have a sufficient number of such jobs.
Section 5343(e)(1) provides that each grade of a wage schedule would have five steps, the first at 96% of the average private industry wage for that particular skill in that geographic area, the second at 100%, the third at 104%, the fourth at 108% and the fifth at 112%. Not effective until the first day of the first pay period commencing after (1) the date on which the President ceases to exercise authority under the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970 to stabilize wages and salaries, or (2) 4/30/73, whichever occurs first.
Section 5343(e)(2) provides that an employee would advance automatically to the next pay step within the grade after 26 weeks of service in step one, 78 weeks in step two and 104 weeks in steps three and four. Not effective until the first day of the first pay period commencing after (1) the date on which the President ceases to exercise authority under the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970 to stabilize wages and salaries, or (2) 4/30/73, whichever occurs first.
Section 5343(e)(3) requires preservation of step increases for employees called to military or essential civilian service during a period of war or national emergency.
Section 5343(e)(4) requires that supervisory wage schedules and special wage schedules authorized under subsection (c) of this Section shall follow local practices as to number of steps.
Section 5343(f) provides a 7½% pay differential, nationwide, for scheduled non-overtime work during the second shift (3 p.m. until midnight) and 10% for the third shift (11 p.m. until 8 a.m.). Effective on the first day of the first applicable pay period which begins on or after the 19th day after the date of enactment.
Section 5345 provides that a prevailing rate employee who has served for two continuous years in a particular grade and was demoted - but not for reasons of personal fault, lack of funds or curtailment of work - is entitled to receive his or her former rate of pay for two years thereafter (“saved pay”) if the employee continues to work for the same agency and is not entitled to a wage increase under other provisions of the Act. Effective on the first day of the first applicable pay period which begins on or after the 19th day after the date of enactment.
Section 5346 provides that where there were insufficient comparable private industry employees in a geographic area, wage levels in the nearest similar area could be considered for determining pay rates. Effective on the first day of the first applicable pay period which begins on or after the 19th day after the date of enactment.
Section 5347 establishes a Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory Committee to study the prevailing rate system and advise the CSC. Effective on the first day of the first applicable pay period which begins on or after the 19th day after the date of enactment.


Continuing Appropriations Resolution


PL 92-446 (9/29/72 - 10/14/72) (enacted 9/29/72)
Making continuing appropriations for Fiscal Year 1973 at FY 1972 levels until enactment of permanent FY 1973 appropriations.


PL 92-463 Federal Advisory Committee Act (enacted 10/6/72)








Section 2 requires Congress to review existing advisory committees and to abolish or reorganize those which it found were no longer needed, and to follow certain guidelines in creating new committees.
Section 4 exempts advisory committees established or utilized by the Central Intelligence Agency or the Federal Reserve System from provisions of this Act.
Section 8(a) states that each agency head shall establish uniform administrative guidelines and management controls for advisory committees established by that agency, which shall be consistent with directives of the Director under Section 7 and Section 10. Each agency shall maintain systematic information on the nature, functions, and operations of each advisory committee within its jurisdiction.
Section 8(b) provides that the head of each agency which has an advisory committee shall designate an Advisory Committee Management Officer who shall (1) exercise control and supervision over the establishment, procedures, and accomplishments of advisory committees established by that agency; (2) assemble and maintain the reports, records, and other papers of any such committee during its existence; and (3) carry out, on the behalf of that agency, the provisions of 5 U.S.C. Section 552, with respect to such reports, records, and other papers.
Section 10 provides for uniform procedures in the establishment and conduct of advisory committees, which include the filing of a committee charter, notification and public access to meetings and records, and the monitoring of committee meetings by a government employee.
Section 11 permits agencies and advisory committees to make available to any person, at actual cost of duplication, copies of transcripts of agency proceedings or advisory committee meetings.
Section 14 provides for termination of advisory committees after two years, subject to extension in some cases.


PL 92-529 An Act to amend chapter 87 of title 5, United States Code, to waive employee deductions for Federal Employee’s Group Life Insurance purposes during a period of erroneous removal or suspension. (enacted 10/21/72)


Amends 5 U.S.C. Section 8706, by adding subsection (f), which states if the insurance of an employee stops because of separation from the service or suspension without pay, and the separation or suspension is thereafter officially found to have been erroneous, the employee is deemed to have been insured during the period of erroneous separation or suspension. Deductions otherwise required by Section 8707 of this Chapter shall not be withheld from any backpay awarded for the period of separation or suspension unless death or accidental dismemberment of the employee occurs during such period.


Continuing Appropriations Resolution

PL 92-571 (10/15/72 - 2/28/73) (enacted 10/26/72)
Making continuing appropriations for FY 1973 at FY 1972 levels until enactment of permanent FY 1973 appropriations.
Amends Section 101 of PL 92-334 by adding subsection 101(e), which states such amounts as may be necessary for continuing activities for special benefits for disabled coal miners but at an annual rate for operations not to exceed $1,526,500,000.


PL 92-599 An Act to provide for a temporary increase in the public debt limit and to place a limitation on expenditures and net lending for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973. (enacted 10/27/72)


Title I - Temporary Increase in the Public Debt Limit
Section 101 states during the period beginning on 11/1/72, and ending on 6/30/73, the public debt limit shall be temporarily increased by $65,000,000,000.
Title II - Limitation on Expenditures and Net Lending for Fiscal Year 1973
Section 201(a) states that expenditures and net lending during the FY ending 6/30/73, under the budget of the U.S. Government shall not exceed $250,000,000,000.
Section 201(b) states the provisions of this Title shall cease to apply on the day after the date of the enactment of this Act and no action taken before such day under such provisions shall have any force or effect on or after such day.
Section 201(c) states in the administration of any program as to which (1) the amount of expenditures is limited pursuant to subsection (a), and (2) the allocation, grant, apportionment, or other distribution of funds among recipients is required to be determined by applications of a formula involving the amount appropriated or otherwise made available for distribution, the amount available for obligation (as determined by the President) shall be substituted for the amount appropriated or otherwise made available in the application of the formula.


PL 92-603 Social Security Amendments of 1972 (enacted 10/30/72)

Title I - Provisions Relating to Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance
Section 101 provides a special minimum benefit computed by multiplying $8.50 by a worker’s number of years in covered employment in excess of 10 years up to 30 years. A special minimum benefit of $170 a month will be paid for a worker retiring at age 65 (or disabled) who has been employed for 30 years under Social Security coverage. The new minimum benefit is payable to people with 23 or more years of covered employment. Minimum payments to a couple are 1½ times the new minimum benefit amounts. The special minimum benefit will not be increased automatically in the future. Effective 1/73.
Section 102 provides an increase in widow’s and widower’s benefits. A widow (or dependent widower) who first becomes entitled to benefits at age 65 or after will receive either 100% of the deceased’s primary insurance amount or, if the deceased’s benefits began before age 65, an amount equal to the reduced benefit the deceased would have been receiving if the deceased were alive, but not less than 82½% of the deceased’s primary insurance amount. The benefit for a widow (or widower) entitled between 60 and 65 will be reduced to take account of the longer period over which the benefit will be paid. A widow’s or widower’s benefit after reduction for age cannot exceed the amount the deceased spouse would have received, but in no case will a widow or widower who began receiving benefits at or after age 62 get less than 82½% of the deceased spouse’s primary insurance amount. Effective 1/73.
Section 103 provides for an increase in Social Security retirement benefits of one percent for each year after 1970 for which the worker between age 65 and before age 72 did not receive benefits because of earnings from work. No increased benefit would be paid under the provision to the worker’s dependents or survivors. Effective for computations and recomputations after 1972 based on earning after 1970.
Section 104 eliminates the difference in computing benefits for men and women, and making age 62 the computation point for men. Effective 1/73 and will be fully effective in 1/75 by reducing the age for men to 64 in 1973, to 63 in 1974 and to 62 in 1975.
Section 105 provides an automatic adjustment of the earnings test. Provides that the annual exempt amount of earnings that a beneficiary under age 72 may earn in a year and still receive all his or her Social Security benefits for the year are increased from $1,680 to $2,100. This section provides for a $1 reduction in benefits for each $2 of all earnings above $2,100; there is no $1-for-$1 reduction. In the year in which a person attains age 72 earnings in and after the month of age 72 attainment will not be included in determining total earnings for the year. The amount of exempt earnings is to be increased automatically in the future in proportion to the rise in average earnings, whenever Social Security benefits are increased automatically. Effective 1/73.
Section 106 amends Section 203(f)(3) of the Social Security Act by adding except that, in determining an individual’s excess earnings for the taxable year in which he or she attains age 72, there shall be excluded any earnings of such individual for the month in which they attain such age and any subsequent month (with any net earnings or net loss from self-employment in such year being prorated in an equitable manner under regulations). Effective for taxable years ending after 12/72.
Section 107 provides that aged dependent widowers under age 62 can be paid reduced benefits (on the same basis as widows) starting as early as age 60. Effective 1/73.
Section 108 provides that childhood disability benefits will be paid to the disabled son or daughter of an insured retired, deceased, or disabled worker, if the child’s disability began before age 22, rather than before age 18. A person who was entitled to childhood disability benefits will become re-entitled if he or she again becomes disabled within seven years after prior entitlement to such benefits was terminated. Effective 1/73.
Section 109 provides the continuation of child’s benefits for a child who is attending school full time (including a student in a vocational school) when the child reaches age 22 through the end of the semester or quarter in which the child reaches such age if the child has not received, or completed the requirements for, a bachelor’s degree from a college or university. Effective with respect to benefits payable under Title II of the Social Security Act for months after 12/72.
Section 110 provides that a child who is entitled to benefits on the earnings record of more than one worker will be paid benefits based on the earnings record which results in paying the child the highest amount, if the payment would not reduce the benefits of any other individual who is entitled to benefits based on that earnings record. Effective 1/73.
Section 111 states that a child adopted after a retired or disabled worker becomes entitled to benefits will be eligible for child’s benefits based on the worker’s earnings if the child is the natural child or stepchild of the worker or if (1) the adoption was decreed by a court of competent jurisdiction within the U.S., (2) the child lived with the worker in the U.S. for the year before the worker became disabled or entitled to old-age or disability insurance benefits, (3) the child received at least ½ of support from the worker for that year, and (4) the child was under age 18 at the time the child began living with the worker. A child who was born in the 1-year period specified in (2) and (3) is eligible if the child was living with and receiving support from the worker for substantially all of the period after the child was born. Effective 1/68 and after if an application for benefits is filed within six months after the month of enactment; otherwise, effective for the month of enactment.
Section 112 states a child’s benefits will no longer stop when the child is adopted, regardless of who adopts the child. Effective 10/73.
Section 113 provides benefits for a child based on the earnings record of a grandparent. Benefits are extended to the grandchild of a worker or the worker's spouse if (1) the child was living with and receiving at least one half support from the worker for the year immediately before the worker became disabled, or entitled to old-age or disability insurance benefits, or died; (2) the child began living with the worker before age 18; and (3) at the time the worker became disabled, or entitled to old-age or disability benefits, or died, (a) the child’s natural or adopting parents or stepparents were disabled or were not alive, or (b) the child was adopted by the worker’s surviving spouse after the worker’s death and the child’s natural or adopting parent or stepparent was not living in the worker’s household and making regular contributions toward the child’s support at the time the worker died. Effective 1/73.
Section 114 provides that benefits are payable to a divorced wife age 62 or older and a divorced widow age 60 or older if her marriage lasted 20 years before the divorce, and to a surviving divorced mother. Eliminates the support requirement for divorced wives, divorced widows, and surviving divorced mothers. Effective 1/73.
Section 115 states the duration-of-marriage requirement for entitlement to benefits as a worker’s widow, widower, or stepchild - the marriage must have been in existence for not less than nine months immediately prior to the day on which the worker died (except where death was accidental or in the line of duty in the uniformed services) - is waived in cases where the worker and spouse were previously married, divorced, and remarried, if they were married at the time of the worker’s death and if the duration-of-marriage requirement would have been met at the time of the divorce had the worker died then. Effective 1/73.
Section 116 provides that the period throughout which a person must be disabled before becoming eligible for disability benefits is reduced by one month, from six months to five months. Effective 1/73.
Section 117 eliminates the test of recent attachment to covered work for blind people. Provides that a blind person is insured for disability benefits if they are fully insured, that is has as many quarters of coverage as the number of CYs that elapsed after 1950 (or the year they reached 21, if later) and up to the year in which they became disabled. Effective 1/73.
Section 118 states that disability insurance benefits (and dependent’s benefits based on a worker’s entitlement to disability benefits) will be paid to the disabled worker’s survivors if an application for benefits is filed within three months after the worker’s death, or within three months after enactment of this provision. Effective 1/73.
Section 119 states that Social Security disability benefits must be reduced when workmen’s compensation is also payable if the combined payments exceed 80% of the worker’s average current earnings before disablement. Provides an alternative in computing a worker’s average current earnings by basing it on one year of highest earnings in a period consisting of the year of disablement and the five preceding years. Effective 1/73.
Section 120 provides wage credits for members of the uniformed services. Noncontributory wage credits are provided, in addition to contributory credits for basic pay, for military service during the period January 1957 (when military service was first covered under Social Security) through December 1967. The provision would provide Social Security noncontributory wage credit of $300 for each calendar quarter in which the servicemen receives military pay. Effective 1/73.
Section 121 provides an optional method of determining net earnings from nonfarm self-employment. This provision states that nonfarm self-employed persons have the option of reporting as their earnings for Social Security purposes 2/3 of their gross income from nonfarm self-employment, but not more than $1,600 in a year. This optional method of reporting may not be used more than five times by any self-employed person, and it can be used in a taxable year only if the person has actual net earnings from self-employment of $400 or more in at least two out of the three immediately preceding taxable years. The optional method can only be used if actual net earnings from self-employment are less than $1,600 and less than two-thirds of gross income—it may not be used to report and pay Social Security taxes on an amount less than actual net earnings. Effective for the taxable years beginning after 12/31/72.
Section 122 provides that payments will not be counted for Social Security benefit or tax purposes, if made by an employer to a survivor or estate of a deceased former employee after the CY in which the employee died or to a disabled former employee after the CY in which the employee became entitled to Social Security disability insurance benefits provided the disabled employee does not perform any services for that employer in the period for which the payment is made. Effective for payments made after 12/72.
Section 123 states Social Security coverage is made available to members of religious orders who have taken a vow of poverty, if the order makes an irrevocable election to cover all of its members and lay employees.
Section 124 provides that U.S. citizens who are self-employed outside the U.S. and who retain their residence in the U.S. (for 510 days, approximately 17 months, out of 18 consecutive months may not exclude the first $20,000 of earned income for Social Security purposes. Instead, they must compute their earnings for self-employment for Social Security purposes in the same way as those who are self-employed in the U.S. Effective for taxable years beginning after 12/31/72.
Section 125 states that the provisions of Section 210 (a)(6)(B)(ii) of the Social Security Act and Section 3121(b)(6)(B)(ii) of the IRC of 1954 shall be effective with respect to all service performed in the employ of a Federal home loan bank on and after the first day of the first calendar quarter which begins on or after the date of enactment of this Act.
Section 126 amends Section 218(p)(1) of the Social Security Act to extend Social Security coverage to policemen and firemen in Idaho.
Section 127 extends Social Security coverage to certain hospital employees in New Mexico, but only if such hospital has prior to 1966 withdrawn from a retirement system which had been applicable to the employees of such hospital.
Section 128 amends Section 210(a)(7) of the Social Security Act and Section 3121(b)(7) of the IRC of 1954 to extend Social Security coverage to certain employees of the government of Guam. Effective with respect to service performed on or after the first day of the first calendar quarter which begins on or after the date of enactment.
Section 129 states that services of a student performed in the employ of an auxiliary non-profit organization which is organized and operated exclusively for the benefit of, and supervised or controlled by, the school, college, or university at which the student is enrolled and regularly attends classes is excluded from Social Security coverage. This exclusion does not apply to the services of a student for an organization connected with a public school, college, or university whose student employees are covered under Social Security pursuant to a State coverage agreement. Effective for services performed after 12/72.
Section 130 amends Section 208 of the Social Security Act by providing criminal penalties for (1) willfully, knowingly, and with the intent to deceive the Secretary of HEW his or her true identity (or the true identity of any other person), furnishes false information required by the Secretary for purposes of establishing and maintenance of SSN records; (2) for the purpose of increasing a payment under Social Security or any other federally funded program, or for the purpose of obtaining such payment or benefit that the person is not entitled, willfully, knowingly and with the intent to deceive uses a SSN that was obtained with false information furnished to the Secretary by any individual, or with the intent to deceive, falsely represents a number to be a SSN assigned by the Secretary. Establishes a penalty of up to a $1,000 fine, imprisonment up to one year, or both.
Section 131 provides an increase in the amount of Social Security Trust Fund moneys that may be used to pay for the costs of rehabilitating Social Security disability beneficiaries. The amount is increased from 1% of the previous year’s disability benefits to 1¼% for FY 1973 and to 1½% for FY 1974 and subsequent years. Effective upon enactment for expenditures after 6/30/72.
Section 132 states that money gifts made unconditionally to the Social Security program shall be deposited in the specific Trust Fund designated by the donor or if the donor has not so designated, the Federal OASDI Trust Fund. Effective for gifts and bequests received after the date of enactment.
Section 133 provides that if an individual would, upon the timely filing of an application for a disability determination under Section 216(i) of the Social Security Act and of an application for disability insurance benefits under Section 223, have been entitled to benefits under Section 223 for a period which began after 1959 and ended prior to 1964, such individual shall, upon filing application for disability insurance benefits with respect to such period not later than six months after the date of enactment, be entitled to receive in a lump sum an amount equal to the total amounts of benefits which would have been payable for such period, but only if such period was determined to be a period of disability. Effective with respect to information furnished to the Sec. of HEW after the date of enactment.
Section 134 states that upon the death after 1967 of an individual entitled to benefits under Section 202(a) or Section 223 of the Social Security Act, if any person is entitled to monthly benefits or a lump-sum death payment, on the wages and self-employment income of such individual, the Sec. of HEW shall recompute the decedent’s primary insurance amount, but only if the decedent during his or her lifetime was paid compensation which was treated under Section 205(o) as remuneration for employment.
Section 135 amends Section 3101 (a) of the IRC of 1954 by making changes to the tax schedule relating to the rate of tax on self-employment income for purposes of OASDI and hospital insurance, the rate of tax on employees for purposes of OASDI and hospital insurance, and the rate of tax on employers for purposes of OASDI and hospital insurance.
Section 136 makes allocation changes to the DI Trust Fund.
Section 137 amends Section 205(c)(2) of the Social Security Act to require the Sec. of HEW to assign SSNs (to the maximum extent practicable) to 1) aliens at the time of their lawful admission to the U.S. for permanent residence or under authority which permits them to work, and to other aliens at such time as their status changes to permit them to work; 2) to individuals who are applicants for or recipients of benefits that are funded in part or in whole by Federal funds; and, 3) to any individual that could have been but was not assigned an SSN as noted above but only after an investigation to establish certain requirements. The Sec. of HEW is authorized to assign SSNs to children below school age at the request of a parent or guardian or when they enter the school system. The Sec. of HEW must require evidence of age, citizenship, or alien status, and identity for applicants for an SSN. In carrying out these requirements, the Sec. of HEW may enter into agreements with the Attorney General, and with State and local welfare agencies and school officials as necessary.
[NOTE: This is the first explicit statutory authority to issue SSNs. SSNs were previously issued pursuant to administrative procedures that the Agency had established.]
Section 138 amends Section 209 of the Social Security Act by adding subsection (o), which states that the definition of “wages” excludes any payment made by an employer to an employee, if at the time such payment is made such employee is entitled to disability insurance benefits under Section 223(a) and such entitlement commenced prior to the CY in which such payment is made, and if such employee did not perform any services for such employer during the period for which such payment is made. Amends Section 3121(a) of the IRC of 1954 by adding paragraph (15), which provides that the definition of “wages” excludes any payment made by an employer to an employee, if at the time such payment is made such employee is entitled to disability insurance benefits under Section 223(a) of the Social Security Act and such entitlement commenced prior to the CY in which such payment is made, and if such employee did not perform any services for such employer during the period for which such payment is made. Effective for any payment made after 12/72.
Section 139(a) states that the Sec. of HEW may, under such conditions as he or she deems appropriate, permit the State of Louisiana to modify its agreement entered into under Section 218 of the Social Security Act so as to terminate the coverage of all employees who are in positions under the Registrars of Voters Employee’s Retirement System, but only if such State files with the Sec. of HEW notice of termination on or before 12/31/73. Effective after 12/75.
Section 139(b) states if the coverage of such employees in positions under such retirement system is terminated pursuant to subsection (a), coverage cannot later be extended to employees in positions under such retirement system.
Section 140 provides that the self-employment earnings of any American clergyman serving outside the U.S. is computed the same as clergymen in the U.S. by eliminating from the application the $20,000 exclusion provision for clergymen and members of religious orders who do not maintain a residence in the U.S. Effective for taxable years beginning after 12/31/72.
Section 141 permits States to modify their Social Security coverage agreements for State and local employees prior to 1/1/74, so as to remove the coverage services of students employed by the public school or college they are attending, and the services of other part-time employees.
Section 142 provides non-contributory Social Security credits for U.S. citizens of Japanese ancestry for the periods they were interned by the U.S. Government during World War II and were age 18 or older. The credits will be determined on the basis of the then prevailing minimum wage or the individual’s prior earnings, whichever is larger. Effective 1/73.
Section 143 modifies the agreement with West Virginia, under Section 218 of the Social Security Act, to provide coverage for certain policemen and firemen.
Section 144 perfects the amendments relating to the 20% increase provision enacted in PL 92-336.
Section 145 amends Section 216(k) of the Social Security Act by reducing from nine months to three months the duration-of-relationship requirement when death is accidental or in line of duty in the Armed Forces so that there would be no duration-of-relationship requirement in such cases if at the time of the marriage it is reasonable to expect that the deceased would have lived for at least nine months. Effective 1/73.
Title II - Provision Relating to Medicare, Medicaid, and Maternal and Child Health
Section 201 states that Social Security disability beneficiaries will be covered under Medicare after entitlement to disability benefits for not less than 24 consecutive months. Those covered include disabled workers at any age; disabled widows and disabled dependent widowers between the ages of 50 and 65; beneficiaries age 18 or older who receive benefits because of disability prior to reaching age 22; and disabled qualified railroad retirement annuitants. Effective 7/73.
Section 202 states that people age 65 or over who are ineligible for Part A of Medicare can voluntarily enroll for hospital insurance coverage by applying the full cost of coverage (initially $33 monthly to be recalculated annually). Where the Sec. of HEW finds it administratively feasible, those States and other public employee groups which have voluntarily elected not to participate in the Social Security program, could opt for and pay the Part A premium costs for retired or active employees age 65 or over. Enrollment in Part B of Medicare is required as a condition of buying into the Part A program. Effective 7/73.
Section 203 provides that Part B premium increases for FY 1974 and thereafter will be limited to not more than the percentage by which Social Security cash benefits had been generally increased since the last Part B premium adjustment. Costs above those met by such premium payments will be paid out of general revenues in addition to the regular general revenue matching. Effective 7/73.
Section 204 states the annual Part B deductible is increased from $50 to $60. Effective 1/73.
Section 206 provides for automatic enrollment under Part B for the elderly and the disabled as they become eligible for Part A hospital insurance coverage (except for residents of Puerto Rico and foreign countries). Those eligible for automatic enrollment must be fully informed as to the procedure and given an opportunity to decline the coverage. Effective 7/73.
Section 210 states that Medicare will not pay a beneficiary who is also a Federal retiree or employee for services covered under their Federal employee’s health insurance policy which are also covered under Medicare unless they have had an option of selecting a policy supplementing Medicare benefits. If a supplemental policy is not made available, the Federal employee plan pays first on any items of care which were covered under both the Federal employee’s program and Medicare. Effective 1/75.
Section 211 provides that payment under Medicare for care in a foreign hospital of a U.S. resident is authorized where such hospital is closer to his or her residence or more accessible than the nearest suitable U.S. hospital. Such hospitals must be approved under an appropriate hospital approval program. Part B payments for necessary physicians’ services furnished in conjunction with such hospitalization are authorized. Medicare payments for emergency hospital and physician services needed by beneficiaries in transit between Alaska and the other continental States is also covered. Effective 1/73.
Section 213 relieves beneficiaries from liability in certain situations where Medicare claims are disallowed and the beneficiary is without fault. Effective for claims for items and services furnished after 10/30/72.
Section 221 states that Medicare and Medicaid payments will not be made with respect to certain disapproved capital expenditures (except for construction toward which preliminary expenditures of $100,000 or more had been made in the three year period ending 12/17/70) which are specifically determined to be inconsistent with State or local health facility plans. Effective 1/73, or earlier if requested by a State.
Section 222 states that the Sec. of HEW is authorized to undertake studies, experiments or demonstration projects with respect to: various forms of prospective reimbursement of facilities; ambulatory surgical centers; intermediate care and homemaker services (with respect to the extended care benefit under Medicare); elimination or reduction of the three-day prior hospitalization requirement for admission to a skilled nursing facility; determination of the most appropriate methods of reimbursing the services of physicians’ assistants and nurse practitioners; provision of day care services to older persons eligible under Medicare and Medicaid; and possible means of making the services of clinical psychologists more generally available under Medicare and Medicaid.
Section 223 provides that the Sec. of HEW is authorized to establish limits on overall direct or indirect costs which will be recognized as reasonable for comparable services in comparable facilities in an area. The Sec. of HEW may also establish maximum acceptable costs in such facilities with respect to items or groups of services (for example, food costs, or standby costs). The beneficiary will be liable (except in the case of emergency care) for any amounts determined as excessive (except that they may not be charged for excessive amounts in a facility in which their admitting physician has a direct or indirect ownership interest in the facility). Effective for accounting periods beginning after 12/72.
Section 224 provides that reasonable charges for medical services, supplies, and equipment may not exceed the lowest charge levels at which such services, supplies, and equipment are widely and consistently available in a locality except to the extent and under the circumstances specified by the Sec. of HEW. Effective 7/73 for physicians’ services, and 1/73 for other items and services.
Section 225 states that Federal financial participation in reimbursement for skilled nursing facility care and intermediate care per diem costs are not available to the extent such costs exceed 105% of prior year levels of payment (except for those costs attributable to any additional required services). Also excepted are increased payments resulting from increases in the Federal minimum wage or other new Federal laws. Effective 1/73.
Section 226 states that Medicare is authorized to make a single combined Part A and B payment, on a capitation basis, to a HMO, which would agree to provide care to a group not more than one-half of whom are Medicare beneficiaries who freely choose this arrangement. Such payments may not exceed 100% of present Part A and B per capita costs for a comparable group of non-HMO beneficiaries in a given geographic area, and the exact amount of the incentive payment would be dependent upon the relative efficiency of the HMO. Effective 7/73.
Section 227 provides that services of teaching physicians will be reimbursed under Medicare on a costs basis unless: (A) the patient is a bona fide private patient; or (B) the hospital has charged all patients and collected from a majority on a fee-for-service basis. For donated services of teaching physicians, a salary cost will be imputed equal to the prorated usual costs of full-time salaried physicians. Any such payment would be made to a special fund designated by the medical staff to be used for charitable or educational purposes. Effective 7/73.
Section 228 states that the Sec. of HEW is authorized to establish, by diagnosis, minimum periods during which the post-hospital patient would be presumed to be eligible for skilled nursing facility and home health benefits. Effective 1/73.
Section 229 provides that the Sec. of HEW is authorized to suspend or terminate Medicare payments to a provider found to have abused the program. Further, there will be no Federal participation in Medicaid payments which might be made subsequently to such a provider. Effective for Medicare 1/73; for Medicaid 10/30/72.
Section 234 states all providers of services, as a condition of Medicare participation, are required to have a written overall plan and budget reflecting an operating budget and a capital expenditures plan which would be updated at least annually. The required annual operating budget does not have to be a detailed item budget. Effective for FYs of providers beginning after 3/73.
Section 236 provides that payment under Medicare and Medicaid cannot be made to anyone other than the physician or other person who provided the service, unless such person is required as a condition of employment to turn fees over to his or her employer. Effective 10/30/72 for Medicare and 1/73 for Medicaid.
Section 238 states that notification to patient and physician, and a payment cut-off after three days, is required under Medicare in those cases where unnecessary utilization is discovered during a sample review of admissions to hospitals or skilled nursing facilities. Effective 1/73.
Section 241 provides for proficiency testing of paramedical personnel under Medicare and Medicaid until 12/31/77.
Section 242 provides penalties for soliciting, offering or accepting bribes or kickbacks, or for concealing events affecting a person’s rights to benefits with intent to defraud, and for converting benefit payments to improper use, of up to one year’s imprisonment and a $10,000 fine or both may be imposed. Additionally, false reporting of a material fact as to conditions or operations of a health care facility is a misdemeanor and is subject to up to six months’ imprisonment, a fine of $2,000, or both. Effective for acts occurring on or after 10/30/72.
Section 243 establishes under Medicare a Provider Reimbursement Review Board to hear cases involving an issue of $10,000 or more. Groups of providers can appeal where the amounts at issue on a common matter aggregate $50,000 or more. Any provider which believes that its fiscal intermediary has failed to make a timely cost determination on its annual cost report or timely determination on a supplemental filing can appeal to the Board where the amount involved is $10,000 or more. Effective for accounting periods ending on or after 6/30/73.
Section 244 states that State health certification agencies, as directed by the Sec. of HEW, will survey on a selective sample basis (or where substantial allegations of noncompliance have been made) hospitals accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals. The Sec. of HEW is also authorized to promulgate health and safety standards without being restricted to Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospital standards.
Section 245 states that the Sec. of HEW is authorized to experiment with reimbursement approaches which are intended to eliminate unreasonable expenses resulting from prolonged rentals of durable medical equipment and then to implement the approaches found effective.
Section 246 provides a single definition and set of standards for extended care facilities under Medicare and skilled nursing homes under Medicaid are established. This provision creates a single category of “skilled nursing facilities” which will be eligible to participate in both health care programs. A “skilled nursing facility” is defined as an institution meeting the prior definition of an extended care facility and which also satisfies certain other Medicaid requirements. Effective 7/73.
Section 247 states the definition of care requirements with respect to entitlement for extended care benefits under Medicare and with respect to skilled nursing care under Medicaid is made the same. Amends the prior law to authorize skilled care benefits for individuals in need of skilled nursing care and/or skilled rehabilitation services on a daily basis in a skilled nursing facility which it is practical to provide only on an inpatient basis. Coverage will also be continued during short term periods (e.g., a day or two) when no skilled services are actually provided but when discharge from a skilled facility for such brief period is neither desirable nor practical. Effective 1/73.
Section 248 authorizes an interval of more than 14 days for patients whose conditions do not permit immediate provision of skilled services within the 14-day limitation. An extension not to exceed two weeks beyond the 14 days is also authorized in those instances where an admission to a skilled nursing facility is prevented because of the non-availability of appropriate bed space in facilities ordinarily utilized by patients in a geographic area.
Section 249 provides that States will be required to reimburse skilled nursing and intermediate care facilities on a reasonable cost-related basis under Medicaid, using acceptable cost-finding techniques and methods approved and validated by the Sec. of HEW cost reimbursement methods which the Sec. of HEW finds to be acceptable for a State’s Medicaid program could be adapted, with appropriate adjustments, for purposes of Medicare skilled nursing facility reimbursements in that State. Effective 7/76.
Section 249C states that HEW must regularly make public the following types of evaluations and reports with respect to the Medicare and Medicaid programs: (1) individual contractor performance reviews and other formal evaluations of the performance of carriers, intermediaries, and State agencies including the reports of follow-up reviews; (2) comparative evaluations of the performance of contractors - including comparisons of either overall performance or of any particular contractor operation; (3) program validation survey reports - with the names of individuals deleted. Effective for reports completed after 1/73.
Section 249D provides that Federal matching for that portion of any money payment to a cash public assistance recipient which is related to institutional medical or remedial care will not be made.
Section 249F provides for the establishment of Professional Standards Review Organizations (PSRO’s) consisting of substantial numbers of practicing physicians (usually 300 or more) in local areas to assume responsibility for comprehensive and on-going review of services covered under the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Until 1/1/76 only such qualified physician-sponsored organizations may be designated as PSRO’s. Subsequent to that date priority will be given to such organizations but where they do not choose to or do not qualify to assume such responsibilities in an area, the Sec. of HEW may designate another organization having professional medical competence as the PSRO for the area. The PSRO will be responsible for assuring that institutional services were (1) medically necessary and (2) provided in accordance with professional standards. A PSRO, at its option, and with the approval of the Sec. of HEW, may also assume responsibility for the review of non-institutional care and services provided under Medicare and Medicaid. PSRO’s would not be involved with reasonable charge determinations. Safeguards included are designed to protect the public interest, including appeals procedures, and to prevent pro forma assumption in carrying out review responsibilities. The provision requires recognition of and use by the PSRO of utilization review committees in hospitals and medical organizations to the extent they are determined to be effective.
Section 251 provides (1) physical therapy provided in the therapist’s office pursuant to a physician’s written plan of treatment is covered under Part B of Medicare. Benefit payments in one year for services by an independent practitioner in his or her office or the patient’s home cannot be based on more than $100 of incurred expenses. Effective 7/73; (2) a hospital or skilled nursing facility could provide covered outpatient physical therapy services to its inpatients, so that an inpatient could conveniently receive Part B benefits after inpatient benefits have expired. Effective 10/30/72; and (3) reimbursement for services provided by physical and other therapists in health institutions will generally be limited to a reasonable salary-related basis rather than a fee-for-service basis. Effective 1/73.
Section 252 provides Medicare coverage of the costs of supplies directly related to the care of a colostomy.
Section 256 states that the dentist who is caring for a Medicare patient is authorized to make the certification of the necessity for inpatient hospital admission for noncovered dental services without requiring a corroborating certification by a physician. Effective 1/73.
Section 257 states that the 90-day grace period can be extended for an additional 90 days where the Sec. of HEW finds that there was good cause for failure to pay the Part B premium before the expiration of the initial 90-day grace period. Effective 10/30/72 and with premiums due 90 days before 10/30/72.
Section 258 provides that where a claim under supplementary medical insurance is not filed timely due to error of the Government or one of its agents, the claim may nevertheless be honored if filed as soon as possible after the facts in the case have been established. Effective 3/68.
Section 259 states the Sec. of HEW is authorized to provide such equitable relief as may be necessary to correct or eliminate the effects of situations where an individual’s rights were prejudiced by administrative error or inaction, including (but not limited to) the establishment of a special initial or subsequent enrollment period, with a coverage period determined on the basis thereof and with appropriate adjustments of premiums. Effective 10/30/72, for all cases arising since the beginning of Medicare.
Section 260 provides that the prior three-year limit with respect to both initial enrollment and reenrollment after an initial termination is removed. Effective 10/30/72, for all those who could not enroll.
Section 261 states any individual who is liable for repayment of a Medicare overpayment can qualify for waiver of recovery of the overpaid amount if they are without fault and if such recovery would defeat the purpose of Title II or would be against equity and good conscience.
Section 262 states that a minimum amount of $100 must be at issue before an enrollee in the supplementary medical insurance program can be granted a fair hearing by the carrier.
Section 263 provides that the Railroad Retirement Board shall be responsible for collection of supplementary medical insurance premiums for all enrollees who are entitled under that program.
Section 264 provides an optometrist can attest to a beneficiary’s need for prosthetic lenses under Medicare.
Section 265 states that the provision of medical social services will no longer be required as a condition of participation for a skilled nursing facility under Medicare.
Section 266 provides that the Sec. of HEW is authorized to dispose of excess supplementary medical insurance premiums and excess hospital insurance premiums in the same manner as unpaid medical insurance benefits are treated.
Section 267 states that a special waiver of the R.N. nursing requirement for skilled nursing facilities in rural areas can be granted provided that a registered nurse is absent from the facility for not more than two day-shifts (if the facility employs one full-time registered nurse and the facility is making good-faith efforts to obtain another on a part-time basis). This special waiver may be granted only if (1) the facility is caring only for patients whose physicians have indicated (in written form on order sheet and admission note) that they could go without a registered nurse’s services for a 48-hour period or (2) if the facility has any patients for whom physicians have indicated a need for a registered nurse or a physician to spend such time as is necessary at the facility to provide the skilled nursing services required by patients on the uncovered day.
Section 273 states the definition of the term “physician” in title XVIII includes a licensed chiropractor who also meets uniform minimum standards promulgated by the Sec. of HEW. The services furnished by chiropractors are covered under the program as “physician services,” but only with respect to treatment of the spine by means of manual manipulation which the chiropractor is legally authorized to perform. Claims for such treatment must be verifiable with a satisfactory X-ray indicating the existence of a subluxation of the spine. Effective 7/73.
Section 276 states services furnished by an intern or resident-in-training in the field of podiatry under a teaching program approved by the Counsel on Podiatry Education of the American Podiatry Association are included within the definition of approved hospital teaching programs. Effective 1/73.
Section 277 provides that those State agencies, which are capable of and willing to, may provide specialized consultative services for Medicare patients in a skilled nursing facility, subject to approval of the State’s arrangements by the Sec. of HEW.
Section 278(a) makes a minor technical amendment to Section 1814(a)(2)(C); Section 1814(a)(6); Section 1814(a)(7); Section 1861(a)(2); Section 1861(h); Section 1861(i); Section 1861(j); Section 1861(k); 1861(l); Section 1861(m)(7); Section 1861(n); Section 1861(u); Section 1861(v)(3); Section 1861(w); Section 1861(y); Section 1864(a); Section 1866; Section 1902(a)(13); Section 1902(a)(26); Section 1902(a)(28); Section 1905(a)(4); Section 1905(a)(5); Section 1905(a)(14); and Section 1121.
Section 278(b) makes minor technical amendments to Sections 1903(g), (h); Section 402(a)(1)(E) of the Social Security Amendments of 1967; Section 1876; Section 1814(h); Section 1903(h); Section 1861(z); Section 1903(i)(4); Section 1877(c); Section 1909(c); Section 1861(i); Section 1861(v)(1)(E); Section 1910; Section 1861(j); Section 1902(a); Section 1864(a); Section 1903(j); Section 1814(h); and Section 1866(a)(1). Effective 1/73.
Section 279 states with respect to diagnostic laboratory tests for which payment is to be made to a laboratory, the Sec. of HEW is authorized to negotiate a payment rate with a laboratory which would be considered the full charge for such tests, and for which reimbursement would be made at 100% of such negotiated rate. Such negotiated rate must be limited to an amount not to exceed the total payment that would have been made in the absence of such rate.
Section 281 limits Medicare’s right of recovery of overpayments to a three-year period (or as short as one year if the Sec. of HEW so decides) from the date of payment where the beneficiary acted in good faith. Permits the Sec. of HEW to set a time between one and three years within which claims for underpayments have to be made.
Section 283 provides that the costs of speech pathology services, where such services are provided in clinics participating in the program as providers of covered physical therapy services, are covered under Medicare. Effective 1/73.
Section 288 provides for modification of the role of the health insurance benefits advisory council so that its role would be that of offering suggestions for the consideration of the Sec. of HEW on matters of general policy in the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
Section 289 states that the Sec. of HEW, in carrying out his or her responsibility for administration of the Medicare program, is authorized to administer oaths and affirmations in the course of any hearing, investigation, or proceeding.
Section 293 deletes the prior requirement that railroad include the amount of hospital insurance tax withheld on W-2 forms. Employees will be notified, however, that those with dual employment may be entitled to a refund of excess hospital insurance tax paid. Effective for remuneration paid after 1971.
Section 294 provides that appointments to the office of the Administrator of the Social and Rehabilitation Service will be made by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.
Section 299D states that the Sec. of HEW is required to make reports of an institution’s significant deficiencies or the absence thereof (such as in the areas of staffing, fire safety, and sanitation) a matter of public record readily and generally available. Such information must be available for inspection within 90 days of completion of the survey. Effective 5/1/73.
Section 299I provides that fully or currently insured workers under Social Security and their dependents with chronic renal disease would be deemed disabled for purposes of coverage under Parts A and B of Medicare. Coverage would begin three months after a course of renal dialysis is begun. Institutional care will be covered only in institutions which meet a minimum utilization rate requirement and which provide for a medical review board to screen the appropriateness of patients for proposed treatment procedures. Effective with respect to services provided on and after 7/1/73.
Section 299K eliminates the coinsurance payment under Part B of Medicare for home health services. Effective 1/73.
Section 299L provides that the Sec. of HEW, rather than the States only, may certify institutions on Indian reservations as intermediate care facilities or skilled nursing facilities.
Section 299O makes clear that there is no authorization for an appeal to the Sec. of HEW or for judicial review on matters solely involving amounts of benefits under Part B, and that insofar as Part A amounts are concerned, appeal is authorized only if the amount in controversy is $100 or more and judicial review only if the amount in controversy is $1,000 or more.
Title III - Supplemental Security Income for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled
Section 301 establishes the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled. Amends Title XVI of the Social Security Act by adding the following: “Title XVI - Supplemental Security Income for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled”

Section 1601 states that for the purpose of establishing a national program to provide supplemental security income to individuals who have attained age 65 or are blind or disabled, there are authorized to be appropriated sums sufficient to carry out this Title.
Section 1602 states that every aged, blind, or disabled individual who is determined to be eligible on the basis of income and resources shall be paid benefits by the Sec. of HEW.
Section 1611(a)(1) states that each aged, blind, or disabled individual who does not have an eligible spouse and (A) whose income, other than income excluded pursuant to Section 1612(b), is at a rate of not more than $1,560 for the CY 1974 or any CY thereafter, and (B) whose resources, other than resources excluded pursuant to Section 1613(a), are not more than (i) in cases where such individual has a spouse with whom the individual is living with, $2,250, or (ii) in cases where such individual has no spouse with whom that individual is living with, $1,500, shall be an eligible individual for purposes of this Title.
Section 1611(a)(2) states each aged, blind, or disabled individual who has an eligible spouse and (A) whose income (together with the income of such spouse), other than income excluded pursuant to Section 1612(b), is at a rate of not more than $2,340 for the CY 1974, or any CY thereafter, and (B) whose resources (together with the resources of such spouse), other than resources excluded pursuant to Section 1613(a), are not more than $2,250, shall be an eligible individual for purposes of this Title.
Section 1611(b)(1) states that the benefits under this Title for an individual who does not have an eligible spouse shall be payable at the rate of $1,560 for the CY 1974 and any CY thereafter, reduced by the amount of income, not excluded pursuant to Section 1612(b), of such individual.
Section 1611(b)(2) states that the benefits under this Title for an individual who has an eligible spouse shall be payable at the rate of $2,340 for the CY 1974 and any CY thereafter, reduced by the amount of income, not excluded pursuant to Section 1612(b), of such individual.
Section 1611(c)(1) provides that an individual’s eligibility for benefits under this Title and the amount of such benefits shall be determined for each quarter of a CY except that, if the initial application for benefits is filed in the second or third month of a calendar quarter, such determinations shall be made for each month in such quarter. Eligibility for and the amount of such benefits for any quarter shall be redetermined at such time or times as may be provided by the Sec. of HEW.
Section 1611(c)(2) states that for purposes of this subsection an application shall be considered to be effective as of the first day of the month in which it was actually filed.
Section 1611(d) provides that the Sec. of HEW may prescribe the circumstances under which, the gross income from a trade or business (including farming) will be considered sufficiently large to make an individual ineligible for benefits under this Title.
Section 1611(e)(1)(A) states that except as provided in subparagraph (B), no person shall be an eligible individual or eligible spouse for purposes of this Title with respect to any month if throughout such month the individual is an inmate of a public institution.
Section 1611(e)(1)(B) states that in any case where an eligible individual or their eligible spouse is, throughout any month, in a hospital, extended care facility, nursing home, or intermediate care facility receiving payments (with respect to such individual or spouse) under a State plan approved under Title XIX, the benefit under this Title for such individual for such month shall be payable (i) at a rate not in excess of $300 per year (reduced by the amount of any income not excluded pursuant to Section 1612(b)) in the case of an individual who does not have an eligible spouse; (ii) at a rate not in excess of the sum of the applicable rate specified in subsection (b)(1) and the rate of $300 per year (reduced by the amount of any income not excluded pursuant to Section 1612(b)) in the case of an individual who has an eligible spouse, if only one of them is in such a hospital, home, or facility throughout such month; and (iii) at a rate not in excess of $600 per year (reduced by the amount of any income not excluded pursuant to Section 1612(b)) in the case of an individual who has an eligible spouse, if both of them are in such a hospital, home, or facility throughout such month.

Section 1611(e)(2) provides that no person shall be an eligible individual or eligible spouse for purposes of this Title if, after notice to such person is eligible for any payments of the type enumerated in Section 1612(a)(2)(B), such person fails within 30 days to take all appropriate steps to apply for and (if eligible) obtain any such payments.
Section 1611(e)(3)(A) states no person who is an aged, blind, or disabled individual solely by reason of disability (as determined under Section 1614(a)(3)) shall be an eligible individual or eligible spouse for purposes of this Title with respect to any month if such individual is medically determined to be a drug addict or an alcoholic unless such individual is undergoing any treatment that may be appropriate for their condition as a drug addict or alcoholic at an institution or facility approved for purposes of this paragraph by the Sec. of HEW (so long as such treatment is available) and demonstrates that they are complying with the terms, conditions, and requirements of such treatment and with requirements imposed by the Sec. of HEW under subparagraph (B).
Section 1611(e)(3)(B) states the Sec. of HEW shall provide for the monitoring and testing of all individuals who are receiving benefits under this Title and who as a condition of such benefits are required to be undergoing treatment and complying with the terms, conditions, and requirements thereof as described in subparagraph (A), in order to assure such compliance and to determine the extent to which the imposition of such requirement is contributing to the achievement of the purposes of this Title. The Sec. of HEW shall annually submit to the Congress a full and complete report on their activities under this paragraph.
Section 1611(f) provides that notwithstanding any other provision of this Title, no individual shall be considered an eligible individual for purposes of this Title for any month during all of which such individual is outside the U.S. (and no person shall be considered the eligible spouse of an individual for purposes of this title with respect to any month during all of which such person is outside the U.S.). For purposes of the preceding sentence, after an individual has been outside the U.S. for any period of 30 consecutive days, they shall be treated as remaining outside the U.S. until they have been in the U.S. for a period of 30 consecutive days.
Section 1611(g) states in the case of any individual or any individual and their spouse who for the month of 12/73 was a recipient of aid or assistance under a State plan approved under Title I, X, XIV, or XVI, the resources of such individual or such individual and their spouse shall be deemed not to exceed the amount specified in Sections 1611(a)(1)(B) and 1611(a)(2)(B) during any period that the resources of such individual or individual and their spouse does not exceed the maximum amount of resources, as specified in the State plan (as in effect in 10/72) under which he/she or they are entitled to aid or assistance for the month of 12/72.
Section 1611(h) provides that in determining eligibility for, and the amount of, benefits payable under this Section in the case of any individual or any individual and their spouse who is blind and who for the month of 12/73 was a recipient of aid or assistance under a State plan approved under Title X or XVI, there shall be disregarded an amount equal to the greater of the amounts determined as follows (1) the maximum amount of any earned or unearned income which could have been disregarded under the State plan (as in effect in 10/72), or (2) the amount which would be required to be disregarded under Section 1612 without application of this subsection.
Section 1612(a)(1) states earned income means only (A) wages as determined under Section 203(f)(5)(C); and (B) net earnings from self-employment, as defined in Section 211 including earnings for services described in paragraphs (4), (5), and (6) of subsection (c).
Section 1612(a)(2) states unearned income means all other income, including (A) support and maintenance furnished in cash or kind; except that in the case of any individual (and eligible spouse, if any) living in another person’s household and receiving support and maintenance in kind from such person, the dollar amounts otherwise applicable to such individual (and spouse) as specified in subsections (a) and (b) of Section 1611 shall be reduced by 33⅓% in lieu of including such support and maintenance in the unearned income of such individual (and spouse) as otherwise required by this subparagraph; (B) any payments received as an annuity, pension, retirement, or disability benefit, including veterans’ compensation and pensions, workmen’s compensation payments, old-age, survivors, and disability insurance benefits, railroad retirement annuities and pensions, and unemployment insurance benefits; (C) prizes and awards; (D) the proceeds of any life insurance policy to the extent that they exceed the amount expended by the beneficiary for purposes of the insured individual’s last illness and burial or $1,500, whichever is less; (E) gifts (cash or otherwise), support and alimony payments, and inheritances; and (F) rents, dividends, interest, and royalties.
Section 1612(b)(1) states that in determining the income of an individual (and eligible spouse) there shall be excluded subject to limitations (as to amount or otherwise) prescribed by the Sec. of HEW, if such individual is a child who is, as determined by the Sec. of HEW, a student regularly attending a school, college, or university, or a course of vocational or technical training designed to prepare them for gainful employment, the earned income of such individual.
Section 1612(b)(2) states that in determining the income of an individual (and their eligible spouse) there shall be excluded the first $240 per year (or proportionately smaller amounts for shorter periods) of income (whether earned or unearned) other than income which is paid on the basis of the need of the eligible individual.
Section 1612(b)(3) states that in determining the income of an individual (and eligible spouse) there shall be excluded (A) the total unearned income of such individual (and such spouse, if any) in a calendar quarter which, as determined in accordance with criteria prescribed by the Sec. of HEW, is received too infrequently or irregularly to be included, if such income so received does not exceed $60 in such quarter, and (B) the total earned income of such individual (and such spouse, if any) in a calendar quarter which, as determined in accordance with such criteria, is received too infrequently and irregularly to be included, if such income so received does not exceed $30 in such quarter.
Section 1612(b)(4)(A) states that in determining the income of an individual (and eligible spouse) there shall be excluded if such individual (or such spouse) is blind (and has not attained age 65, or received benefits under this Title (or aid under a State plan approved under Section 1002 or 1602) for the month before the month in which they attained age 65), (i) the first $780 per year (or proportionately smaller amounts for shorter periods) of earned income not excluded by the preceding paragraphs of this subsection, plus ½ of the remainder thereof, (ii) an amount equal to any expenses reasonably attributable to the earning of any income, and (iii) such additional amounts of other income, where such individual has a plan for achieving self-support approved by the Sec. of HEW, as may be necessary for the fulfillment of such plan.
Section 1612(b)(4)(B) states that in determining the income of an individual (and their eligible spouse) there shall be excluded if such individual (or such spouse) is disabled but not blind (and has not attained age 65, or received benefits under this Title (or aid under a State plan approved under Section 1402 or 1602) for the month before the month in which they attained age 65), (i) the first $780 per year (or proportionately smaller amounts for shorter periods) of earned income not excluded by the preceding paragraphs of this subsection, plus ½ of the remainder thereof, (ii) such additional amounts of other income, where such individual has a plan for achieving self-support approved by the Sec. of HEW, as may be necessary for the fulfillment of such plan.
Section 1612(b)(4)(C) state if such individual (or such spouse) has attained age 65 and is not included under subparagraphs (A) or (B), the first $780 per year ( or proportionately smaller amounts for shorter periods) of earned income not excluded by the preceding paragraphs of this subsection, plus ½ of the remainder thereof.
Section 1612(b)(5) states that in determining the income of an individual (and eligible spouse) there shall be excluded any amount received from any public agency as a return or refund of taxes paid on real property or on food purchased by such individual (or such spouse).
Section 1612(b)(6) states that in determining the income of an individual (and eligible spouse) there shall be excluded assistance described in Section 1616(a) which is based on need and furnished by any State or political subdivision of a State.
Section 1612(b)(7) states that in determining the income of an individual (and eligible spouse) there shall be excluded any portion of any grant, scholarship, or fellowship received for use in paying the cost of tuition and fees at any educational (including technical or vocational education) institution.
Section 1612(b)(8) states that in determining the income of an individual (and eligible spouse) there shall be excluded home produce of such individual (or spouse) utilized by the household for its own consumption.
Section 1612(b)(9) states that in determining the income of an individual (and eligible spouse) there shall be excluded if such individual is a child ⅓ of any payment for their support received from an absent parent.
Section 1612(b)(10) states that in determining the income of an individual (and eligible spouse) there shall be excluded any amounts received for the foster care of a child who is not an eligible individual but who is living in the same home as such individual and was placed in such home by a public or nonprofit private child-placement or child-care agency.
Section 1613(a)(1) states in determining the resources of an individual (and eligible spouse, if any) there shall be excluded the home (including the land that appertains thereto), to the extent that its value does not exceed such amount as the Sec. of HEW determines to be reasonable.
Section 1613(a)(2) states in determining the resources of an individual (and eligible spouse, if any) there shall be excluded household goods, personal effects, and an automobile, to the extent that their total value does not exceed such amount as the Sec. of HEW determines to be reasonable.
Section 1613(a)(3) states in determining the resources of an individual (and eligible spouse, if any) there shall be excluded other property which, as determined in accordance with and subject to limitations prescribed by the Sec. of HEW, is so essential to the means of self-support of such individual (and such spouse) as to warrant its exclusion.
Section 1613(a)(4) states in determining the resources of an individual (and eligible spouse, if any) there shall be excluded such resources of an individual who is blind or disabled and who has a plan for achieving self-support approved by the Sec. of HEW, as may be necessary for the fulfillment of such plan.
Section 1613(a)(5) states in determining the resources of an individual (and eligible spouse, if any) there shall be excluded in the case of Natives of Alaska, shares of stock held in a Regional or a Village Corporation, during the period of twenty years in which such stock is inalienable, as provided in Section 7(h) and Section 8(c) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.
Section 1613(b) states that the Sec. of HEW shall prescribe the period or periods of time within which, and the manner in which, various kinds of property must be disposed of in order not to be included in determining an individual’s eligibility for benefits. Any portion of the individual’s benefits paid for any such period shall be conditioned upon such disposal; and any benefits sopaid shall (at the time of the disposal) be considered overpayments to the extent they would not have been paid had the disposal occurred at the beginning of the period for which such benefits were paid.
Section 1614(a)(1) states that for purposes of this Title, the term aged, blind, or disabled individual means an individual who (A) is 65 years of age or older, is blind (as determined under paragraph (2), or is disabled (as determined under paragraph (3),and (B) is a resident of the United States, and is either (i) a citizen or (ii) an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence or otherwise permanently residing in the U.S. under color of law.
Section 1614(a)(2) provides that an individual shall be considered to be blind for purposes of this Title if such individual has central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with the use of a correcting lens. An eye which is accompanied by a limitation in the fields of vision such that the widest diameter of the visual field subtends an angle no greater than 20 degrees shall be considered for purposes of the first sentence of this subsection as having a central visual acuity of 20/200 or less. An individual shall also be considered to be blind for purposes of this title if such individual is blind as defined under a State plan approved under Title X or XVI as in effect for 10/72 and received aid under such plan (on the basis of blindness) for 12/73, so long as such individual is continuously blind as so defined.
Section 1614(a)(3)(A) states that an individual shall be considered to be disabled for purposes of this Title if such individual is unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months (or, in the case of a child under the age of 18, if such child suffers from any medically determinable physical or mental impairment of comparable severity). An individual shall also be considered to be disabled for purposes of this Title if he or she is permanently and totally disabled as defined under a State plan approved under Title XIV or XVI as in effect for 10/72 and received aid under such plan (on the basis of disability) for 12/73, so long as he or she is continuously disabled as so defined.
Section 1614(a)(3)(B) provides that for purposes of subparagraph (A), an individual shall be determined to be under a disability only if physical or mental impairment or impairments are of such severity that he or she is not only unable to do previous work but cannot, considering age, education, and work experience, engage in any other kind of substantial gainful work which exists in the national economy, regardless of whether such work exists in the immediate area in which the person lives, or whether a specific job vacancy exists, or whether the individual would be hired if he or she applied for work. For purposes of the preceding sentence (with respect to any individual), ‘work which exists in the national economy’ means work which exists in significant numbers either in the region where such individual lives or in several regions of the country.
Section 1614(a)(3)(C) states that for purposes of this paragraph, a physical or mental impairment is an impairment that results from anatomical, physiological, or psychological abnormalities which are demonstrable by medically acceptable clinical and laboratory diagnostic techniques .
Section 1614(a)(3)(D) provides that the Sec. of HEW shall by regulations prescribe the criteria for determining when services performed or earnings derived from services demonstrate an individual’s ability to engage in SGA. Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (B), an individual whose services or earnings meet such criteria, except for purposes of paragraph (4), shall be found not to be disabled.
Section 1614(a)(4)(A) states that for purposes of this Title, any services rendered during a period of trial work (as defined in subparagraph (B)) by an individual who is an aged, blind, or disabled individual solely by reason of disability shall be deemed not to have been rendered by such individual in determining whether disability has ceased in a month during such period. As used in this paragraph, the term ‘services’ means activity which is performed for remuneration or gain or is determined by the Sec. of HEW to be of a type normally performed for remuneration or gain.
Section 1614(a)(4)(B) states that the term ‘period of trial work’, with respect to an individual who is an aged, blind, or disabled individual solely by reason of disability means a period of months beginning and ending as provided in subparagraphs (C) and D) .
Section 1614(a)(4)(C) provides that a period of trial work for any individual shall begin with the month in which the individual became eligible for benefits under this Title on the basis of disability; but no such period may begin for an individual who is eligible for benefits under this Title on the basis of a disability if the individual had a previous period of trial work while eligible for benefits on the basis of the same disability.
Section 1614(a)(4)(D) states that a period of trial work for any individual shall end with the close of whichever of the following months is the earlier: (i) the ninth month, beginning on or after the first day of such period, in which the individual renders services (whether or not such nine months are consecutive); or (ii) the month in which disability ceases (as determined after the application of subparagraph (A)of this paragraph).
Section 1614(b) states that for purposes of this Title, the term ‘eligible spouse’ means an aged, blind, or disabled individual who is the husband or wife of another aged, blind, or disabled individual and who has not been living apart from such other aged, blind, or disabled individual for more than six months. If two aged, blind, or disabled individuals are husband and wife as described in the preceding sentence, only one of them may be an ‘eligible individual’ within the meaning of Section 1611(a).
Section 1614(c) states that for purposes of this Title, the term ‘child’ means an individual who is neither married nor (as determined by the Sec. of HEW) the head of a household, and who is (1) under the age of 18, or (2) under the age of 22 and (as determined by the Sec. of HEW) a student regularly attending a school, college, or university, or a course of vocational or technical training designed to prepare such individual for gainful employment.
Section 1614(d) provides that in determining whether two individuals are husband and wife for purposes of this Title, appropriate State law shall be applied; except that (1) if a man and women have been determined to be husband and wife under Section 216(h)(1) for purposes of Title II they shall be considered (from and after the date of such determination or the date of their application for benefits under this Title, whichever is later) to be husband and wife for purposes of this Title, or (2) if a man and woman are found to be holding themselves out to the community in which they reside as husband and wife, they shall be so considered for purposes of this Title notwithstanding any other provision of this Section.
Section 1614(e) states that for purposes of this Title, the term ‘ U.S.’, when used in a geographical sense, means the 50 States and the District of Columbia.
Section 1614(f)(1) provides that for purposes of determining eligibility for and the amount of benefits for any individual who is married and whose spouse is living in the same household but is not an eligible spouse, such individual’s income and resources shall be deemed to include any income and resources of such spouse, whether or not available to such individual, except to the extent determined by the Sec. of HEW to be inequitable under the circumstances.
Section 1614(f)(2) further provides that for purposes of determining eligibility for and the amount of benefits for any individual who is a child under age 21, such individual’s income and resources shall be deemed to include any income and resources of a parent of such individual (or the spouse of such a parent) who is living in the same household as such individual, whether or not available to such individual, except to the extent determined by the Sec. of HEW to be inequitable under the circumstances.
Section 1615(a) states that in the case of any blind or disabled individual who (1) has not attained age 65, and ( 2) is receiving benefits (or with respect to whom benefits are paid) under this Title, the Sec. of HEW shall make provision for referral of such individual to the appropriate State agency administering the State plan for vocational rehabilitation services approved under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, and (except in such cases as the Secretary may determine) for a review not less often than quarterly of such individual’s blindness or disability and his or her need for and utilization of the rehabilitation services made available under such plan.
Section 1615(b) provides that every individual with respect to whom the Sec. of HEW is required to make provision for referral under subsection (a) shall accept such rehabilitation services as are made available under the State plan for vocational rehabilitation services approved under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act; and the Sec. of HEW is authorized to pay to the State agency administering or supervising the administration of such State plan the costs incurred in the provision of such services to individuals so referred.
Section 1615(c) states that no individual shall be an eligible individual or eligible spouse for purposes of this Title if he or she refuses without good cause to accept vocational rehabilitation services for which referred under subsection (a).
Section 1616(a) states that any cash payments which are made by a State (or political subdivision thereof) on a regular basis to individuals who are receiving benefits under this title or who would but for income be eligible to receive benefits under this Title, as assistance based on need in supplementation of such benefits (as determined by the Sec. of HEW), shall be excluded under Section 1612(b)(6) in determining the income of such individuals for purposes of this Title and the Sec. of HEW and such State may enter into an agreement which satisfies subsection (b) under which the Sec. of HEW will, on behalf of such State (or subdivision) make such supplementary payments to all such individuals.
Section 1616(b) provides that any agreement between the Sec. of HEW and a State entered into under subsection (a) shall provide (1) that such payments will be made to all individuals residing in such State (or subdivision) who are receiving benefits under this Title, and (2) such other rules with respect to eligibility for or amount of the supplementary payments, and such procedural or other general administrative provisions, as the Sec. of HEW finds necessary to achieve efficient and effective administration of both the program which he or she conducts under this Title and the optional State supplementation.
Section 1616(c)(1) states any State (or political subdivision) making supplementary payments described in subsection (a) may at its option impose as a condition of eligibility for such payments, and include in the State’s agreement with the Sec. of HEW under such subsection, a residence requirement which excludes individuals who have resided in the State (or political subdivision) for less than a minimum period prior to application for such payments.
Section 1616(c)(2) further states that any State (or political subdivision), in determining the eligibility of any individual for supplementary payments described in subsection (a), may disregard amounts of earned and unearned income in addition to other amounts which it is required or permitted to disregard under this Section in determining such eligibility, and shall include a provision specifying the amount of any such income that will be disregarded, if any.
Section 1616(d) provides that any State which has entered into an agreement with the Sec. of HEW under this Section which provides that the Sec. of HEW will, on behalf of the State (or political subdivision) make the supplementary payments to individuals who are receiving benefits under this Title (or who would but for their income be eligible to receive such benefits), shall, at such times and in such installments as may be agreed upon between the Sec. of HEW and such State, pay to the Sec. of HEW an amount equal to the expenditures made by the Sec. of HEW as such supplementary payments.
Section 1631(a)(1) states that benefits under this Title shall be paid at such time or times and in such installments as will best effectuate the purposes of this Title, as determined under regulations (and may in any case be paid less frequently than monthly where the amount of the monthly benefit would not exceed $10).
Section 1631(a)(2) provides that payments of the benefit of any individual may be made to any such individual or to the eligible spouse (if any) or partly to each, or, if the Sec. of HEW deems it appropriate to any other person (including an appropriate public or private agency) who is interested in or concerned with the welfare of such individual (or spouse). Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding sentence, in the case of any individual or eligible spouse referred to in Section 1611(e)(3)(A), the Sec. of HEW shall provide for making payments of the benefit to any other person (including an appropriate public or private agency) who is interested in or concerned with the welfare of such individual (or spouse).
Section 1631(a)(3) states that the Sec. of HEW may by regulation establish ranges of incomes within which a single amount of benefits under this Title shall apply.
Section 1631(a)(4)(A) provides that the Sec. of HEW may make to any individual initially applying for benefits under this Title who is presumptively eligible for such benefits and who is faced with financial emergency a cash advance against such benefits in an amount not exceeding $100.
Section 1631(a)(4)(B) provides that the Sec. of HEW may pay benefits under this Title to an individual applying for such benefits on the basis of disability for a period not exceeding three months prior to the determination of such individual’s disability, if such individual is presumptively disabled and is determined to be otherwise eligible for such benefits, and any benefits so paid prior to such determination shall in no event be considered overpayments for purposes of subsection (b).
Section 1631(a)(5) states payment of the benefit of any individual who is an aged, blind, or disabled individual solely by reason of blindness or disability, and who ceases to be blind or to be under such disability, shall continue (so long as such individual is otherwise eligible) through the second month following the month in which such blindness or disability ceases.
Section 1631(b) provides whenever the Sec. of HEW finds that more or less than the correct amount of benefits has been paid with respect to any individual, proper adjustment or recovery shall, subject to the succeeding provisions of this subsection, be made by appropriate adjustments in future payments to such individual or by recovery from or payment to such individual or eligible spouse (or by recovery from the estate of either). The Sec. of HEW shall make such provision as he or she finds appropriate in the case of payment of more than the correct amount of benefits with respect to an individual with a view to avoiding penalizing such individual or eligible spouse who was without fault in connection with the overpayment, if adjustment or recovery on account of such overpayment in such case would defeat the purposes of this Title, or be against equity or good conscience, or because of the small amount involved) impede efficient or effective administration of this Title.
Section 1631(c)(1) states that the Sec. of HEW shall provide reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing to any individual who is or claims to be an eligible individual or eligible spouse and is in disagreement with any determination under this Title with respect to eligibility of such individual for benefits, or the amount of such individual’s benefits, if such individual requests a hearing on the matter in disagreement within 30 days after notice of such determination is received.
Section 1631(c)(2) provides determination on the basis of such hearing, except to the extent that the matter in disagreement involves the existence of a disability, shall be made within 90 days after the individual requests the hearing as provided in paragraph (1).
Section 1631(c)(3) states the final determination of the Sec. of HEW after a hearing under paragraph (1) shall be subject to judicial review as provided in Section 205(g) to the same extent as the Sec. of HEW’s final determinations under Section 205; except that the determination of the Sec. of HEW after such hearing as to any fact shall be final and conclusive and not subject to review by any court.
Section 1631(d)(1) states the provisions of Section 207 and subsections (a), (d), (e), and (f) of Section 205 shall apply with respect to this part to the same extent as they apply in the case of Title II.
Section 1631(d)(2) provides that to the extent the Sec. of HEW finds it will promote the achievement of the objectives of this Title, qualified persons may be appointed to serve as hearing examiners in hearings under subsection (c) without meeting the specific standards prescribed for hearing examiners by or under subchapter II of Chapter 5 of Title 5 U.S. Code.
Section 1631(d)(3) states the Sec. of HEW may prescribe rules and regulations governing the recognition of agents or other persons, other than attorneys, as hereinafter provided, representing claimants before the Sec. of HEW under this Title, and may require of such agents or other persons, before being recognized as representatives of claimants, that they shall show that they are of good character and in good repute, possessed of the necessary qualifications to enable them to render such claimants valuable service, and otherwise competent to advise and assist such claimants in the presentation of their cases. An attorney in good standing who is admitted to practice before the highest court of the State, Territory, District, or insular possession of his or her residence or before the Supreme Court of the U.S. or the inferior Federal courts, shall be entitled to represent claimants before the Sec. of HEW. The Sec. of HEW may, after due notice and opportunity for hearing, suspend or prohibit from further practice before the Secretary any such person, agent, or attorney who refuses to comply with the Sec. of HEW’s rules and regulations or who violates any provision of this paragraph for which a penalty is prescribed. The Sec. of HEW may, by rule and regulation, prescribe the maximum fees which may be charged for services performed in connection with any claim before the Sec. of HEW under this Title, and any agreement in violation of such rules and regulations shall be void. Any person who shall, with intent to defraud, or in any manner willfully and knowingly deceive, mislead, or threaten any claimant or prospective claimant or beneficiary under this Title by word, circular, letter, or advertisement, or who shall knowingly charge or collect directly or indirectly any fee in excess of the maximum fee, or make any agreement directly or indirectly to charge or collect any fee in excess of the maximum fee, prescribed by the Secretary, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall for each offense be punished by a fine not exceeding $500 or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both.
Section 1631(e)(1)(A) provides the Sec. of HEW shall, subject to subparagraph (B), prescribe such requirements with respect to the filing of applications, the suspension or termination of assistance, the furnishing of other data and material, and the reporting of events and changes in circumstances, as may be necessary for the effective and efficient administration of this Title.
Section 1631(e)(1)(B) states the requirements prescribed by the Sec. of HEW pursuant to subparagraph (A) shall require that eligibility for benefits under this Title will not be determined solely on the basis of declarations by the applicant concerning eligibility factors or other relevant facts, and that relevant information will be verified from independent or collateral sources and additional information obtained as necessary in order to assure that such benefits are only provided to eligible individuals (or eligible spouses) and that the amounts of such benefits are correct.
Section 1631(e)(2) provides in case of the failure by any individual to submit a report of events and changes in circumstances relevant to eligibility for or amount of benefits under this Title as required by the Sec. of HEW under paragraph (1)or delay by any individual in submitting a report as so required, the Sec. of HEW shall reduce any benefits which may subsequently become payable to such individual under this Title by (A) $25 in the case of the first such failure or delay, (B) $50 in the case of the second such failure or delay, and (C) $100 in the case of the third or a subsequent such failure or delay, except where the individual was without fault or good cause for such failure or delay existed.
Section 1631(f) states the head of any Federal agency shall provide such information as the Sec. of HEW needs for purposes of determining eligibility for or amount of benefits, or verifying other information with respect thereto.
Section 1632 provides that whoever (1) knowingly and willfully makes or causes to be made any false statement or representation of a material fact in any application for any benefit under this Title, (2) at any time knowingly and willfully makes or causes to be made any false statement or representation of a material fact for use in determining rights to any such benefit, (3) having knowledge of the occurrence of any event affecting (A) his or her initial or continued right to any such benefit, or (B) the initial or continued right to any such benefit of any other individual in whose behalf he or she has applied for or are receiving such benefit, conceals or fails to disclose such event with an intent fraudulently to secure such benefit either in a greater amount or quantity than is due or when no such benefit is authorized, or (4) having made application to receive any such benefit for the use and benefit of another and having received it, knowingly and willfully converts such benefit or any part thereof to a use other than for the use and benefit of such other person, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.
Section 1633 provides that the Sec. of HEW may make such administrative and other arrangements (including arrangements for the determination of blindness and disability under Section 1614(a)(2) and (3) in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as provided with respect to disability determinations (under Section 221) as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out functions under this Title.
Section 1634 states the Sec. of HEW may enter into an agreement with any State which wishes to do so under which the Secretary will determine eligibility for medical assistance in the case of aged, blind, or disabled individuals under such State’s plan approved under Title XIX. Any such agreement shall provide for payments by the State, for use by the Sec. of HEW in carrying out the agreement, of an amount equal to ½ of the cost of carrying out the agreement, but in computing such cost with respect to individuals eligible for benefits under this Title, the Sec. of HEW shall include only those costs which are additional to the costs incurred in carrying out this Title.

Section 302 amends the Social Security Act by adding after Title V the following new Title: “Title VI - Grants to States for Services to the Aged, Blind, or Disabled”
Section 601 states for the purpose of encouraging each State, as far as practicable under the conditions in such State, to furnish rehabilitation and other services to help needy individuals who are 65 years of age or over, are blind, or are disabled to attain or retain capability for self-support or self-care, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year, subject to Section 1130, a sum sufficient to carry out the purposes of this Title. The sums made available under this Section shall be used for making payments to States which have submitted, and had approved by the Sec. of HEW, State plans for services to the aged, blind, or disabled.
Section 602(a) states notwithstanding paragraph (3), if on 10/1/72, the State agency which administered or supervised the administration of the plan of such State approved under Title X (or so much of the plan of such State approved under Title XVI as applies to the blind) was different from the State agency which administered or supervised the administration of the plan of such State approved under Title I and the State agency which administered or supervised the administration of the plan of such State approved under Title XIV (or so much of the plan of such State approved under Title XVIas applies to the aged and disabled), the State agency which administered or supervised the administration of such plan approved under Title X (or so much of the plan of such State approved under Title XVI as applies to the blind) may be designated to administer or supervise the administration of the portion of the State plan for services to the aged, blind, or disabled which relates to blind individuals and a separate State agency may be established or designated to administer or supervise the administration of the rest of such plan; and in such case the part of the plan which each such agency administers, or the administration of which each such agency supervises, shall be regarded as a separate plan for the purposes of this Title.
Section 602(a)(1) states a State plan for services to the aged, blind, or disabled, must except to the extent permitted by the Sec. of HEW, provide that it shall be in effect in all political subdivisions of the State, and if administered by them, be mandatory upon them.
Section 602(a)(2) states a State plan for services to the aged, blind, or disabled, must provide for financial participation by the State.
Section 602(a)(3) states a State plan for services to the aged, blind, or disabled, must either provide for the establishment or designation of a single State agency to administer the plan, or provide for the establishment or designation of a single State agency to supervise the administration of the plan.
Section 602(a)(4) states a State plan for services to the aged, blind, or disabled, must provide (A) such methods of administration (including methods relating to the establishment and maintenance of personnel standards on a merit basis, except that the Sec. of HEW shall exercise no authority with respect to the selection, tenure of office, and compensation of any individual employed in accordance with such methods) as are found by the Sec. of HEW to be necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the plan, and (B) for the training and effective use of paid subprofessional staff, with particular emphasis on the full-time or part-time employment of persons of low income, as community service aides, in the administration of the plan and for the use of nonpaid or partially paid volunteers in a social service volunteer program in providing services under the plan and in assisting any advisory committees established by the State agency.
Section 602(a)(5) states a State plan for services to the aged, blind, or disabled, must provide that the State agency will make such reports, in such form and containing such information, as the Sec. of HEW may from time to time require, and comply with such provisions as the Secretary may from time to time find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports.
Section 602(a)(6) states a State plan for services to the aged, blind, or disabled, must provide safeguards which permit the use or disclosure of information concerning applicants or recipients only (A) to public officials who require such information In connection with their official duties, or (B) to other persons for purposes directly connected with the administration of the State plan.
Section 602(a)(7) states a State plan for services to the aged, blind, or disabled, must provide, if the plan includes services to individuals in private or public institutions, for the establishment or designation of a State authority or authorities which shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining standards for such institutions.
Section 602(a)(8) states a State plan for services to the aged, blind, or disabled, must provide a description of the services which the State agency makes available under the plan including a description of the steps taken to assure, in the provision of such services, maximum utilization of other agencies providing similar or related services.
Section 602(a)(9) states a State plan for services to the aged, blind, or disabled, must provide that, in determining whether an individual is blind, there shall be an examination by a physician skilled in the diseases of the eye or by an optometrist, whichever the individual may select.
Section 602(a)(10) states a State plan for services to the aged, blind, or disabled, must include reasonable standards, consistent with the objectives of this Title, for determining eligibility for and the extent of services under the plan.
Section 602(a)(11)(A) states a State plan for services to the aged, blind, or disabled, must if the State plan includes services to individuals 65 years of age or older who are patients in institutions for mental diseases provide for having in effect such agreements or other arrangements with State authorities concerned with mental diseases, and where appropriate, with such institutions, as may be necessary for carrying out the State plan, including arrangements for joint planning and for development of alternate methods of care, arrangements providing assurance of immediate readmittance to institutions where needed for individuals under alternate plans of care, and arrangements providing for access to patients and facilities, for furnishing information, and for making reports.
Section 602(a)(11)(B) states a State plan for services to the aged, blind, or disabled, must if the State plan includes services to individuals 65 years of age or older who are patients in institutions for mental diseases provide for an individual plan for each such patient to assure that the institutional care provided is in the patient's best interests, including, to that end, assurances that there will be initial and periodic review of medical and other needs, that the patient will be given appropriate medical treatment within the institution, and that there will be a periodic determination of the need for continued treatment in the institution.
Section 602(a)(11)(C) states a State plan for services to the aged, blind, or disabled, must if the State plan includes services to individuals 65 years of age or older who are patients in institutions for mental diseases provide for the development of alternate plans of care, making maximum utilization of available resources, for persons receiving services under the State plan who are 65 years of age or older and who would otherwise need care in such institutions; for services referred to in Section 603(a)(1)(4) (i) and (ii) which are appropriate for such persons receiving services and for such patients; and for methods of administration necessary to assure that the responsibilities of the State agency under the State plan with respect to such persons receiving services and such patients will be effectively carried out.
Section 602(a)(12) states a State plan for services to the aged, blind, or disabled, must if the State plan includes services to individuals 65 years of age or older who are patients in public institutions for mental diseases, show that the State is making satisfactory progress toward developing and implementing a comprehensive mental health program, including provision for utilization of community mental health centers, nursing homes, and other alternatives to care in public institutions for mental diseases.
Section 602(b) provides that the Sec. of HEW shall approve any plan which fulfills the conditions specified in subsection (a), except that the Secretary shall not approve any plan which imposes, as a condition of eligibility for services under the plan - (1) an age requirement of more than 65 years; or (2) any residence requirement which excludes any individual who resides in the State; or (3) any citizenship requirement which excludes any citizen of the U.S.
Section 603(a) states that from the sums appropriated therefore, the Sec. of HEW shall, subject to Section 1130, pay to each State which has a plan approved under this Title, for each quarter (1) in the case of any State whose State plan approved under Section 602 meets the requirements of subsection (c)(1), an amount equal to the sum of the following proportions of the total amounts expended during such quarter as found necessary by the Sec. of HEW for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan - (A) 75% of so much of such expenditures as are for (i) services which are prescribed pursuant to subsection (c)(1) and are provided to applicants for or recipients of SSI benefits under Title XVI to help them attain or retain capability for self-support or self-care, or (ii) other services, specified by the Sec. of HEW as likely to prevent or reduce dependency, so provided to such applicants or recipients, or (iii) any of the services prescribed pursuant to subsection (c)(1), and of the services specified as provided in clause (ii), which the Sec. of HEW may specify as appropriate for individuals who, within such period or periods as the Sec. of HEW may prescribe, have been or are likely to become applicants for or recipients of SSI benefits under Title XVI, if such services are requested by such individuals and are provided to such individuals in accordance with the next sentence, or (iv) the training of personnel employed or preparing for employment by the State agency or by the local agency administering the plan in the political subdivision; plus (B) ½ of so much of such expenditures as are for services provided (in accordance with the next sentence) to applicants for or recipients of SSI benefits under Title XVI, and to individuals requesting such services who (within such period or periods as the Sec. of HEW may prescribe) have been or are likely to become applicants for or recipients of such benefits; plus (C) ½ of the remainder of such expenditures. The services referred to in subparagraphs (A) and (B) shall, except to the extent specified by the Sec. of HEW, include only - (D) services provided by the staff of the State agency, or of the local agency administering the State plan in the political subdivision; provided, that no funds authorized under this Title shall be available for services defined as vocational rehabilitation services under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act (i) which are available to individuals in need of them under programs for their rehabilitation carried on under a State plan approved under such Act, or (ii) which the State agency or agencies administering or supervising the administration of the State plan approved under such Act are able and willing to provide if reimbursed for the cost thereof pursuant to agreement under subparagraph (E), if provided by such staff, and (E) under conditions which shall be prescribed by the Sec. of HEW, services which in the judgment of the State agency cannot be as economically or as effectively provided by the staff of such State or local agency and are not otherwise reasonably available to individuals in need of them, and which are provided, pursuant to agreement with the State agency, by the State health authority or the State agency or agencies administering or supervising the administration of the State plan for vocational rehabilitation services approved under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act or by any other State agency which the Sec. of HEW may determine to be appropriate (whether provided by its staff or by contract with public (local) or nonprofit private agencies); except that services described in clause (ii) of subparagraph (D) hereof may be provided only pursuant to agreement with such State agency or agencies administering or supervising the administration of the State plan for vocational rehabilitation services so approved. The portion of the amount expended for administration of the State plan to which subparagraph (A) applies and the portion thereof to which subparagraphs (B) and (C) apply shall be determined in accordance with such methods and procedures as may be permitted by the Sec. of HEW; and (2) in the case of any State whose State plan approved under Section 602 does not meet the requirements of subsection (c)(1), an amount equal to ½ of the total of the sums expended during such quarter as found necessary by the Sec. of HEW for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan, including services referred to in paragraph (1) and provided in accordance with the provisions of such paragraph.
Section 603(b)(1) provides that prior to the beginning of each quarter, the Sec. of HEW shall estimate the amount to which a State will be entitled under subsection (a) for such quarter, such estimates to be based on (A) a report filed by the State containing its estimate of the total sum to be expended in such quarter in accordance with the provisions of such subsection, and stating the amount appropriated or made available by the State and its political subdivisions for such expenditures in such quarter, and if such amount is less than the State's proportionate share of the total sum of such estimated expenditures, the source or sources from which the difference is expected to be derived, and (B) such other investigation as the Sec. of HEW may find necessary.
Section 603(b)(2) provides that the Sec. of HEW shall then pay, in such installments as the Secretary may determine, to the State the amount so estimated, reduced or increased to the extent of any overpayment or underpayment which the Sec. of HEW determines was made under this Section to such State for any prior quarter and with respect to which adjustment has not already been made under this subsection.
Section 603(b)(3) states that upon the making of any estimate by the Sec. of HEW under this subsection, any appropriations available for payments under this Section shall be deemed obligated.
Section 603(c)(1) provides that in order for a State to qualify for payments under paragraph (1) of subsection (a), its State plan approved under Section 602 must provide that the State agency shall make available to applicants for and recipients of SSI benefits under Title XVI at least those services to help them attain or retain capability for self-support or self-care which are prescribed by the Sec. of HEW.
Section 603(c)(2) provides that in the case of any State whose State plan included a provision meeting the requirements of paragraph (I), but with respect to which the Sec. of HEW finds, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency, administering or supervising the administration of such plan, that (A) the provision has been so changed that it no longer complies with the requirements of paragraph (1), or (B) in the administration of the plan there is a failure to comply substantially with such provision, the Sec. of HEW shall notify such State agency that further payments will not be made to the State under paragraph (1) of subsection (a) until the Secretary is satisfied that there will no longer be any such failure to comply. Until the Sec. of HEW is so satisfied further payments with respect to the administration of such State plan shall not be made under paragraph (1) of subsection (a) but shall instead be made, subject to the other provisions of this Title, under paragraph (2) of such subsection.
Section 603(d) states that notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this Section, the amount determined under such provisions for any State for any quarter which is attributable to expenditures with respect to individuals 65 years of age or older who are patients in institutions for mental diseases shall be paid only to the extent that the State makes a showing satisfactory to the Sec. of HEW that total expenditures in the State from Federal, State, and local sources for mental health services (including payments to or on behalf of individuals with mental health problems) under State and local public health and public welfare programs for such quarter exceed the average of the total expenditures in the State from such sources for such services under such programs for each quarter of the fiscal year ending 6/30/65. For purposes of this subsection, expenditures for such services for each quarter in the fiscal year ending 6/30/65, in the case of any State shall be determined on the basis of the latest data, satisfactory to the Sec. of HEW, available at the time of the first determination by them under this subsection for such State; and expenditures for such services for any quarter beginning after 12/31/65, in the case of any State shall be determined on the basis of the latest data, satisfactory to the Sec. of HEW, available to them at the time of the determination under this subsection for such State for such quarter; and determinations so made shall be conclusive for purposes of this subsection.
Section 604 provides that if the Sec. of HEW, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency administering or supervising the administration of the State plan approved under this Title, finds (1) that the plan no longer complies with the provisions of Section 602; or (2) that in the administration of the plan there is a failure to comply substantially with any such provision; the Sec. of HEW shall notify such State agency that further payments will not be made to the State (or, in the Secretary's discretion, that payments will be limited to categories under or parts of the State plan not affected by such failure), until the Sec. of HEW is satisfied that there will no longer be any such failure to comply. Until so satisfied the Secretary shall make no further payments to such State (or shall limit payments to categories under or parts of the State plan not affected by such failure).
Section 605 states for the purposes of this Title, the term “services to the aged, blind, or disabled” means services (including but not limited to the services referred to in Section 603(a)(1)(A) and (B)) provided for or on behalf of needy individuals who are 65 years of age or older or are blind, or are disabled.

Section 303 provides that (a) effective 1/1/74, Titles I, X, and XIV of the Social Security Act are repealed; (b) the amendments made by Sections 301 and 302 and the repeals made by subsection (a) shall not be applicable in the case of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands; and (c) Section 9 of the Act of 4/19/50, is repealed effective 1/1/74.
Section 304 provides that effective upon the enactment of this Act, Section 1007 of the Social Security Amendments of 1969 is amended by striking out “and before 1/73” and inserting in lieu thereof “and before 1/74”.
Section 305(a) states that Section 201(g)(1)(A) of the Social Security Act is amended (1) by striking out “this Title and Title XVIII” wherever it appears and inserting in lieu thereof “this Title, Title XVI, and Title XVIII”; (2) by striking out “costs which should be borne by each of the Trust Funds” and inserting in lieu thereof “costs which should be borne by each of the Trust Funds and (with respect to Title XVI) by the general revenues of the U.S.”; and (3) by striking out “in order to assure that each of the Trust Funds bears” and inserting in lieu thereof “in order to assure that (after appropriations made pursuant to Section 1601, and repayment to the Trust Funds from amounts so appropriated) each of the Trust Funds and the general revenues of the U.S. bears”.
Section 305(b)(1) provides that sums appropriated pursuant to Section 1601 of the Social Security Act shall be utilized from time to time, in amounts certified under the second sentence of Section 201 (g)(1)(A) of such Act, to repay the Trust Funds for expenditures made from such Funds in any FY under Section 201 (g)(1)(A) of such Act on account of the costs of administration of Title XVI of such Act (as added by Section 301 of this Act).
Section 305(b)(2) provides that if the Trust Funds have not theretofore been repaid for expenditures made in any FY to the extent necessary on account of (A) expenditures made from such Funds prior to the end of such FY to the extent that the amount of such expenditures exceeded the amount of the expenditures which would have been made from such Funds if subsection (a) had not been enacted, (B) the additional administrative expenses, if any, resulting from the excess expenditures described in subparagraph (A), and (C) any loss in interest to such Funds resulting from such excess expenditures and such administrative expenses, in order to place each such Fund in the same position (at the end of such FY) as it would have been in if such excess expenditures had not been made, the amendments made by subsection (a) shall cease to be effective at the close of the FY following such FY.
Section 305(b)(3) states that the term “Trust Fund”, as used in this subsection, has the meaning given it in Section 201(g)(1)(A) of the Social Security Act.
Section 305(c) states that the provisions of this Section shall become effective on the date of enactment.
Section 306 provides that in addition to the requirements imposed by law as a condition of approval of a State plan to provide aid or assistance in the form of money payments to individuals under Titles I, X, XIV, or XVI of the Social Security Act, there is hereby imposed the requirement (and the plan shall be deemed to require) that, in the case of any individual receiving aid or assistance for any month after 10/72, or, at the option of the State, 9/72, and before 1/74 who also receives in month a monthly insurance benefit under Title II of such Act which was increased as a result of the enactment of PL 92-336, the sum of the aid or assistance received by him or her for such month, plus the monthly insurance benefit received by for such month (not including any part of such benefit which is disregarded under such plan), shall exceed the sum of the aid or assistance which would have been received for such month under such plan as in effect for 10/72, plus the monthly insurance benefit which would have been received in such month, by an amount equal to $4 or (if less) to such increase in monthly insurance benefit under such Title II (whether such excess is brought about by disregarding a portion of such monthly insurance benefit or otherwise).
Title IV - Miscellaneous
Section 401(a)(1) states that the amount payable to the Sec. of HEW by a State for any FY pursuant to its agreement or agreements under Section 1616 of the Social Security Act shall not exceed the non-Federal share of expenditures as aid or assistance for quarters in the CY 1972 under the plans of the State approved under Titles I, X, XIV, and XVI of the Social Security Act (as defined in subsection (c) of this Section).
Section 401(a)(2) provides that paragraph (1) of this subsection shall only apply with respect to that portion of the supplementary payments made by the Sec. of HEW on behalf of the State under such agreements in any FY which does not exceed in the case of any individual the difference between (A) the adjusted payment level under the appropriate approved plan of such State as in effect for 1/72 (as defined in subsection (b) of this section), and (B) the benefits under Title XVI of the Social Security Act, plus income not excluded under section 1612(b) of such Act in determining such benefits, paid to such individual in such FY, and shall not apply with respect to supplementary payments to any individual who (i) is not required by Section 1616 of such Act to be included in any such agreement administered by the HEW Sec, and (ii) would have been ineligible (for reasons other than income) for payments under the appropriate approved State plan as in effect for 1/72.
Section 401(b)(1) states that for purposes of subsection (a), the term “adjusted payment level under the appropriate approved plan of a State as in effect for 1/72” means the amount of the money payment which an individual with no other income would have received under the plan of such State approved under Titles I, X, XIV, or XVI of the Social Security Act, as may be appropriate, and in effect for 1/72; except that the State may, at its option, increase such payment level with respect to any such plan by an amount which does not exceed the sum of (A) a payment level modification (as defined in paragraph (2) of this subsection) with respect to such plan, and (B)the bonus value of food stamps in such State for 1/72.
Section 401(b)(2) states for purposes of paragraph (1), the term “payment level modification” with respect to any State plan means that amount by which a State which for 1/72 made money payments under such plan to individuals with no other income which were less than 100% of its standard of need could have increased such money payments without increasing (if it reduced its standard of need under such plan so that such increased money payments equaled 100% of such standard of need) the non-Federal share of expenditures as aid or assistance for quarters in CY 1972 under the plans of such State approved under Titles I, X, XIV, and XVI of the Social Security Act.
Section 401(b)(3) states for purposes of paragraph (1), the term “bonus value of food stamps in a State for 1/72” (with respect to an individual) means (A) the face value of the coupon allotment which would have been provided to such an individual under the Food Stamp Act of 1964 for 1/72, reduced by (B) the charge which such an individual would have paid for such coupon allotment, if the income of such individual, for purposes of determining the charge it would have paid for its coupon allotment, had been equal to the adjusted payment level under the State plan. The total face value of food stamps and the cost thereof in 1/72 shall be determined in accordance with rules prescribed by the Sec. of USDA in effect in such month.
Section 401(c) provides that for purposes of this Section, the term “non-Federal share of expenditures as aid or assistance for quarters in the CY 1972 under the plans of a State approved under Titles I, X, XIV, and XVI of the Social Security Act” means the difference between (1) the total expenditures in such quarters under such plans for aid or assistance (expenditures authorized under Section 1119 of such Act for repairing the home of an individual who was receiving aid or assistance under one of such plans (as such Section was in effect prior to the enactment of this Act), and (2) the total of the amounts determined under Sections 3, 1003, 1403, and 1603 of the Social Security Act, under Section 1118 of such Act, and under Section 9 of the Act of 4/19/50, for such State with respect to such expenditures in such quarters.
Section 402 states that in order for a State to be eligible for any payments pursuant to Titles IV, V, XVI, or XIX of the Social Security Act with respect to expenditures for any quarter in the FY ending 6/30/75, and for the purpose of providing an orderly transition from State to Federal administration of the SSI Program, such State shall enter into an agreement with the Sec. of HEW under which the State agencies responsible for administering or for supervising the administration of the plans approved under Titles I, X, XIV, and XVI of the Social Security Act will, on behalf of the Sec. of HEW, administer all or such part or parts of the program established by Section 301 of this Act, during such portion of the FY ending 6/30/75, as may be provided in such agreement.
Section 403 provides in the administration of Section 1130 of the Social Security Act, the allotment of each State (as determined under subsection (b) of such section) for the FY ending 6/30/73, shall (notwithstanding any provision of such Section 1130) be adjusted so that the amount of such allotment for such year consists of the sum of the following: (1) the amount, not to exceed $50,000, payable to the State
(as determined without regard to such Section 1130) with respect to the total expenditures incurred by the State for services for the calendar quarter commencing 7/1/72, plus (2) an amount equal to ¾ of the amount of the allotment of such State; provided, however, that no State shall receive less under this Section than the amountto which it would have been entitled otherwise under Section 1130 of the Social Security Act.
Section 404(a) amends 5 U.S.C. Section 5316 (relating to positions at level V of the Executive Schedule) by striking out “(51) COSS, Dept. of HEW.”
Section 404(b) amends 5 U.S.C. Section 5315 (relating to positions at IV of the Executive Schedule) by adding “(97) COSS, Dept. of HEW.”
Section 404(c) states the amendments made by the preceding provisions of this Section shall take effect on the first day of the first pay period of the COSS, Dept. of HEW, which commences on or after the first day of the month which follows the month in which this Act is enacted.
Section 405 amends Sections 2(a)(10)(C), 1002(a)(13), 1402(a)(12), and 1602(a)(10) of the Social Security Act by inserting “(using whatever internal organizational arrangement it finds appropriate for this purpose)” immediately after “provide a description of the services (if any) which the State agency makes available”.
Section 406 amends Sections 2(b), 1002(b), 1402(b), and 1602(b) of the Social Security Act by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence: “At the option of the State, the plan may provide that manuals and other policy issuances will be furnished to persons without charge for the reasonable cost of such materials, but such provision shall not be required by the Sec. of HEW as a condition for the approval of such plan under this Title.”
Section 407 amends Sections 2(a)(4), 1002(a)(4), 1402(a)(4), and 1602(a)(4) of the Social Security Act by (1) deleting “provide” and inserting in lieu thereof “provide (A)”, and (2) inserting immediately before the semicolon at the end thereof the following: “, and (B) that if the State plan is administered in each of the political subdivisions of the State by a local agency and such local agency provides a hearing at which evidence may be presented prior to a hearing before the State agency, such local agency may put into effect immediately upon issuance its decision upon the matter considered at such hearing”.
Section 408 amends Sections 6(a), 1006, 1405, and 1605(a) of the Social Security Act by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence: “At the option of a State (if its plan approved under this Title so provides), such term need not include money payments to an individual who has been absent from such State for a period in excess of 90 consecutive days (regardless of whether the individual maintained his or her residence in such State during such period) until the individual has been present in such State for 30 consecutive days in the case of such an individual who has maintained their residence in such State during such period or 90 consecutive days in the case of any other such individual.”
Section 409(a) states Section 6(a) of the Social Security Act (as amended by Section 554(a) of this Act) is further amended by (1) striking out “such term” in the last sentence thereof and inserting in lieu thereof “such term (i)”, and (2) adding immediately before the period at the end of such sentence the following: “, and (ii) may include rent payments made directly to a public housing agency on behalf of a recipient or a group or groups of recipients of assistance under such plan”.
Section 409(b) provides that Section 1006 of the Social Security Act (as amended by Section 554(b) of this Act) is further amended by (1) striking out “such term” in the last sentence thereof and inserting in lieu thereof “such term (i)”, and (2) adding immediately before the period at the end of such sentence the following: “, and (ii) may include rent payments made directly to a public housing agency on behalf of a recipient or a group or groups of recipients of aid under such plan”.
Section 409(c) further amends Section 1406 of the Social Security Act (as amended by Section 554(c) of this Act) by (1) striking out “such term” in the last sentence thereof and inserting in lieu thereof “such term (i)”, and (2) adding immediately before the period at the end of such sentence the following: “, and (ii) may include rent payments made directly to a public housing agency on behalf of a recipient or a group or groups of recipients of aid under such plan”.
Section 409(d) states that Section 1605(a) of the Social Security Act (as amended by Section 554(d) of this Act)is further amended by (1) striking out “such term” in the last sentence thereof and inserting in lieu thereof “such term (i)”, and (2) adding immediately before the period at the end of such sentence the following: “, and (ii) may include rent payments made directly to a public housing agency on behalf of a recipient or a group or groups of recipients of aid under such plan”.
Section 410 makes technical amendments to Sections 2(a), 1002(a), 1402(a), and 1602(a) of the Social Security Act by inserting “except to the extent permitted by the Sec. of HEW with respect to services,” before “provide” at the beginning of clause (1).
Section 411(a) states that effective 1/1/74, Section 3(e) of the Food Stamp Act of 1964 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence: “No person who is eligible (or upon application would be eligible) to receive SSI benefits under Title XVI shall be considered to be a member of a household or an elderly person for the purposes of this Act.”
Section 411(b) amends Section 3(h) of the Food Stamp Act of 1964 to read “(h) the term “State agency”, with respect to any State, means the agency of State government which is designated by the Sec. of HEW for purposes of carrying out this Act in such State.”
Section 411(c) amends Section 10(c) of the Food Stamp Act of 1964 by striking out the first sentence.
Section 411(d) amends clause (2) of the second sentence of Section 10(e) of the Food Stamp Act of 1964 by striking out “used by them in the certification of applicants for benefits under the Federally aided public assistance programs” and inserting in lieu thereof the following: “prescribed by the Sec. of HEW in the regulations issued pursuant to this Act”.
Section 411(e) amends Section 10(e) of the Food Stamp Act of 1964 by striking out the third sentence.
Section 411(f) amends Section 14 of the Food Stamp Act of 1964 by striking out subsection (e).
Section 411(g) states that effective 1/1/74, Section 416 of the Act of 10/31/49, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence: “No person who is eligible (or upon application would be eligible) to receive SSI under Title XVI of the Social Security Act shall be eligible to participate in any program conducted under this Section (other than nonprofit child feeding programs or programs under which commodities are distributed on an emergency or temporary basis and eligibility for participation therein is not based upon the income or resources of the individual or family).”
Section 411(h) provides that except as otherwise provided in this Section, the amendments made by this Section shall take effect 1/1/73.
strong>Section 412 states effective with respect to FY beginning after 6/30/72, Section 420 of the Social Security Act is amended by striking out “$55,000,000 for the FY ending 6/30/68, $100,000,000 for the FY ending 6/30/69, and $110,000,000 for each FY thereafter” and inserting in lieu thereof “$196,000,000 for the FY ending 6/30/73, $211,000,000 for the FY ending 6/30/74, $226,000,000 for the FY ending 6/30/75, $246,000,000 for the FY ending 6/30/76, and $266,000,000 for each FY thereafter”.
Section 413 amends Sections 2(a)(7), 1002(a)(9), 1402(a)(9), and 1602(a)(7) to read as follows: “provide safeguards which permit the use or disclosure of information concerning applicants or recipients only (A) to public officials who require such information in connection with their official duties, or (B) to other persons for purposes directly connected with the administration of the State plan”.
Section 414(a) amends Section 502(a) of the Social Security Act (1) by striking out the period at the end thereof and inserting in lieu of such period “; and”, and (2) by adding at the end thereof the following new clause: “(24) if an individual is receiving benefits under Title XVI, then, for the period for which such benefits are received, such individual shall not be regarded as a member of a family for purposes of determining the amount of the benefits of the family under this Title and his or her income and resources shall not be counted as income and resources of a family under this Title.”
Section 414(b) states the amendments made by subsection (a) shall be effective on and after 1/1/73.

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