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Lower Manhattan Recovery Transportation Projects

To date, the FTA has approved $4.25 billion in order to fund the major projects listed below.  Most of those funds were obligated in major grant actions that were announced by Secretary Mineta on December 3, 2003 and July 12, 2005. ( Press Release) These projects include the World Trade Center Permanent PATH Terminal, the Fulton Street Transit Center, the South Ferry Terminal Station, World Trade Center Site Security Center, and the Route 9A/West Street and Promenade South project.

The World Trade Permanent PATH Terminal
The World Trade Permanent PATH TerminalThe
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey  (PANYNJ)  and the FTA have signed a construction agreement which makes up to $2.201 billion in federal funding available for the World Trade Center Permanent PATH Terminal. The terminal will serve the PATH subway system, which provides service to commuters between New York and New Jersey.  This project also includes expansion of platform capacity as well as pedestrian connections to the Fulton Street Transit Center to the east and to the World Financial Center and the World Financial Center Ferry Terminal under Route 9A (West Street) to the west.   The Port Authority has engaged the services of renowned architect Santiago Calatrava to design the World Trade Center Permanent PATH Terminal that will be integrated into the World Trade Center site.  When completed, the terminal is estimated to serve more than 80,000 PATH riders daily.


 Project Schedule  
 Grant Awarded  December 16, 2003
 Completion of Environmental Review Process   June 2005
 Start of Construction  Early 2006
 Completion of Construction  June 30, 2011

Fulton Street Transit Center
Fulton Street Transit CenterThe
Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and the FTA have signed a construction agreement which makes up to $847 million in federal funding available for the Fulton Street Transit Center.  This project is a multi-level complex of stations that serve 12 different subway lines and over 275,000 daily commuter trips.  The existing maze of narrow ramps, stairs and platforms will be transformed into a more spacious and rational configuration, allowing for easier transfers and better access from street level.  A new transit hall will provide visual orientation to the subway system. The Fulton Street Transit Center will also have a direct link to the new PATH Terminal and the World Trade Center site.  To learn more about the project, please go to the project's webpage http://www.mta.info/capconstr/fstc/index.html.


 Project Schedule

 Grant Awarded  December 2003
 Completion of Environmental Review Process  November 2004
 Start of Construction  July 2005
 Completion of Construction  June 2009

South Ferry Terminal Station
South Ferry Terminal StationThe
Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and the FTA have signed a construction agreement which makes $420 million in federal funding available for the South Ferry Terminal Station, the last station at the southern end of the 1 subway line in Manhattan. The terminal will replace the functionally obsolete station under Battery Park that serves Staten Island Ferry riders. The project will convert the single track, five-car loop station into a three-track, 10-car, stub end two-platform terminal with new access for disabled riders and better connections to the renovated Staten Island ferry terminal and the R and W subway lines. To learn more, please go to the project's webpage at:  http://www.mta.info/capconstr/sft/index.html.


 Project Schedule  
 Grant Awarded  December 2003
 Completion of Environmental Review Process  August 2004
 Start of Construction  March 2005
 Completion of Construction August 2008

World Trade Center Vehicular Security Center and Tour Bus Parking Facility
World Trade Center Site Security Center
The FTA has awarded a $478 million grant to the
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey  (PANYNJ) for the construction of a vehicle security-screening center for the World Trade Center site.  The security center will screen all vehicles for security threats and will be a vital component to the World Trade Center Master Plan.   It will also provide parking for tour buses.  This project is currently in preliminary engineering and nearing completion of the environmental review process.

Project Schedule

 Grant Awarded  July 2005
 Completion of Environmental Review Process  January 2007
 Start of Construction  April 2007
 Completion of Construction  January 2010

Route 9A/West Street Reconstruction
Route 9A Promenade South ProjectFTA has approved $287.3 million for reconstruction of
Route 9A/West Street by the New York State Department of Transportation.  This project will rebuild the major north-south arterial roadway in Lower Manhattan between Chambers Street and Battery Place, with the southern end of the project known as Promenade South.  The project will improve pedestrian circulation through the area and will help to make nearby parks and neighborhood destinations more accessible by incorporating urban design features and amenities. The eastern sidewalk will be widened where feasible to improve accessibility, provide street trees, and add aesthetic enhancements. On the west side, along the new Promenade and adjacent to Battery Park City, a series of unique urban spaces are envisioned and are being developed for varied uses by community members and visitors alike.


 Project Schedule  (for Promenade South Project)  
 FTA and FHWA signed MOA making funds available  June 2004
 Start of Construction  October 2004
 Completion of Construction  December 2006

Project Schedule  (for WTC Segment of Route 9A)  
 FTA and FHWA signed MOA making funds available  July 2005
 Start of Construction  April 2007
 Completion of Construction  June 2009

Lower Manhattan Construction Command Center
FTA has awarded a $6.4 million grant to the
Lower Manhattan Development Corporation for the start-up and operation of the Lower Manhattan Construction Command Center. The Governor of New York and the Mayor of New York City created the command center by executive order to coordinate and oversee the large number of construction projects planned for Lower Manhattan. The command center will bring together private developers, public agencies, utilities, businesses, and resident representatives to implement strategies to minimize the impact of construction on all those who live, work, and visit in Lower Manhattan.

 Project Schedule  
 Grant Awarded   October 2005
 Expiration of the Executive Order  December 2010


Lower Manhattan Recovery Office Chronology
Date   Event/Deliverable
September 11, 2001   Terrorist attacks on World Trade Center, Pentagon, and Pennsylvania

September 18, 2001   Congress passed Public Law 107-38 providing funds for response and recovery

January 10, 2002   Congress passed Public Law 107-117 providing funds for security, capital investments, and ferry projects

June 20, 2002   Members of the Federal Task Force to Rebuild New York City signed a Memorandum of Understanding outlining streamlined environmental coordination and review procedures

August 2, 2002   Congress passed Public Law 107-206 providing $4.55 billion for the rebuilding of transportation infrastructure in Lower Manhattan

February 6, 2003   Governor Pataki signed a letter requesting funds for 3 projects: World Trade Center Permanent PATH Terminal, South Ferry Terminal Station, and Fulton Street Transit Center

March 28, 2003   Introduced Risk Management Approach to Project Management

April 16, 2003   Awarded $11.4 million grant to New York City DOT for the West Midtown Ferry Terminal

June 18, 2003   Awarded $50 million grant for preliminary engineering for the Fulton Street Transit Center

July 31, 2003   Awarded $35.625 million grant to New Jersey Transit for Hoboken Ferry Terminal

August 21, 2003   Awarded $4.83 million grant to NYSERDA for study of clean fuels for ferries

August 21, 2003   Awarded $172,000 grant to Rutgers University for evaluation of NYSERDA research

September 3, 2003   Environmental Analysis Framework signed by Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Port Authority and New York State DOT

September 24, 2003   Awarded $2.375 million grant to New Jersey DOT for Colgate/Sussex Ferry Facility

December 3, 2003   Amended grant for Fulton Street Transit Center to total $750 million for design and construction

December 3, 2003   Awarded $400 million grant for South Ferry Terminal Station

December 16, 2003   Awarded $1.7 billion grant for World Trade Center Permanent PATH Terminal

December 17, 2003   Governor Pataki signed a letter requesting funds for Promenade South segment of Route 9A/West Street project

January 23, 2004   Signed Highlands Ferry Project environmental Categorical Exclusion

February 18, 2004   Signed Project Development Agreements for South Ferry Terminal Station and the Fulton Street Transit Center

February 20, 2004   Signed Project Development Agreement for World Trade Center Permanent PATH Terminal

May 21, 2004   Signed Categorical Exclusion for parts of Fulton Street Transit Center project

June 18, 2004   Signed Memorandum of Agreement with FHWA to make $87.3 million available for Promenade South & Rt. 9A Project

August 10, 2004   Signed Programmatic Agreement for the South Ferry Terminal outlining approach to preserving historic resources

August 20, 2004   Awarded $9.5 million grant to NYC DOT for East River Ferry Landings Projects

August 30, 2004   Signed environmental Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for South Ferry Terminal Station project

November 22, 2004   Signed environmental Record of Decision for Fulton Street Transit Center project

January 10, 2005   Awarded $9.5 million grant to Union County, NJ for the Elizabeth Ferry Terminal project

February 11, 2005   Signed Construction Agreement with the MTA for the South Ferry project. This agreement caps federal funding for the project at $420 million, and commits the project sponsor to completing the project by May 31, 2008

 April 19, 2005   Signed Memorandum of Agreement (Section 106) for World Trade Center Permanent PATH Terminal 
 May 13, 2005   Published Final Environmental Impact Statement for World Trade Center Permanent PATH Terminal 
 June 3, 2005   Received Governor Pataki's request letter for additional funding for the World Trade Center Site Security Center, WTC East and West Bathtubs 
 June 29, 2005   Signed Record of Decision for World Trade Center Permanent PATH Terminal 
 July 7, 2005   Awarded $478 million grant to PANYNJ for World Trade Center Site Security Center
 July 7, 2005   Awarded $221 million grant amendment to PANYNJ for the World Trade Center Permanent PATH Terminal
 August 30, 2005   Official groundbreaking ceremony by MTA for the Fulton Street Transit Center project
 September 6, 2005   Official groundbreaking ceremony by PANYNJ for the World Trade Center Permanent PATH Terminal
 October 5, 2005   Awarded $5 million grant to Lower Manhattan Development Corporation for the start-up and operation of the Lower Manhattan Construction Command Center

 October 27, 2005

  Signed Construction Agreement with the MTA for the Fulton Street Transit Center project. This agreement caps federal funding for the project at $847 million, and commits the project sponsor to completing the project by July 31, 2010


November 30, 2005



Awarded $1.2 million grant amendment to Lower Manhattan Development Corporation for the Lower Manhattan Construction Command Center.

 April 5, 2006  


Signed a Memorandum of Agreement with Federal Highway Administration related to the oversight and funding ($200 million in LMRO funds) of Route 9A WTC Promenade project.

 April 20, 2006  


Signed a historic preservation Memorandum of Agreement covering the World Trade Center Vehicular Security Center pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. 


 April 25, 2006



January 24, 2007



Signed Construction Agreement with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey for the World Trade Center PATH Terminal project. This agreement caps total project cost at $2.5 billion, and commits the project sponsor to completing the project by April 30, 2012 or earlier.

Signed Construction Agreement with New York State Department of Transportation for the reconstruction of Route 9A/West Street from West Thames Street to Chambers Street. This agreement caps the FTA funding for this segment at $228 million, and commits the project sponsor to completing the project by January 13, 2011 or earlier.

Updated: 3/1/2007

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