
Latest Thinking in the Industry

We've gathered research studies involving employee volunteering, community involvement, social responsibility and corporate citizenship. Need to build the case for an Employee Volunteer Program? This is the place to start.


Past. Present. Future. The 25th Anniversary of Cause Marketing.

Cone, Inc., released their latest research, the 2008 Cone/Duke University Behavioral Cause Study and the 2008 Cone Cause Evolution Study. They updated their 15 years of longitudinal data examining Americans' expectations of companies to support causes, and they have captured actual behavioral data that proves cause can significantly impact actual consumer choice and increase sales. In celebration of the 25th anniversary of cause-related marketing, this report examines these findings, discusses the most significant cause-related milestones of the past 25 years, provides a look into the Socially Responsible Consumer and much more.

Tell Your Story: Extend Your Brand Through Corporate Social Responsibility

In a new seminar delivered in December, UC Berkeley Professor Kellie McElhaney shared research and examples of how companies can extend their brand with effective Corporate Social Responsibility programs that connect to a company's Core Business, Core Strengths and Tell a Story.


Nearly Two-thirds of Gen Y Employees Surveyed Prefer Companies that Let Them Volunteer Skills

New research shows that companies that help employees volunteer with nonprofit organizations could have a leg up with recruiting Generation Y (18-26 year-old) talent. Nearly two-thirds of the respondents (62%) in the 2007 Volunteer IMPACT survey by Deloitte & Touche USA said they would prefer to work for companies that give them opportunities to contribute their talents to nonprofit organizations.


Identifying Enablers of Nonprofit High Performance

Accenture surveyed 200+ nonprofit executives to get their perspectives on how individuals and businesses can better help nonprofits achieve higher levels of performance.

Corporate Volunteer Reporting Standards 2.0

One can not improve what is not measured, and one can not effectively measure and benchmark results without reporting standards. Understanding that, the Bay Area Corporate Volunteer Council working with local corporate leaders, including VolunteerMatch, initiated the development of standard definitions to measure community involvement, track trends, establish program benchmarks and encourage better practices.

Volunteers and Nonprofits Overlooking Opportunities to Maximize Impact

This survey, conducted by Deloitte & Touche USA LLP and the Points of Light Foundation of nonprofit executives and volunteers from corporate America, showed that nearly 9 out of 10 nonprofit leaders generally agree that volunteers' workplace skills are valuable. Working professionals shared a similar view, as 73% of them believe workplace skills are valuable to nonprofits.


Expanding the Boundaries

Volunteers of America and The Center for Corporate Citizenship at Boston College studied the aging of the nation's labor force and suggest ways the private and public sectors can tap into the talent and energy of the Baby Boom generation to invigorate volunteer programs and prepare others for a lifetime of volunteering.

How Volunteering Shapes Professional Success

Volunteerism is powerful because it is a catalyst for leadership. As this study makes clear, volunteerism translates directly into leadership skills that benefit participants' professional development, and indirectly benefits employers and the community at large. Both the community and the workplace are enhanced and enriched when community service is encouraged and rewarded, in other words.

Measuring Corporate Volunteerism

VolunteerMatch was pleased to be the lead sponsor of a 2005 research study by LBG Associates that highlights the commitment leading U.S. corporations are making to volunteerism and introduces a new model for understanding the key components of success.

Measuring Employee Volunteer Programs: The HR Model

The Center for Corporate Citizenship at Boston College and the Points of Light Foundation undertook this study to examine the value-added benefits of employee volunteering specific to achieving human resources goals.

State of Corporate Citizenship

The biennial "State of Corporate Citizenship" research and report is published by the Business Civic Leadership Center of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Center for Corporate Citizenship at Boston College and with support from The Hitachi Foundation. It takes an in-depth look at the attitudes and behaviors of business executives from small, medium and large businesses from across the United States.

Value of Volunteer Time

The value of volunteer time is based on the average hourly earnings of all production and nonsupervisory workers on private nonfarm payrolls (as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics). Independent Sector increases this figure by 12 percent to estimate for fringe benefits.

Volunteering in the United States

The Bureau of Labor Statistics includes a volunteer supplement to its Current Population Survey. The purpose of the volunteer supplement is to obtain information on the incidence of volunteering and the characteristics of volunteers in the United States. In 2005, 65.4 million people volunteered at least once between September 2004 and September 2005.


How the Internet Has Changed Volunteering

Based on VolunteerMatch research and published in The Journal of Volunteer Administration, this study examines how the internet is changing the process and experience of volunteering for both volunteers and nonprofits.

Volunteer Management Capacity in America's Charities and Congregations

Volunteers can boost the quality of services in charities and congregations while reducing costs. However, these organizations are not always fully equipped to make the most of their volunteers.

VolunteerMatch User Feedback Study

In partnership with Peter D. Hart Research Associates, VolunteerMatch surveyed over a thousand nonprofits and volunteers to better understand who they are, what they think about volunteerism and why they are using VolunteerMatch.

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Did You Know?

Both customers and employees report that they would recommend a company for its products and services, or as a place to work, because of good corporate citizenship.

"Employee volunteering best supports HR areas like professional development, recruitment, morale, loyalty and teamwork. HR departments that do not leverage employee volunteering for HR purposes are missing a key opportunuty for substantial gains in employee performance and productivity."
According to a 2005 report from the The Center for Corporate Citizenship at Boston College, the ability to easily learn about existing volunteer opportunities and/or connect with a volunteer program is "a significant factor in [individuals'] decision to participate." The report also found a high level of interest in "company websites as clearinghouses for individuals to match their interests and skills" with the right volunteer experience.