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JR Senior Fellowship Program

Chantal de Jonge Oudraat

The Jennings Randolph (JR) Program for International Peace awards approximately ten residential Senior Fellowships each year so that outstanding scholars, practitioners, policymakers, journalists, and other professionals can conduct research on peace, conflict and international security.

Since its establishment in 1987, the JR Program has rapidly become the premier international fellowship program in its field. Over the past 20 years, more than 250 fellowships have been awarded.

Fellowships usually last for ten months starting in October, but shorter-term fellowships are also available. Fellowships are open to citizens of any country.

Chantal de Jonge Oudraat is the associate vice president of the Jennings Randolph Program for International Peace.

Fellow Snapshots

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Imtiaz AliEmergence of the Tribal Belt as a Fault Line in the War on Terror: The Growing Influence of Homegrown Pakistani Taliban and Its Implications for Regional and Global Security
Imtiaz Ali, a Pashtun journalist who has recently worked as a special correspondent for the Washington Post in Pakistan's volatile Tribal belt and North West Frontier Province along the Afghan border, has extensively reported on militancy, rise of the local militant dubbed as "Pakistani Taliban" and Pakistan's military operations against al-Qaeda operatives and their local Taliban supporters in the tribal region, also known as Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Imtiaz Ali’s project will explore the nature of insurgency on the Pakistani side of the border and the radicalization of the Pakistani Pashtun people, its connection with the insurgency in Afghanistan, the origin of the Pakistani Taliban and their links with the Afghan Taliban, as well as with local and global terrorists’ organizations like Al-Quaeda.

David TolbertA Model from Complementarity: The ICTY and the Bosnian State Court
David Tolbert, former Deputy Prosecutor of the ICTY and U.N. assistant secretary-general and special advisor to the U.N. Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials (UNAKRT), Former Deputy Prosecutor for the ICTY and U.N. assistant secretary-general and special advisor to the U.N. Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials (UNAKRT) David Tolbert’s project aims to fill a significant knowledge gap in terms of what impact international tribunals have on the peace and security of the countries over which they have jurisdiction, and also to assess how well or poorly these courts have performed in terms of meeting the goals of providing a basis for reconciliation and peace in those societies. This study will also look closely at how the relationships between the ICTY and the Bosnian State Court may address the issue of complementarity, which lies at the heart of the ICC Statute. Mr. Tolbert intends to write a guide for practitioners for use by prosecutors and outreach officers and a scholarly assessment that eventually would become part of a book.

Keith WatenpaughThe Middle East and Human Rights: Mass Violence, Refugees, and the Making of Modern Humanitarianism
Keith Watenpaugh, Associate Professor of Modern Islam, Human Rights and Peace at the University of California, Davis, is completing a book that will bring the Middle East into the larger history of human rights. His book will shed light on how the international community has conceptualized minority-majority relationships in Muslim societies and sectarian and ethnic differences in the Arab world. It will focus on the multiple intersections of the modern international human rights regime, genocide and Islam in the twentieth-century Middle East.

Group photo of all the Fellows and Peace Scholars
The JR Senior Fellows and JR Peace Scholars for 2008-2009.


Imtiaz AliCurrent Senior Fellow Imtiaz Ali
Imtiaz Ali participated in a conference organized by the Jamestown Foundation on April 15, 2009, on "Pakistan's Troubled Frontier: The Future of FATA and the NWFP." Ali’s topic was "Who's Who in the Islamic Militancy: Key Players and Recent Developments." Read the description of the conference. On March 18, Ali appeared on the Charlie Rose show together with Pakistani Ambassador to the U.S. Husain Haqqani and journalists Steve Coll and Joe Klein. Watch the interview.

Michael GordonCurrent Senior Fellow Michael Gordon:
Michael Gordon moderated a March 24 session at the Council of Foreign Relations on Iraq and President Obama's troop drawdown plan. In addition, Gordon spoke on the military campaign in Iraq at a March 27 program organized by the Elliott School of International Affairs at George University.

Francis RicciardoneCurrent Guest Scholar Francis Ricciardone:
Francis Ricciardone, a Guest Scholar since October 2008, is departing USIP, having been appointed Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. View the Press Release.

Robert MaguireCurrent Senior Fellow Robert "Bob" Maguire:
Bob Maguire gave three presentations: "Haiti: Climate Change and National Security Issues," at the Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), US Department of State, on March 13, 2009; "Social and Economic Development in Haiti: Conceiving and Managing Development Projects," (in Creole) at the Centre de Formation et de Developpement Economique Universite, Port-au-Prince, on March 30, 2009; "Situation in Haiti," for the USIP Haiti Working Group Meeting, Longworth House Office Building, US House of Representatives, April 2, and "Haiti: Current Conditions and Obstacles to Development," at the National Intelligence Council, on April 17.

Leonard RubensteinCurrent Senior Fellow Leonard Rubenstein:
Leonard Rubenstein participated in the invitation-only Humanitarian Action Summit organized by the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative March 26-28 as part of the working group on protection. On April 2, Rubenstein met with staff at the House Committee on Foreign Affairs to discuss implications for foreign assistance reform.

David TolbertCurrent Senior Fellow David Tolbert:
A March 20, 2009 interview with David Tolbert was published by the Oxford Transitional Justice Project as part of its ICC Observers series. On March 27, Tolbert spoke on the release of the final report by the ASIL Task Force on the US and the ICC, at a press conference at the National Press Club, and also at a panel presentation of the report at the American Society of International Law annual meeting on the same day. On April 14, Tolbert spoke on a panel organized by USIP’s Rule of Law Project, on the Cambodia Tribunal (ECCC) at the Carnegie Endowment on International Peace. In addition, Tolbert, together with Aleksandar Kontic, who had worked with Tolbert as a Legal Advisor and Research Assistant at the ICTY, published a chapter, "The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: Transitional Justice, the Transfer of Cases to National Courts, and Lessons for the ICC," in The Emerging Practice of the International Criminal Court (Edited by Carsten Stahn and Göran Sluitter, Koninklijke Brill 2009.)

Keith WatenpaughCurrent Senior Fellow Keith Watenpaugh:
Keith Watenpaugh gave presentations at two conferences: the first, on March 21, was "The League of Nations and the Origins of Armenian Genocide Denial" at Armenia and Armenians in International Treaties, Armenian Studies Program, University of Michigan, and the second, on April 3, was "The League of Nations’ Eastern Mediterranean Rescue Movement and the Paradox of Interwar Humanitarianism," at a conference at Columbia University, Histories of Humanitarianism.

Radwan ZiadehFormer Senior Fellow Radwan Ziadeh:
Radwan Ziadeh (2007–2008) participated in a panel on "The Future of the Syrian Opposition Movements" at the Hudson Institute on March 26. On April 3, USIP published a special report by Ziadeh, The Kurds in Syria: Fueling Separatist Movements in the Region?.

Stephen FarryFormer Senior Fellow Stephen Farry:
Stephen Farry (2005–2006), currently a member of the Alliance Party of Northern Ireland and a member of the Northern Ireland Assembly, gave an internal briefing at USIP on March 16 on the current state of the peace accord and reconciliation in Northern Ireland, particularly in light of recent attacks on the police and army by dissident factions of the IRA.

Donald SteinbergFormer Senior Fellow Donald Steinberg:
On March 11, 2009, Donald Steinberg (2004–2005) addressed the OSCE Round Table on Gender and Security, Vienna, Austria, speaking on "Peace Missions and Gender Equality: Ten Lessons from the Ground."

Francis DengFormer Senior Fellow Francis Deng:
USIP held a book launch for Francis Deng's (2002–2003 and 1987–1988) latest book, Identity, Diversity, and Constitutionalism in Africa (USIP Press, 2009) on April 1. Panelists included Current Senior Fellow David Tolbert.

Carol GiacomoFormer Senior Fellow Carol Giacomo:
Carol Giacomo (1999–2000), currently a journalist with the New York Times, received a special citation for her career contribution in international and national security reporting on March 24, at the 34th award ceremony of the Edward Weintal Prize for International Reporting, sponsored by Georgetown University's Institute for the Study of Diplomacy (ISD).

JR Staff:

Virginia BouvierOn March 31, Senior Program Officer Virginia (Ginny) Bouvier briefed Open Society Institute staff on Colombia and opportunities for funding Colombia work, and in addition organized and moderated the April 1 book launch for Francis Deng’s new USIP book, Identity, Diversity, and Constitutionalism in Africa.


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