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Instructor-Led Training (ILT) Developer Toolkit

Getting Started
Reviews the purpose for each toolkit item and identifies the intended users.

Use of NHI Style Guide
Memo to contractors and other users of the style guide.

NHI ILT Standards and Style Guide
Appendix A: Instructor Guide
Appendix B: Participants Workbook
Appendix C: Reference Manual
Appendix D: List of References
Appendix E: Samples
Sample PowerPoint
Sample PowerPoint B/W
Complete guidance and samples of how course material should be formatted.

NHI ILT Lesson Plan Template
Example of format and topics to be covered in a lesson plan.

NHI ILT PowerPoint Template
Provides PowerPoint layout, color scheme and font standards for ILT.

NHI ILT PowerPoint Template B/W
Provides PowerPoint layout and font standards for printing slides.

How to Convert PowerPoint into Word
Provides instructions on how to convert PowerPoint into Word and gives examples.

NHI ILT Instructor Guide Template
Provides a template for how the instructor guide is to be presented and formatted.

NHI ILT Participant Workbook Template
A template that contractors can use in developing the participant workbook.

NHI ILT Cover and Spine Examples
For use with final deliverables.

NHI ILT CD Label Examples
For use with final deliverables.

Using Toolkit Items
To open an item in the toolkit, click the corresponding link. Rename and save any items that will be used for the development of course materials.

If you have trouble downloading the file, please see our frequently asked questions for help.

Note: Downloading steps vary from system to system. If you are unable to download the file using these instructions, please consult your system's manual or contact the manufacturer.

The documents available on this site are for printing purposes only. If you have any problems accessing information on this site, please contact NHIWebmaster@fhwa.dot.gov for assistance.

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