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GPO is responsible for the current and future access to published U.S. Government information and partially operates under an appropriation providing funds for 4 major programs.

Federal Depository Library Program:

The FDLP provides the public with access to U.S. Government publications in tangible collections maintained by designated Federal depository libraries with direct online access through and

Cataloging & Indexing Program:

GPO is charged with cataloging and indexing all publications issued by the Federal Government that are not confidential in character. This task serves libraries and the public nationwide and enables people to locate desired Government publications in all formats.

International Exchange Service:

Under the direction of the Library of Congress, GPO distributes tangible Government publications to foreign governments that agree to send to the United States similar publications of their governments for Library of Congress collections.

By-Law Program:

GPO administers the dissemination of certain tangible publications, as specified by public law. Under Title 44 of the United States Code, GPO is required to provide copies of publications to certain Federal agencies and others, at the direction of Congress. Two or more copies of every publication printed are provided to the Library of Congress. The National Archives and Records Administration is entitled to receive three copies of every publication printed. Additionally, on behalf of the Department of State, GPO distributes copies of publications to foreign legions. GPO also maintains mailing lists for By-Law distribution of specific publications.

Locate a Federal depository library near you. Learn about the FDLP.

Quick Links

Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
To access the finding tool for Federal publications that includes descriptive records for historical and current publications and provides direct links to those that are available online, Search the Catalog.

U.S. Government Bookstore
Securely buy official Federal publications online.

Ben's Guide to U.S. Government
Learn about the Federal Government from
Ben Franklin.

Digitization Registry
Records for projects that include digitized copies of publications originating from the U.S. Government

GPO Partnerships
Collaborations that increase access to Government information or provide services to support Federal depository libraries.

FDLP Desktop
Information about the FDLP and guidance for administering a depository library.

askGPO Service
Subject matter experts are
available to answer your questions
in a timely manner.

Library Service and Content Management (LSCM) Director Contact Form
For general inquiries, please use the askGPO Service

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