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Secure Government Supply Chain

GPO delivers added value to our customers with strict adherence to a secure government supply chain. Every phase of secure card production is conducted or managed in secure, government-controlled facilities by government employees with the proper clearances.

When the participation of private-sector companies is required, GPO product security specialists conduct wide-ranging audits of potential suppliers. Using contemporary standards for secure product manufacturing, GPO examines and evaluates security in the transportation of raw materials, and finished goods, the physical security of the manufacturer's plant, the virtual security of its IT systems, and the personnel security that governs its employees and hiring practices. The audit also covers the financial viability of the prospective supplier, background information on its key executives, and the provisions of its COOP plan.

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Multi-layered Security
Card architecture and features.
(1) pdf1 (2) pdf2

Security Glossary
Frequently used secure credential terms. pdf

Creative Services
Security Design - ID cards, tickets, checks, & travel documents.

National Account Managers
GPO's sales force.

Select Forms & Standards
Instructions & fillable forms for working with GPO.

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Information about authorizing documents and the requirements.

Gerry Egan
Director of Business Development