From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

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                       SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES

                       ONE HUNDRED NINTH CONGRESS


   FIRST SESSION  convened january 4, 2005          DAYS OF SESSION 159
                  adjourned december 22, 2005
  SECOND SESSION  convened january 3, 2006          DAYS OF SESSION 28


                          CALENDAR OF BUSINESS

                         Tuesday, March 7, 2006


                      SENATE CONVENES AT 9:45 A.M.

                            PENDING BUSINESS

                         S. 2349 (ORDER NO. 367)

    A bill to provide greater transparency in the legislative process. 
(Mar. 6, 2006.)

                       (Pending Business on P. 2)


                         SECRETARY OF THE SENATE

                 By David J. Tinsley, Legislative Clerk


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                            PENDING BUSINESS

                         S. 2320 (ORDER NO. 363)

    A bill to make available funds included in the Deficit Reduction Act 
of 2005 for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program for fiscal 
year 2006, and for other purposes. (Mar. 2, 2006.)


                         S. 2320 (ORDER NO. 363)

    1.--Ordered, That on Tuesday, March 7, 2006, at 9:45 a.m., the 
Senate resume consideration of S. 2320, a bill to make available funds 
included in the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 for the Low-Income Home 
Energy Assistance Program for fiscal year 2006, and for other purposes; 
provided that, notwithstanding the provisions of Rule XXII, a vote on 
the motion to invoke cloture on the bill occur on Tuesday, March 7, 
2006, following one hour of debate equally divided between the Senator 
from Maine (Ms. Snowe) and the Senator from Nevada (Mr. Ensign) or their 
designees in relation to this bill; provided further, that second degree 
amendments to the bill be filed by 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 7, 2006.
    Ordered further, That relative to the cloture motion filed on S. 
2320, the mandatory quorum required under Rule XXII be waived. (Mar. 3, 
6, 2006.)

                                 H.R. 22

    2.--Ordered, That with respect to H.R. 22, an act to reform the 
postal laws of the United States, provided it shall not be in order for 
the Senate to consider any conference report or any House amendments to 
H.R. 22, if it would cause a net increase in on or off budget direct 
spending in excess of $5 billion in any of the four 10-year periods 
beginning in 2016-2055, as estimated by the Congressional Budget Office. 
(Feb. 9, 2006.)

                   S. 1042, S. 1043, S. 1044, S. 1045

    3.--Ordered, That with respect to S. 1042, S. 1043, S. 1044, and S. 
1045, that if the Senate receives a message with respect to any of these 
bills from the House of Representatives, the Senate disagree with the 
House on its amendment or amendments to the Senate bill and agree to or 
request a conference, as appropriate, with the House on the disagreeing 
votes of the two houses; provided that the Chair be authorized to 
appoint conferees; and that the foregoing occur without intervening 
action or debate. (Nov. 15, 2005.)

                                 S. 295

    4.--Ordered, That the Majority Leader, after consultation with the 
Democratic Leader, shall no later than the end of the first session of 
the 109th Congress or no later than March 31, 2006, call up S. 295, a 
bill to authorize appropriate action if the negotiations with the 
People's Republic of China regarding China's undervalued currency are 
not successful; provided that if the bill has not been reported by then 
by the Committee on Finance it be discharged at that time and the Senate 
proceed to the consideration thereof; that there be 2 hours for debate 
equally divided between the Senator from Iowa (Mr. Grassley) and the 
Democratic Leader, or his designee, that no amendments or motions be in 
order, including committee amendments, that after the use or yielding 
back of time, the bill be read a third time and the Senate proceed to a 
vote on passage of the bill, with no intervening action or debate. (July 
1, 2005, Nov. 16, 2005.)

     January 03, 18, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31.
     February, 01, 02, 03, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 27, 28.
     March, 01, 02, 03, 06, 07.

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     January 04, 06, 20, 24, 25, 26, 31.
     February 01, 02, 03, 07, 08, 09, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 28.
     March 01, 02, 03, 04, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21.
     April 04, 05, 06, 07, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28.
     May 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26.
     June 06, 07, 08, 09, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30.
     July, 01, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.
     September, 06, 01, 07, 08, 09, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
     October, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31.
     November, 01, 02, 03, 04, 07, 08, 09, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.
     December, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 30.

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Senate Calendar of Business: 2006 Days in Session

From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

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      Senate Membership, One Hundred Ninth Congress, Second Session


 1    Akaka, Daniel K.....................................    HI
 2    Alexander, Lamar....................................    TN
 2    Allard, Wayne.......................................    CO
 1    Allen, George.......................................    VA
 2    Baucus, Max.........................................    MT
 3    Bayh, Evan..........................................    IN
 3    Bennett, Robert F...................................    UT
 2    Biden, Joseph R., Jr................................    DE
 1    Bingaman, Jeff......................................    NM
 3    Bond, Christopher S.................................    MO
 3    Boxer, Barbara......................................    CA
 3    Brownback, Sam......................................    KS
 3    Bunning, Jim........................................    KY
 1    Burns, Conrad.......................................    MT
 3    Burr, Richard.......................................    NC
 1    Byrd, Robert C......................................    WV
 1    Cantwell, Maria.....................................    WA
 1    Carper, Thomas R....................................    DE
 1    Chafee, Lincoln.....................................    RI
 2    Chambliss, Saxby....................................    GA
 1    Clinton, Hillary Rodham.............................    NY
 3    Coburn, Tom.........................................    OK
 2    Cochran, Thad.......................................    MS
 2    Coleman, Norm.......................................    MN
 2    Collins, Susan M....................................    ME
 1    Conrad, Kent........................................    ND
 2    Cornyn, John........................................    TX
 2    Craig, Larry E......................................    ID
 3    Crapo, Mike.........................................    ID
 1    Dayton, Mark........................................    MN
 3    DeMint, Jim.........................................    SC
 1    DeWine, Mike........................................    OH
 3    Dodd, Christopher J.................................    CT
 2    Dole, Elizabeth.....................................    NC
 2    Domenici, Pete V....................................    NM
 3    Dorgan, Byron L.....................................    ND
 2    Durbin, Richard.....................................    IL
 1    Ensign, John........................................    NV
 2    Enzi, Michael B.....................................    WY
 3    Feingold, Russell D.................................    WI
 1    Feinstein, Dianne...................................    CA
 1    Frist, William H....................................    TN
 2    Graham, Lindsey.....................................    SC
 3    Grassley, Chuck.....................................    IA
 3    Gregg, Judd.........................................    NH
 2    Hagel, Chuck........................................    NE
 2    Harkin, Tom.........................................    IA
 1    Hatch, Orrin G......................................    UT
 1    Hutchison, Kay Bailey...............................    TX
 2    Inhofe, James M.....................................    OK
 3    Inouye, Daniel K....................................    HI
 3    Isakson, Johnny.....................................    GA
 1    Jeffords, James M*..................................    VT
 2    Johnson, Tim........................................    SD
 1    Kennedy, Edward M...................................    MA
 2    Kerry, John F.......................................    MA
 1    Kohl, Herb..........................................    WI
 1    Kyl, Jon............................................    AZ
 2    Landrieu, Mary L....................................    LA
 2    Lautenberg, Frank R.................................    NJ
 3    Leahy, Patrick J....................................    VT
 2    Levin, Carl.........................................    MI
 1    Lieberman, Joseph I.................................    CT
 3    Lincoln, Blanche L..................................    AR
 1    Lott, Trent.........................................    MS
 1    Lugar, Richard G....................................    IN
 3    Martinez, Mel.......................................    FL
 3    McCain, John........................................    AZ
 2    McConnell, Mitch....................................    KY
 1    Menendez, Robert\1\.................................    NJ
 3    Mikulski, Barbara A.................................    MD
 3    Murkowski, Lisa.....................................    AK
 3    Murray, Patty.......................................    WA
 1    Nelson, Bill........................................    FL
 1    Nelson, E. Benjamin.................................    NE
 3    Obama, Barack.......................................    IL
 2    Pryor, Mark L.......................................    AR
 2    Reed, Jack..........................................    RI
 3    Reid, Harry.........................................    NV
 2    Roberts, Pat........................................    KS
 2    Rockefeller, John D., IV............................    WV
 3    Salazar, Ken........................................    CO
 1    Santorum, Rick......................................    PA
 1    Sarbanes, Paul S....................................    MD
 3    Schumer, Charles E..................................    NY
 2    Sessions, Jeff......................................    AL
 3    Shelby, Richard C...................................    AL
 2    Smith, Gordon H.....................................    OR
 1    Snowe, Olympia J....................................    ME
 3    Specter, Arlen......................................    PA
 1    Stabenow, Debbie....................................    MI
 2    Stevens, Ted........................................    AK
 2    Sununu, John E......................................    NH
 1    Talent, James M.\2\.................................    MO
 1    Thomas, Craig.......................................    WY
 3    Thune, John.........................................    SD
 3    Vitter, David.......................................    LA
 3    Voinovich, George V.................................    OH
 2    Warner, John........................................    VA
 3    Wyden, Ron..........................................    OR


Class 1=Senators whose terms expire in 2007 (Rep. 15  Ind. 1          33
Demo. 17).
Class 2=Senators whose terms expire in 2009 (Rep. 21  Ind. 0          33
Demo. 12).
Class 3=Senators whose terms expire in 2011 (Rep. 19  Ind. 0          34
Demo. 15).


                          Totals (Rep. 55  Ind. 1  Demo. 44)......   100

Senate Calendar of Business: 2006 Days in Session

From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

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                         COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS 

                          STANDING COMMITTEES 

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Room SR-328A. Russell Office Building. Meetings, first and third 
    Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia, Chairman
Richard G. Lugar, of Indiana
Thad Cochran, of Mississippi
Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky
Pat Roberts, of Kansas
James M. Talent, of Missouri
Craig Thomas, of Wyoming
Rick Santorum, of Pennsylvania
Norm Coleman, of Minnesota
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
Chuck Grassley, of Iowa


Tom Harkin, of Iowa
Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota
Max Baucus, of Montana
Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas
Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan
E. Benjamin Nelson, of Nebraska
Mark Dayton, of Minnesota
Ken Salazar, of Colorado


Room S-128, The Capitol. Meetings at the call of the Chairman.
Thad Cochran, of Mississippi, Chairman
Ted Stevens, of Alaska
Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania
Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico
Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri
Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky
Conrad Burns, of Montana
Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama
Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Larry E. Craig, of Idaho
Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas
Mike DeWine, of Ohio
Sam Brownback, of Kansas
Wayne Allard, of Colorado


Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii
Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont
Tom Harkin, of Iowa
Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland
Harry Reid, of Nevada
Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin
Patty Murray, of Washington
Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota
Dianne Feinstein, of California
Richard Durbin, of Illinois
Tim Johnson, of South Dakota
Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana

                             ARMED SERVICES

Room SR-228. Russell Office Building. Meetings, Thursdays at 10 a.m.
John Warner, of Virginia, Chairman
John McCain, of Arizona
James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma
Pat Roberts, of Kansas
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
Susan M. Collins, of Maine
John Ensign, of Nevada
James M. Talent, of Missouri
Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina
Elizabeth Dole, of North Carolina
John Cornyn, of Texas
John Thune, of South Dakota


Carl Levin, of Michigan
Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts
Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia
Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut
Jack Reed, of Rhode Island
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Bill Nelson, of Florida
E. Benjamin Nelson, of Nebraska
Mark Dayton, of Minnesota
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Hillary Rodham Clinton, of New York


Room SD-534. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, last Tuesday of each 
    month at 10:30 a.m.
Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama, Chairman
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Wayne Allard, of Colorado
Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming
Chuck Hagel, of Nebraska
Rick Santorum, of Pennsylvania
Jim Bunning, of Kentucky
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
John E. Sununu, of New Hampshire
Elizabeth Dole, of North Carolina
Mel Martinez, of Florida


Paul S. Sarbanes, of Maryland
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut
Tim Johnson, of South Dakota
Jack Reed, of Rhode Island
Charles E. Schumer, of New York
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware
Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan
Robert Menendez, of New Jersey


Room SD-621. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, first Thursday of each 
Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire, Chairman
Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico
Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
Wayne Allard, of Colorado
Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
Jim Bunning, of Kentucky
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
John Ensign, of Nevada
John Cornyn, of Texas
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina


Kent Conrad, of North Dakota
Paul S. Sarbanes, of Maryland
Patty Murray, of Washington
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin
Tim Johnson, of South Dakota
Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan
Robert Menendez, of New Jersey


Room SD-508. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, first and third Tuesdays 
    at 10 a.m.
Ted Stevens, of Alaska, Chairman
John McCain, of Arizona
Conrad Burns, of Montana
Trent Lott, of Mississippi
Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas
Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine
Gordon H. Smith, of Oregon
John Ensign, of Nevada
George Allen, of Virginia
John E. Sununu, of New Hampshire
Jim DeMint, of South Carolina
David Vitter, of Louisiana


Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii
John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia
John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts
Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota
Barbara Boxer, of California
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey
E. Benjamin Nelson, of Nebraska
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas

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                      ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES

Room SD-364. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, third Wednesday of each 
    month at 10 a.m.    
Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico, Chairman
Larry E. Craig, of Idaho
Craig Thomas, of Wyoming
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee
Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska
Richard Burr, of North Carolina
Mel Martinez, of Florida
James M. Talent, of Missouri
Conrad Burns, of Montana
George Allen, of Virginia
Gordon H. Smith, of Oregon
Jim Bunning, of Kentucky


Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Tim Johnson, of South Dakota
Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana
Dianne Feinstein, of California
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Ken Salazar, of Colorado
Robert Menendez, of New Jersey

                      ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS

Room SD-458. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, first and third 
    Thursdays at 10 a.m.
James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma, Chairman
John Warner, of Virginia
Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri
George V. Voinovich, of Ohio
Lincoln Chafee, of Rhode Island
Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska
John Thune, of South Dakota
Jim DeMint, of South Carolina
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
David Vitter, of Louisiana


James M. Jeffords, of Vermont
Max Baucus, of Montana
Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut
Barbara Boxer, of California
Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware
Hillary Rodham Clinton, of New York
Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey
Barack Obama, of Illinois


Room SD-219. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, second and fourth 
    Tuesdays at 10 a.m.
Chuck Grassley, of Iowa, Chairman
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Trent Lott, of Mississippi
Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine
Jon Kyl, of Arizona
Craig Thomas, of Wyoming
Rick Santorum, of Pennsylvania
William H. Frist, of Tennessee
Gordon H. Smith, of Oregon
Jim Bunning, of Kentucky
Mike Crapo, of Idaho


Max Baucus, of Montana
John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota
James M. Jeffords, of Vermont
Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico
John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts
Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Charles E. Schumer, of New York

                            FOREIGN RELATIONS

Room SD-446. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings at the call of the 
Richard G. Lugar, of Indiana, Chairman
Chuck Hagel, of Nebraska
Lincoln Chafee, of Rhode Island
George Allen, of Virginia
Norm Coleman, of Minnesota
George V. Voinovich, of Ohio
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee
John E. Sununu, of New Hampshire
Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska
Mel Martinez, of Florida


Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of Delaware
Paul S. Sarbanes, of Maryland
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut
John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts
Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin
Barbara Boxer, of California
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Barack Obama, of Illinois


Room SD-428. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, second and fourth 
    Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming, Chairman
Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire
William H. Frist, of Tennessee
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee
Richard Burr, of North Carolina
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
Mike DeWine, of Ohio
John Ensign, of Nevada
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
Pat Roberts, of Kansas


Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut
Tom Harkin, of Iowa
Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland
James M. Jeffords, of Vermont
Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico
Patty Murray, of Washington
Jack Reed, of Rhode Island
Hillary Rodham Clinton, of New York


Room SD-340. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, first Thursday of each 
Susan M. Collins, of Maine, Chairman
Ted Stevens, of Alaska
George V. Voinovich, of Ohio
Norm Coleman, of Minnesota
Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma
Lincoln Chafee, of Rhode Island
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico
John Warner, of Virginia


Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut
Carl Levin, of Michigan
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware
Mark Dayton, of Minnesota
Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas

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Room SD-224. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings at the call of the 
Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania, Chairman
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
Jon Kyl, of Arizona
Mike DeWine, of Ohio
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina
John Cornyn, of Texas
Sam Brownback, of Kansas
Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma


Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont
Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of Delaware
Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin
Dianne Feinstein, of California
Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin
Charles E. Schumer, of New York
Richard Durbin, of Illinois

                        RULES AND ADMINISTRATION

Room SR-305. Russell Office Building. Meetings at the call of the 
Trent Lott, of Mississippi, Chairman
Ted Stevens, of Alaska
Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky
Thad Cochran, of Mississippi
Rick Santorum, of Pennsylvania
William H. Frist, of Tennessee
Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia
Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Chuck Hagel, of Nebraska


Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut
Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii
Dianne Feinstein, of California
Charles E. Schumer, of New York
Mark Dayton, of Minnesota
Richard Durbin, of Illinois
E. Benjamin Nelson, of Nebraska


Room SR-428A. Russell Office Building. Meetings, first Wednesday of each 
Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine, Chairman
Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri
Conrad Burns, of Montana
George Allen, of Virginia
Norm Coleman, of Minnesota
John Thune, of South Dakota
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
David Vitter, of Louisiana
Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming
John Cornyn, of Texas


John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts
Carl Levin, of Michigan
Tom Harkin, of Iowa
Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut
Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas

                            VETERANS' AFFAIRS

Room SR-414. Russell Office Building. Meetings, first Wednesday of each 
Larry E. Craig, of Idaho, Chairman
Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania
Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina
Richard Burr, of North Carolina
John Ensign, of Nevada
John Thune, of South Dakota
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia


Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia
James M. Jeffords, of Vermont
Patty Murray, of Washington
Barack Obama, of Illinois
Ken Salazar, of Colorado

Senate Calendar of Business: 2006 Days in Session

From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

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                       COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS

                    Room SH-838. Hart Office Building

John McCain, of Arizona, Chairman
Craig Thomas, of Wyoming
Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska
Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma
Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico
Gordon H. Smith, of Oregon
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
Richard Burr, of North Carolina


Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota, Vice Chairman
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Tim Johnson, of South Dakota
Maria Cantwell, of Washington

                       SELECT COMMITTEE ON ETHICS

                    Room SH-220. Hart Office Building

George V. Voinovich, of Ohio, Chairman
Pat Roberts, of Kansas
Craig Thomas, of Wyoming


Tim Johnson, of South Dakota, Vice Chairman
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas
Ken Salazar, of Colorado


                    Room SH-211. Hart Office Building

Pat Roberts, of Kansas, Chairman
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Mike DeWine, of Ohio
Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri
Trent Lott, of Mississippi
Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine
Chuck Hagel, of Nebraska
Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia


John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia, Vice Chairman
Carl Levin, of Michigan
Dianne Feinstein, of California
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland
Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin

                       SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING

                  Room SD-G31. Dirksen Office Building

Gordon H. Smith, of Oregon, Chairman
Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama
Susan M. Collins, of Maine
James M. Talent, of Missouri
Elizabeth Dole, of North Carolina
Mel Martinez, of Florida
Larry E. Craig, of Idaho
Rick Santorum, of Pennsylvania
Conrad Burns, of Montana
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee
Jim DeMint, of South Carolina


Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin
James M. Jeffords, of Vermont
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Hillary Rodham Clinton, of New York
Ken Salazar, of Colorado

Senate Calendar of Business: 2006 Days in Session

From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

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                        JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE

                  Room SD-G01. Dirksen Office Building

                             SENATE MEMBERS

Robert F. Bennett, of Utah, Vice Chairman
Sam Brownback, of Kansas
John E. Sununu, of New Hampshire
Jim DeMint, of South Carolina
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
John Cornyn, of Texas
Jack Reed, of Rhode Island
Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts
Paul S. Sarbanes, of Maryland
Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico



                  Room SR-305. Russell Office Building

                             SENATE MEMBERS

Ted Stevens, of Alaska, Vice Chairman
Thad Cochran, of Mississippi
Trent Lott, of Mississippi
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut
Charles E. Schumer, of New York


                       JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING

                             SENATE MEMBERS

Trent Lott, of Mississippi, Chairman
Thad Cochran, of Mississippi
Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii
Mark Dayton, of Minnesota


                       JOINT COMMITTEE ON TAXATION

                  Room SD-204. Dirksen Office Building

                             SENATE MEMBERS

Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Trent Lott, of Mississippi
Max Baucus, of Montana
John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia



                             SENATE MEMBERS

Bill Frist, of Tennessee
Trent Lott, of Mississippi
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut

Senate Calendar of Business: 2006 Days in Session

From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 11]

 Cross Index of General Orders Measures With Corresponding Order Numbers

Measure Number                                              Order Number

[[Page 11]]

S. 10.............................................................  121
S. 21.............................................................  112
S. 48.............................................................   57
S. 63.............................................................    8
S. 103............................................................  184
S. 113............................................................  204
S. 134............................................................   35
S. 147............................................................  101
S. 158............................................................  302
S. 163............................................................    9
S. 177............................................................   26
S. 200............................................................   10
S. 204............................................................   12
S. 249............................................................   13
S. 265............................................................  359
S. 288............................................................    2
S. 339............................................................   85
S. 360............................................................  211
S. 363............................................................  291
S. 364............................................................  161
S. 378............................................................   86
S. 403............................................................   16
S. 491............................................................  128
S. 494............................................................  114
S. 517............................................................  319
S. 518............................................................  187
S. 525............................................................  199
S. 536............................................................  100
S. 539............................................................   34
S. 555............................................................   73
S. 570............................................................   49
S. 572............................................................  224
S. 589............................................................   59
S. 590............................................................  144
S. 600............................................................   48
S. 606............................................................  116
S. 629............................................................   92
S. 661............................................................   96
S. 662............................................................  164
S. 667............................................................   60
S. 728............................................................   93
S. 731............................................................  323
S. 732............................................................   68
S. 839............................................................   77
S. 844............................................................   78
S. 845............................................................   79
S. 846............................................................   80
S. 847............................................................   81
S. 848............................................................   82
S. 851............................................................   83
S. 858............................................................  154
S. 864............................................................  152
S. 865............................................................  153
S. 867............................................................  145
S. 870............................................................   87
S. 871............................................................   88
S. 872............................................................   89
S. 873............................................................   90
S. 874............................................................   91
S. 881............................................................  317
S. 892............................................................  146
S. 898............................................................  115
S. 907............................................................   94
S. 955............................................................  241
S. 967............................................................  352
S. 975............................................................   97
S. 989............................................................   99
S. 1003...........................................................  324
S. 1021...........................................................  203
S. 1052...........................................................  364
S. 1053...........................................................  107
S. 1061...........................................................  108
S. 1062...........................................................  109
S. 1063...........................................................  353
S. 1084...........................................................  110
S. 1085...........................................................  111
S. 1086...........................................................  251
S. 1098...........................................................  113
S. 1107...........................................................  200
S. 1127...........................................................  118
S. 1206...........................................................  147
S. 1207...........................................................  148
S. 1230...........................................................  127
S. 1265...........................................................  202
S. 1266...........................................................  132
S. 1280...........................................................  185
S. 1291...........................................................  186
S. 1317...........................................................  156
S. 1326...........................................................  252
S. 1332...........................................................  151
S. 1354...........................................................  296
S. 1374...........................................................  159
S. 1389...........................................................  171
S. 1394...........................................................  165
S. 1400...........................................................  304
S. 1408...........................................................  320
S. 1409...........................................................  255
S. 1410...........................................................  201
S. 1420...........................................................  173
S. 1446...........................................................  170
S. 1516...........................................................  235
S. 1566...........................................................  191
S. 1567...........................................................  192
S. 1614...........................................................  300
S. 1681...........................................................  206
S. 1682...........................................................  207
S. 1683...........................................................  208
S. 1684...........................................................  209
S. 1688...........................................................  210
S. 1696...........................................................  212
S. 1700...........................................................  226
S. 1708...........................................................  356
S. 1715...........................................................  213
S. 1716...........................................................  214
S. 1718...........................................................  215
S. 1725...........................................................  232
S. 1738...........................................................  228
S. 1745...........................................................  219
S. 1748...........................................................  220
S. 1753...........................................................  321
S. 1760...........................................................  315
S. 1761...........................................................  222
S. 1771...........................................................  223
S. 1789...........................................................  297
S. 1802...........................................................  233
S. 1803...........................................................  293
S. 1860...........................................................  316
S. 1871...........................................................  234
S. 1873...........................................................  257
S. 1904...........................................................  253
S. 1953...........................................................  276
S. 1960...........................................................  280
S. 1969...........................................................  283
S. 2006...........................................................  301
S. 2008...........................................................  292
S. 2013...........................................................  365
S. 2015...........................................................  354
S. 2027...........................................................  306
S. 2029...........................................................  295
S. 2032...........................................................  299
S. 2036...........................................................  333
S. 2128...........................................................  369
S. 2178...........................................................  368
S. 2273...........................................................  361
S. 2320...........................................................  363
S. 2349...........................................................  367

S.J. Res. 15......................................................  183
S.J. Res. 18......................................................  158

S. Res. 49........................................................    4

H.R. 8............................................................   84
H.R. 310..........................................................   17
H.R. 366..........................................................  155
H.R. 554..........................................................  254
H.R. 683..........................................................  366
H.R. 748..........................................................  157
H.R. 810..........................................................  119
H.R. 841..........................................................   61
H.R. 1428.........................................................  198
H.R. 1797.........................................................  179
H.R. 2123.........................................................  258
H.R. 2601.........................................................  172
H.R. 2745.........................................................  133
H.R. 2864.........................................................  166
H.R. 2892.........................................................  351
H.R. 4096.........................................................  326
H.R. 4388.........................................................  327
H.R. 4473.........................................................  358

Senate Calendar of Business: 2006 Days in Session

From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 12-40]

                             GENERAL ORDERS

                             UNDER RULE VIII


 Order  Measure Number           Title                 Reported or       
  No.     and Author                              Placed on the Calendar 

[[Page (12)]]

    2     S. 288     A bill to extend Federal  Feb. 10, 2005.--Mr. Enzi, 
      Mr. Gregg and    funding for operation     Committee on Health, 
          others       of State high risk        Education, Labor, and 
                       health insurance pools.   Pensions, with an 
                                                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 

    4   S. Res. 49   Resolution authorizing    Feb. 14, 2005.--Mr. Lott, 
         Mr. Lott      expenditures by the       Committee on Rules and 
                       Committee on Rules and    Administration, without 
                       Administration.           amendment. (An original 
                                                 resolution.) (No 
                                                 written report.)
    8      S. 63     A bill to establish the   Feb. 16, 2005.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       Northern Rio Grande       Domenici, Committee on 
       Bingaman and    National Heritage Area    Energy and Natural 
         Domenici      in the State of New       Resources, with 
                       Mexico, and for other     amendments. (Rept. 1.)
    9     S. 163     A bill to establish the   Feb. 16, 2005.--Mr. 
        Mr. Bennett    National Mormon Pioneer   Domenici, Committee on 
                       Heritage Area in the      Energy and Natural 
                       State of Utah, and for    Resources, with 
                       other purposes.           amendments, and an 
                                                 amendment to the title. 
                                                 (Rept. 2.)
   10     S. 200     A bill to establish the   Feb. 16, 2005.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       Arabia Mountain           Domenici, Committee on 
      Chambliss and    National Heritage Area    Energy and Natural 
          Isakson      in the State of           Resources, with an 
                       Georgia, and for other    amendment. (Rept. 3.)
   12     S. 204     A bill to establish the   Feb. 16, 2005.--Mr. 
       Ms. Landrieu    Atchafalaya National      Domenici, Committee on 
      and Mr. Vitter   Heritage Area in the      Energy and Natural 
                       State of Louisiana.       Resources, without 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 5.)
   13     S. 249     A bill to establish the   Feb. 16, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Reid and    Great Basin National      Domenici, Committee on 
          others       Heritage Route in the     Energy and Natural 
                       States of Nevada and      Resources, without 
                       Utah.                     amendment. (Rept. 6.)

[[Page 13]]

   16     S. 403     A bill to amend title 18, Feb. 17, 2005.--Read the 
      Mr. Ensign and   United States Code, to    second time and placed 
          others       prohibit taking minors    on the calendar.
                       across State lines in 
                       circumvention of laws 
                       requiring the 
                       involvement of parents 
                       in abortion decisions.
   17    H.R. 310    An act to increase the    Feb. 18, 2005.--Read the 
                       penalties for             second time and placed 
                       violations by             on the calendar.
                       television and radio 
                       broadcasters of the 
                       prohibitions against 
                       transmission of 
                       obscene, indecent, and 
                       profane material, and 
                       for other purposes.
   26     S. 177     A bill to further the     Mar. 7, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Domenici    purposes of the           Domenici, Committee on 
        and others     Reclamation Projects      Energy and Natural 
                       Authorization and         Resources, without 
                       Adjustment Act of 1992    amendment. (Rept. 15.)
                       by directing the 
                       Secretary of the 
                       Interior, acting 
                       through the 
                       Commissioner of 
                       Reclamation, to carry 
                       out an assessment and 
                       demonstration program 
                       to control salt cedar 
                       and Russian olive, and 
                       the other purposes.
   34     S. 539     A bill to amend title 28, Mar. 8, 2005.--Read the 
       Mr. Martinez    United States Code, to    second time and placed 
                       provide the protections   on the calendar.
                       of habeas corpus for 
                       certain incapacitated 
                       individuals whose life 
                       is in jeopardy, and for 
                       other purposes.
   35     S. 134     A bill to adjust the      Mar. 9, 2005.--Mr. 
          Mmes.        boundary of Redwood       Domenici, Committee on 
      Feinstein and    National Park in the      Energy and Natural 
           Boxer       State of California.      Resources, without 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 23.)
   48     S. 600     A bill to authorize       Mar. 10, 2005.--Mr. 
         Mr. Lugar     appropriations for the    Lugar, Committee on 
                       Department of State and   Foreign Relations, 
                       international             without amendment. (An 
                       broadcasting activities   original bill.) (Rept. 
                       for fiscal years 2006     35.) (See also Order 
                       and 2007, for the Peace   No. 172.)
                       Corps for fiscal years 
                       2006 and 2007, for 
                       foreign assistance 
                       programs for fiscal 
                       years 2006 and 2007, 
                       and for other purposes.

[[Page 14]]

   49     S. 570     A bill to amend titles    Mar. 10, 2005.--Read the 
      Mr. Nelson of    XVIII and XIX of the      second time and placed 
          Florida      Social Security Act and   on the calendar.
                       title III of the Public 
                       Health Service Act to 
                       improve access to 
                       information about 
                       individuals' health 
                       care options and legal 
                       rights for care near 
                       the end of life, to 
                       promote advance care 
                       planning and 
                       decisionmaking so that 
                       individuals' wishes are 
                       known should they 
                       become unable to speak 
                       for themselves, to 
                       engage health care 
                       providers in 
                       information about and 
                       assisting in the 
                       preparation of advance 
                       directives, which 
                       include living wills 
                       and durable powers of 
                       attorney for health 
                       care, and for other 
   57      S. 48     A bill to reauthorize     Mar. 17, 2005.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       appropriations for the    Domenici, Committee on 
      Lautenberg and   New Jersey Coastal        Energy and Natural 
          Corzine      Heritage Trail Route,     Resources, with 
                       and for other purposes.   amendments. (Rept. 41.)
   59     S. 589     A bill to establish the   Mar. 17, 2005.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Cornyn   Commission on Freedom     Specter, Committee on 
         and Leahy     of Information Act        the Judiciary, without 
                       Processing Delays.        amendment. (No written 
   60     S. 667     A bill to reauthorize and Mar. 17, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Grassley    improve the program of    Grassley, Committee on 
                       block grants to States    Finance, without 
                       for temporary             amendment. (An original 
                       assistance for needy      bill.) (Rept. 51.)
                       families, improve 
                       access to quality child 
                       care, and for other 
   61    H.R. 841    An act to require States  Mar. 19, 2005.--Read the 
                       to hold special           second time and placed 
                       elections to fill         on the calendar.
                       vacancies in the House 
                       of Representatives not 
                       later than 49 days 
                       after the vacancy is 
                       announced by the 
                       Speaker of the House of 
                       Representatives in 
                       circumstances, and for 
                       other purposes.

[[Page 15]]

   68     S. 732     A bill to authorize funds Apr. 6, 2005.--Mr. 
        Mr. Inhofe     for Federal-aid           Inhofe, Committee on 
                       highways, highway         Environment and Public 
                       safety programs, and      Works, without 
                       transit programs, and     amendment. (An original 
                       for other purposes.       bill.) (Rept. 53.)
   73     S. 555     A bill to amend the       Apr. 14, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mr. DeWine and   Sherman Act to make       Specter, Committee on 
          others       oil-producing and         the Judiciary, without 
                       exporting cartels         amendment. (No written 
                       illegal.                  report.)
   77     S. 839     A bill to repeal the law  Apr. 20, 2005.--Read the 
        Mrs. Boxer     that gags doctors and     second time and placed 
                       denies women              on the calendar.
                       information and 
                       referrals concerning 
                       their reproductive 
                       health options.
   78     S. 844     A bill to expand access   Apr. 20, 2005.--Read the 
       Mrs. Clinton    to preventive health      second time and placed 
       and Mr. Reid    care services that help   on the calendar.
                       reduce unintended 
                       pregnancy, reduce the 
                       number of abortions, 
                       and improve access to 
                       women's health care.
   79     S. 845     A bill to amend title 10, Apr. 20, 2005.--Read the 
         Mr. Reid      United States Code, to    second time and placed 
                       permit retired            on the calendar.
                       servicemembers who have 
                       a service-connected 
                       disability to receive 
                       disability compensation 
                       and either retired pay 
                       or Combat-Related 
                       Special Compensation 
                       and to eliminate the 
                       phase-in period with 
                       respect to such 
                       concurrent receipt.
   80     S. 846     A bill to provide fair    Apr. 20, 2005.--Read the 
        Mr. Durbin     wages for America's       second time and placed 
                       workers.                  on the calendar.
   81     S. 847     A bill to lower the       Apr. 20, 2005.--Read the 
       Ms. Stabenow    burden of gasoline        second time and placed 
         and Mr.       prices on the economy     on the calendar.
          Schumer      of the United States 
                       and circumvent the 
                       efforts of OPEC to reap 
                       windfall oil profits.

[[Page 16]]

   82     S. 848     A bill to improve         Apr. 20, 2005.--Read the 
       Mr. Bingaman    education, and for        second time and placed 
                       other purposes.           on the calendar.
   83     S. 851     A bill to reduce budget   Apr. 20, 2005.--Read the 
      Mr. Conrad and   deficits by restoring     second time and placed 
          others       budget enforcement and    on the calendar.
                       strengthening fiscal 
   84     H.R. 8     An act to make the repeal Apr. 20, 2005.--Read the 
                       of the estate tax         second time and placed 
                       permanent.                on the calendar.
   85     S. 339     A bill to reaffirm the    Apr. 21, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Reid and    authority of States to    Specter, Committee on 
          others       regulate certain          the Judiciary, without 
                       hunting and fishing       amendment. (No written 
                       activities.               report.)
   86     S. 378     A bill to make it a       Apr. 21, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mr. Biden and    criminal act to           Specter, Committee on 
          others       willfully use a weapon    the Judiciary, with an 
                       with the intent to        amendment in the nature 
                       cause death or serious    of a substitute. (No 
                       bodily injury to any      written report.)
                       person while on board a 
                       passenger vessel, and 
                       for other purposes.
   87     S. 870     A bill to prohibit energy Apr. 22, 2005.--Read the 
       Ms. Cantwell    market manipulation.      second time and placed 
                                                 on the calendar.
   88     S. 871     A bill to amend title 10, Apr. 22, 2005.--Read the 
         Mr. Levin     United States Code, to    second time and placed 
                       ensure that the           on the calendar.
                       strength of the Armed 
                       Forces and the 
                       protections and 
                       benefits for members of 
                       the Armed Forces and 
                       their families are 
                       adequate for keeping 
                       the commitment of the 
                       people of the United 
                       States to support their 
                       servicemembers, and for 
                       other purposes.

[[Page 17]]

   89     S. 872     A bill to amend the       Apr. 22, 2005.--Read the 
        Mr. Dorgan     Internal Revenue Code     second time and placed 
                       of 1986 to provide for    on the calendar.
                       the taxation of income 
                       of controlled foreign 
                       attributable to 
                       imported property.
   90     S. 873     A bill to amend title     Apr. 22, 2005.--Read the 
        Mr. Durbin     XVIII of the Social       second time and placed 
                       Security Act to deliver   on the calendar.
                       a meaningful benefit 
                       and lower prescription 
                       drug prices under the 
                       medicare program.
   91     S. 874     A bill to establish a     Apr. 22, 2005.--Read the 
      Mr. Durbin and   national health program   second time and placed 
       Mrs. Lincoln    administered by the       on the calendar.
                       Office of Personnel 
                       Management to offer 
                       health benefits plans 
                       to individuals who are 
                       not Federal employees, 
                       and for other purposes.
   92     S. 629     A bill to amend chapter   Apr. 25, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Sessions    97 of title 18, United    Specter, Committee on 
                       States Code, relating     the Judiciary, with 
                       to protecting against     amendments. (No written 
                       attacks on railroads      report.)
                       and other mass 
                       transportation systems.
   93     S. 728     A bill to provide for the Apr. 26, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Bond and    consideration and         Inhofe, Committee on 
          others       development of water      Environment and Public 
                       and related resources,    Works, with amendments. 
                       to authorize the          (Rept. 61.) (Additional 
                       Secretary of the Army     views filed.) (See also 
                       to construct various      Order No. 166.)
                       projects for 
                       improvements to rivers 
                       and harbors of the 
                       United States, and for 
                       other purposes.
   94     S. 907     A bill to amend chapter   Apr. 26, 2005.--Mr. 
        Mr. Shelby     53 of title 49, United    Shelby, Committee on 
                       States Code, to improve   Banking, Housing, and 
                       the Nation's public       Urban Affairs, without 
                       transportation, and for   amendment. (An original 
                       other purposes.           bill.) (Rept. 62.)

[[Page 18]]

   96     S. 661     A bill to amend the       Apr. 28, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mr. Hatch and    Internal Revenue Code     Grassley, Committee on 
          others       of 1986 to provide for    Finance, with an 
                       the modernization of      amendment in the nature 
                       the United States Tax     of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       Court, and for other      64.)
   97     S. 975     A bill to provide         May 9, 2005.--Read the 
      Mr. Lieberman    incentives to increase    second time and placed 
        and others     research by private       on the calendar.
                       sector entities to 
                       develop medical 
                       countermeasures to 
                       prevent, detect, 
                       identify, contain, and 
                       treat illnesses, 
                       including those 
                       associated with a 
                       biological, chemical, 
                       nuclear, or 
                       radiological weapons 
                       attack or an infectious 
                       disease outbreak, and 
                       for other purposes.
   99     S. 989     A bill to ensure that a   May 11, 2005.--Read the 
      Mr. Durbin and   Federal employee who      second time and placed 
       Ms. Mikulski    takes leave without pay   on the calendar.
                       in order to perform 
                       service as a member of 
                       the uniformed services 
                       or member of the 
                       National Guard shall 
                       continue to receive pay 
                       in an amount which, 
                       when taken together 
                       with the pay and 
                       allowances such 
                       individual is receiving 
                       for such service, will 
                       be no less than the 
                       basic pay such 
                       individual would then 
                       be receiving if no 
                       interruption in 
                       employment had 
  100     S. 536     A bill to make technical  May 12, 2005.--Mr. 
        Mr. McCain     corrections to laws       McCain, Committee on 
                       relating to Native        Indian Affairs, without 
                       Americans, and for        amendment. (Rept. 67.)
                       other purposes.
  101     S. 147     A bill to express the     May 16, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mr. Akaka and    policy of the United      McCain, Committee on 
          others       States regarding the      Indian Affairs, with an 
                       United States             amendment in the nature 
                       relationship with         of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       Native Hawaiians and to   68.)
                       provide a process for 
                       the recognition by the 
                       United States of the 
                       Native Hawaiian 
                       governing entity.

[[Page 19]]

  107     S. 1053    A bill to amend the       May 17, 2005.--Mr. Lott, 
         Mr. Lott      Federal Election          Committee on Rules and 
                       Campaign Act of 1971 to   Administration, without 
                       clarify when              amendment. (An original 
                       organizations described   bill.) (No written 
                       in section 527 of the     report.)
                       Internal Revenue Code 
                       of 1986 must register 
                       as political 
                       committees, and for 
                       other purposes.
  108     S. 1061    A bill to provide for     May 19, 2005.--Read the 
        Mrs. Murray    secondary school          second time and placed 
                       reform, and for other     on the calendar.
  109     S. 1062    A bill to amend the Fair  May 19, 2005.--Read the 
        Mr. Kennedy    Labor Standards Act of    second time and placed 
                       1938 to provide for an    on the calendar.
                       increase in the Federal 
                       minimum wage.
  110     S. 1084    A bill to eliminate child May 20, 2005.--Read the 
        Mr. Kennedy    poverty, and for other    second time and placed 
                       purposes.                 on the calendar.
  111     S. 1085    A bill to provide for     May 20, 2005.--Read the 
       Mr. Kennedy     paid sick leave to        second time and placed 
        and others     ensure that Americans     on the calendar.
                       can address their own 
                       health needs and the 
                       health needs of their 
  112      S. 21     A bill to provide for     May 24, 2005.--Ms. 
       Ms. Collins     homeland security grant   Collins, Committee on 
        and others     coordination and          Homeland Security and 
                       simplification, and for   Governmental Affairs, 
                       other purposes.           with an amendment in 
                                                 the nature of a 
                                                 substitute. (Rept. 71.) 
                                                 (Additional views 
  113     S. 1098    A bill to prevent abuse   May 24, 2005.--Read the 
       Mr. Kennedy     of the special            second time and placed 
        and others     allowance subsidies       on the calendar.
                       under the Federal 
                       Family Education Loan 

[[Page 20]]

  114     S. 494     A bill to amend chapter   May 25, 2005.--Ms. 
      Mr. Akaka and    23 of title 5, United     Collins, Committee on 
          others       States Code, to clarify   Homeland Security and 
                       the disclosures of        Governmental Affairs, 
                       information protected     without amendment. 
                       from prohibited           (Rept. 72.)
                       personnel practices, 
                       require a statement in 
                       nondisclosure policies, 
                       forms, and agreements 
                       that such policies, 
                       forms, and agreements 
                       conform with certain 
                       disclosure protections, 
                       provide certain 
                       authority for the 
                       Special Counsel, and 
                       for other purposes.
  115     S. 898     A bill to amend the       May 25, 2005.--Mr. Enzi, 
      Mrs. Hutchison   Public Health Service     Committee on Health, 
        and others     Act to authorize a        Education, Labor, and 
                       demonstration grant       Pensions, with an 
                       program to provide        amendment in the nature 
                       patient navigator         of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       services to reduce        73.)
                       barriers and improve 
                       health care outcomes, 
                       and for other purposes.
  116     S. 606     A bill to amend the Clean May 26, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mr. Thune and    Air Act to eliminate      Inhofe, Committee on 
          others       methyl tertiary butyl     Environment and Public 
                       ether from the United     Works, with amendments. 
                       States fuel supply, to    (Rept. 74.) (Additional 
                       increase production and   and minority views 
                       use of renewable fuel,    filed.)
                       and to increase the 
                       Nation's energy 
                       independence, and for 
                       other purposes.
  118     S. 1127    A bill to require the     May 26, 2005.--Read the 
      Ms. Snowe and    Secretary of Defense to   second time and placed 
          others       submit to Congress all    on the calendar.
                       documentation related 
                       to the Secretary's 
                       recommendations for the 
                       2005 round of defense 
                       base closure and 
  119    H.R. 810    An act to amend the       June 6, 2005.--Read the 
                       Public Health Service     second time and placed 
                       Act to provide for        on the calendar.
                       human embryonic stem 
                       cell research.

[[Page 21]]

  121      S. 10     A bill to enhance the     June 9, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Domenici    energy security of the    Domenici, Committee on 
                       United States, and for    Energy and Natural 
                       other purposes.           Resources, without 
                                                 amendment. (An original 
                                                 bill.) (Rept. 78.) 
                                                 (Additional views 
  127     S. 1230    A bill to amend the       June 14, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Grassley    Internal Revenue Code     Grassley, Committee on 
                       of 1986 to provide for    Finance, without 
                       the extension of the      amendment. (An original 
                       Highway Trust Fund and    bill.) (Rept. 82.)
                       the Aquatic Resources 
                       Trust Fund expenditure 
                       authority and related 
                       taxes and to provide 
                       for excise tax reform 
                       and simplification, and 
                       for other purposes.
  128     S. 491     A bill to amend the       June 16, 2005.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       Omnibus Crime Control     Specter, Committee on 
         Specter,      and Safe Streets Act of   the Judiciary, without 
      Santorum, and    1968 to expand the        amendment. (No written 
          Leahy.       definition of             report.)
                       firefighter to include 
                       apprentices and 
                       trainees, regardless of 
                       age or duty 
  132     S. 1266    A bill to permanently     June 16, 2005.--Mr. 
        Mr. Roberts    authorize certain         Roberts, Select 
                       provisions of the         Committee on 
                       Uniting and               Intelligence, without 
                       Strengthening America     amendment. (An original 
                       by Providing              bill.) (Rept. 85.) 
                       Appropriate Tools         (Additional and 
                       Required to Intercept     minority views filed.)
                       and Obstruct Terrorism 
                       (USA PATRIOT) Act of 
                       2001, to reauthorize a 
                       provision of the 
                       Intelligence Reform and 
                       Terrorism Prevention 
                       Act of 2004, to clarify 
                       certain definitions in 
                       the Foreign 
                       Surveillance Act of 
                       1978, to provide 
                       investigative tools 
                       necessary to protect 
                       the national security, 
                       and for other purposes.
  133    H.R. 2745   An act to reform the      June 21, 2005.--Read the 
                       United Nations, and for   second time and placed 
                       other purposes.           on the calendar. (See 
                                                 also Order No. 165.)

[[Page 22]]

  144     S. 590     A bill to designate the   June 29, 2005.--Committee 
      Messrs. Ensign   facility of the United    on Homeland Security 
         and Reid      States Postal Service     and Governmental 
                       located at 750 4th        Affairs discharged; 
                       Street in Sparks,         ordered placed on the 
                       Nevada, as the ``Mayor    calendar.
                       Tony Armstrong Memorial 
                       Post Office''.
  145     S. 867     A bill to designate the   June 29, 2005.--Committee 
      Mrs. Feinstein   facility of the United    on Homeland Security 
                       States Postal Service     and Governmental 
                       located at 8200 South     Affairs discharged; 
                       Vermont Avenue in Los     ordered placed on the 
                       Angeles, California, as   calendar.
                       the ``Sergeant First 
                       Class John Marshall 
                       Post Office Building''.
  146     S. 892     A bill to designate the   June 29, 2005.--Committee 
      Mr. Nelson of    facility of the United    on Homeland Security 
          Florida      States Postal Service     and Governmental 
                       located at 321            Affairs discharged; 
                       Montgomery Road in        ordered placed on the 
                       Altamonte Springs,        calendar.
                       Florida, as the 
                       ``Arthur Stacey 
                       Mastrapa Post Office 
  147     S. 1206    A bill to designate the   June 29, 2005.--Committee 
          Mmes.        facility of the United    on Homeland Security 
      Feinstein and    States Postal Service     and Governmental 
           Boxer       located at 4960 West      Affairs discharged; 
                       Washington Boulevard in   ordered placed on the 
                       Los Angeles,              calendar.
                       California, as the 
                       ``Ray Charles Post 
                       Office Building''.
  148     S. 1207    A bill to designate the   June 29, 2005.--Committee 
          Mmes.        facility of the United    on Homeland Security 
      Feinstein and    States Postal Service     and Governmental 
           Boxer       located at 30777 Rancho   Affairs discharged; 
                       California Road in        ordered placed on the 
                       Temecula, California,     calendar.
                       as the ``Dalip Singh 
                       Saund Post Office 
  151     S. 1332    A bill to prevent and     July 1, 2005.--Read the 
         Messrs.       mitigate identity         second time and placed 
       Specter and     theft; to ensure          on the calendar.
           Leahy       privacy; and to enhance 
                       criminal penalties, law 
                       enforcement assistance, 
                       and other protections 
                       against security 
                       breaches, fraudulent 
                       access, and misuse of 
                       personally identifiable 

[[Page 23]]

  152     S. 864     A bill to amend the       July 1, 2005.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Inhofe   Atomic Energy Act of      Inhofe, Committee on 
       and Voinovich   1954 to modify            Environment and Public 
                       provisions relating to    Works, with an 
                       nuclear safety and        amendment in the nature 
                       security, and for other   of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       purposes.                 98.)
  153     S. 865     A bill to amend the       July 1, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Voinovich   Atomic Energy Act of      Inhofe, Committee on 
                       1954 to reauthorize the   Environment and Public 
                       Price-Anderson            Works, with an 
                       provisions.               amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 
  154     S. 858     A bill to reauthorize     July 1, 2005.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       Nuclear Regulatory        Inhofe, Committee on 
      Voinovich and    Commission user fees,     Environment and Public 
          Inhofe       and for other purposes.   Works, with an 
                                                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 
  155    H.R. 366    An act to amend the Carl  July 1, 2005.--Placed on 
                       D. Perkins Vocational     the calendar.
                       and Technical Education 
                       Act of 1998 to 
                       strengthen and improve 
                       programs under that 
  156     S. 1317    A bill to provide for the July 11, 2005.--Mr. Enzi, 
      Mr. Hatch and    collection and            Committee on Health, 
          others       maintenance of cord       Education, Labor, and 
                       blood units for the       Pensions, with an 
                       treatment of patients     amendment in the nature 
                       and research, and to      of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       amend the Public Health   129.)
                       Service Act to 
                       authorize the Bone 
                       Marrow and Cord Blood 
                       Cell Transportation 
                       Program to increase the 
                       number of transplants 
                       for recipients suitably 
                       matched to donors of 
                       bone marrow and cord 
  157    H.R. 748    An act to amend title 18, July 11, 2005.--Read the 
                       United States Code, to    second time and placed 
                       prevent the               on the calendar.
                       transportation of 
                       minors in circumvention 
                       of certain laws 
                       relating to abortion, 
                       and for other purposes.

[[Page 24]]

  158  S.J. Res. 18  Joint resolution          July 12, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mr. McConnell    approving the renewal     Grassley, Committee on 
        and others     of import restrictions    Finance, without 
                       contained in the          amendment. (Rept. 101.)
                       Burmese Freedom and 
                       Democracy Act of 2003.
  159     S. 1374    A bill to amend the       July 12, 2005.--Read the 
      Messrs. McCain   Homeland Security Act     second time and placed 
        and Dorgan     of 2002 to provide for    on the calendar.
                       a border preparedness 
                       pilot program on Indian 
  161     S. 364     A bill to establish a     July 13, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mr. Inouye and   program within the        Stevens, Committee on 
          others       National Oceanic and      Commerce, Science, and 
                       Atmospheric               Transportation, with 
                       Administration to         amendments. (Rept. 
                       integrate Federal         102.)
                       coastal and ocean 
                       mapping activities.
  164     S. 662     A bill to reform the      July 14, 2005.--Mr. 
       Ms. Collins     postal laws of the        Collins, Committee on 
        and others     United States.            Homeland Security and 
                                                 Governmental Affairs, 
                                                 with an amendment in 
                                                 the nature of a 
                                                 substitute. (No written 
  165     S. 1394    A bill to reform the      July 14, 2005.--Read the 
      Mr. Smith and    United Nations, and for   second time and placed 
          others       other purposes.           on the calendar. (See 
                                                 also Order No. 133.)
  166    H.R. 2864   An act to provide for the July 18, 2005.--Placed on 
                       conservation and          the calendar. (See also 
                       development of water      Order No. 93.)
                       and related resources, 
                       to authorize the 
                       Secretary of the Army 
                       to construct various 
                       projects for 
                       improvements to rivers 
                       and harbors of the 
                       United States, and for 
                       other purposes.

[[Page 25]]

  170     S. 1446    A bill making             July 21, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Brownback   appropriations for the    Brownback, Committee on 
                       government of the         Appropriations, without 
                       District of Columbia      amendment. (An original 
                       and other activities      bill.) (Rept. 106.)
                       chargeable in whole or 
                       in part against the 
                       revenues of said 
                       District for the fiscal 
                       year ending September 
                       30, 2006, and for other 
  171     S. 1389    A bill to authorize and   July 22, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Specter     improve the USA PATRIOT   Specter, Committee on 
        and others     Act.                      the Judiciary, with an 
                                                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (No 
                                                 written report.)
  172    H.R. 2601   An act to authorize       July 22, 2005.--Placed on 
                       appropriations for the    the calendar. (See also 
                       Department of State for   Order No. 48.)
                       fiscal years 2006 and 
                       2007, and for other 
  173     S. 1420    A bill to amend the       July 25, 2005.--Mr. Enzi, 
       Mr. Enzi and    Federal Food, Drug, and   Committee on Health, 
          others       Cosmetic Act with         Education, Labor, and 
                       respect to medical        Pensions, with an 
                       device user fees.         amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 
                                                 107.) (Additional views 
  179    H.R. 1797   An act to provide for     July 27, 2005.--Read the 
                       equitable compensation    second time and placed 
                       to the Spokane Tribe of   on the calendar. (See 
                       Indians of the Spokane    also Order No. 317.)
                       Reservation for the use 
                       of tribal land for the 
                       production of 
                       hydropower by the Grand 
                       Coulee Dam, and for 
                       other purposes.
  183  S.J. Res. 15  Joint resolution to       July 29, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mr. Brownback    acknowledge a long        McCain, Committee on 
        and others     history of official       Indian Affairs, without 
                       depredations and ill-     amendment, and with a 
                       conceived policies by     preamble. (Rept. 113.)
                       the United States 
                       Government regarding 
                       Indian tribes and offer 
                       an apology to all 
                       Native Peoples on 
                       behalf of the United 

[[Page 26]]

  184     S. 103     A bill to respond to the  July 28, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mr. Talent and   illegal production,       Specter, Committee on 
          others       distribution, and use     the Judiciary, with an 
                       of methamphetamine in     amendment in the nature 
                       the United States, and    of a substitute. (No 
                       for other purposes.       written report.)
  185     S. 1280    A bill to authorize       July 28, 2005.--Mr. 
      Ms. Snowe and    appropriations for        Stevens, Committee on 
          others       fiscal years 2006 and     Commerce, Science, and 
                       2007 for the United       Transportation, with 
                       States Coast Guard, and   amendments. (Rept. 
                       for other purposes.       114.)
  186     S. 1291    A bill to provide for the July 29, 2005.--Mr. 
        Mr. McCain     acquisition of            McCain, Committee on 
                       subsurface mineral        Indian Affairs, without 
                       interests in land owned   amendment. (Rept. 116.)
                       by the Pascua Yaqui 
                       Tribe and land held in 
                       trust for the Tribe.
  187     S. 518     A bill to provide for the July 29, 2005.--Mr. Enzi, 
       Mr. Sessions    establishment of a        Committee on Health, 
        and others     controlled substance      Education, Labor, and 
                       monitoring program in     Pensions, with an 
                       each State.               amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 
  191     S. 1566    A bill to reauthorize the July 29, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Chambliss   Commodity Exchange Act,   Chambliss, Committee on 
                       and for other purposes.   Agriculture, Nutrition, 
                                                 and Forestry, without 
                                                 amendment. (An original 
                                                 bill.) (Rept. 119.) 
                                                 (See also Order No. 
  192     S. 1567    A bill to reauthorize and July 29, 2005.--Mr. 
        Mr. Stevens    improve surface           Stevens, Committee on 
                       transportation safety     Commerce, Science, and 
                       programs, and for other   Transportation, without 
                       purposes.                 amendment. (An original 
                                                 bill.) (Rept. 120.)
  198    H.R. 1428   An act to authorize       Aug. 31, 2005.--Mr. 
                       appropriations for the    Inhofe, Committee on 
                       National Fish and         Environment and Public 
                       Wildlife Foundation,      Works, without 
                       and for other purposes.   amendment. (Rept. 127.) 
                                                 (Additional views 

[[Page 27]]

  199     S. 525     A bill to amend the Child Aug. 31, 2005.--Mr. Enzi, 
      Mr. Alexander    Care and Development      Committee on Health, 
        and others     Block Grant Act of 1990   Education, Labor, and 
                       to reauthorize the Act,   Pensions, with an 
                       to improve early          amendment in the nature 
                       learning opportunities    of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       and promote school        130.)
                       preparedness, and for 
                       other purposes.
  200     S. 1107    A bill to reauthorize the Aug. 31, 2005.--Mr. Enzi, 
       Mr. Enzi and    Head Start Act, and for   Committee on Health, 
          others       other purposes.           Education, Labor, and 
                                                 Pensions, with an 
                                                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 
                                                 131.) (See also Order 
                                                 No. 258.)
  201     S. 1410    A bill to reauthorize the Sept. 6, 2005.--Mr. 
        Mr. Chafee     Neotropical Migratory     Inhofe, Committee on 
                       Bird Conservation Act,    Environment and Public 
                       and for other purposes.   Works, without 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 132.)
  202     S. 1265    A bill to make grants and Sept. 7, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mr. Voinovich    loans available to        Inhofe, Committee on 
        and others     States and other          Environment and Public 
                       organizations to          Works, with an 
                       strengthen the economy,   amendment in the nature 
                       public health, and        of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       environment of the        133.)
                       United States by 
                       reducing emissions from 
                       diesel engines.
  203     S. 1021    A bill to reauthorize the Sept. 7, 2005.--Mr. Enzi, 
         Mr. Enzi      Workforce Investment      Committee on Health, 
                       Act of 1998, and for      Education, Labor, and 
                       other purposes.           Pensions, with an 
                                                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 
                                                 134.) (Additional views 
  204     S. 113     A bill to modify the date Sept. 12, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mrs. Feinstein   as of which certain       McCain, Committee on 
                       tribal land of the        Indian Affairs, without 
                       Lytton Rancheria of       amendment. (Rept. 136.)
                       California is deemed to 
                       be held in trust.
  206     S. 1681    A bill to provide for     Sept. 13, 2005.--Read the 
      Mrs. Hutchison   reimbursement of          second time and placed 
      and Mr. Cornyn   communities for           on the calendar.
                       purchases of supplies 
                       distributed to Katrina 

[[Page 28]]

  207     S. 1682    A bill to provide for     Sept. 13, 2005.--Read the 
      Mrs. Hutchison   reimbursement for         second time and placed 
      and Mr. Cornyn   business revenue lost     on the calendar.
                       as a result of a 
                       facility being used as 
                       an emergency shelter 
                       for Katrina Survivors.
  208     S. 1683    A bill to provide relief  Sept. 13, 2005.--Read the 
      Mrs. Hutchison   for students affected     second time and placed 
      and Mr. Cornyn   by Hurricane Katrina.     on the calendar.
  209     S. 1684    A bill to clarify which   Sept. 13, 2005.--Read the 
      Mrs. Hutchison   expenses relating to      second time and placed 
      and Mr. Cornyn   emergency shelters for    on the calendar.
                       Katrina Survivors are 
                       eligible for Federal 
  210     S. 1688    A bill to provide 100     Sept. 13, 2005.--Read the 
      Mrs. Hutchison   percent Federal           second time and placed 
                       financial assistance      on the calendar.
                       under the Medicaid and 
                       State children's health 
                       insurance programs for 
                       States providing 
                       medical or child health 
                       assistance to survivors 
                       of Hurricane Katrina, 
                       to provide for an 
                       accommodation of the 
                       special needs of such 
                       survivors under the 
                       medicare program, and 
                       for other purposes.
  211     S. 360     A bill to amend the       Sept. 15, 2005.--Mr. 
      Ms. Snowe and    Coastal Zone Management   Stevens, Committee on 
         Mr. Kerry     Act.                      Commerce, Science, and 
                                                 Transportation, with an 
                                                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 
  212     S. 1696    A bill to provide tax     Sept. 15, 2005.--
       Mr. Grassley    relief for the victims    Committee on Finance 
        and others     of Hurricane Katrina,     discharged; amended and 
                       to provide incentives     ordered placed on the 
                       for charitable giving,    calendar.
                       and for other purposes.
  213     S. 1715    A bill to provide relief  Sept. 19, 2005.--Read the 
       Messrs. Enzi    for students and          second time and placed 
        and Kennedy    institutions affected     on the calendar.
                       by Hurricane Katrina, 
                       and for other purposes.

[[Page 29]]

  214     S. 1716    A bill to provide         Sept. 19, 2005.--Read the 
         Messrs.       emergency healthcare      second time and placed 
       Grassley and    relief for the            on the calendar.
          Baucus       survivors of Hurricane 
                       Katrina, and for other 
  215     S. 1718    A bill to provide special Sept. 20, 2005.--Read the 
       Messrs. Enzi    rules for disaster        second time and placed 
        and Kennedy    relief employment under   on the calendar.
                       the Workforce 
                       Investment Act of 1998 
                       for individuals 
                       displaced by Hurricane 
  219     S. 1745    A bill to expand the      Sept. 22, 2005.--Read the 
       Messrs. Enzi    availability of           second time and placed 
        and Kennedy    resources under the       on the calendar.
                       Community Services 
                       Block Grant Act for 
                       individuals affected by 
                       Hurricane Katrina.
  220     S. 1748    A bill to establish a     Sept. 22, 2005.--Read the 
       Mrs. Clinton    congressional             second time and placed 
        and others     commission to examine     on the calendar.
                       the Federal, State, and 
                       local response to the 
                       devastation wrought by 
                       Hurricane Katrina in 
                       the Gulf Region of the 
                       United States 
                       especially in the 
                       States of Louisiana, 
                       Mississippi, Alabama, 
                       and other areas 
                       impacted in the 
                       aftermath and make 
                       immediate corrective 
                       measures to improve 
                       such responses in the 
  222     S. 1761    A bill to clarify the     Sept. 26, 2005.--Read the 
      Mr. Thune and    liability of government   second time and placed 
          others       contractors assisting     on the calendar.
                       in rescue, recovery, 
                       repair, and 
                       reconstruction work in 
                       the Gulf Coast region 
                       of the United States 
                       affected by Hurricane 
                       Katrina or other major 
  223     S. 1771    A bill to express the     Sept. 27, 2005.--Read the 
       Messrs. Enzi    sense of Congress and     second time and placed 
        and Kennedy    to improve reporting      on the calendar.
                       with respect to the 
                       safety of workers in 
                       the response and 
                       recovery activities 
                       related to Hurricane 
                       Katrina, and for other 

[[Page 30]]

  224     S. 572     A bill to amend the       Sept. 27, 2005.--Ms. 
      Messrs. Akaka    Homeland Security Act     Collins, Committee on 
        and Durbin     of 2002 to give           Homeland Security and 
                       additional biosecurity    Governmental Affairs, 
                       responsibilities to the   with an amendment in 
                       Department of Homeland    the nature of a 
                       Security.                 substitute. (Rept. 
  226     S. 1700    A bill to establish an    Sept. 27, 2005.--Ms. 
      Mr. Coburn and   Office of the Hurricane   Collins, Committee on 
          others       Katrina Recovery Chief    Homeland Security and 
                       Financial Officer, and    Governmental Affairs, 
                       for other purposes.       with an amendment in 
                                                 the nature of a 
                                                 substitute. (No written 
  228     S. 1738    A bill to expand the      Sept. 27, 2005.--Ms. 
       Ms. Collins     responsibilities of the   Collins, Committee on 
        and others     Special Inspector         Homeland Security and 
                       General for Iraq          Governmental Affairs, 
                       Reconstruction to         with amendments. (No 
                       provide independent and   written report.)
                       objective audits and 
                       investigations relating 
                       to the Federal programs 
                       for Hurricane Katrina 
  232     S. 1725    A bill to strengthen      Sept. 29, 2005.--Ms. 
      Mr. Lieberman    Federal leadership,       Collins, Committee on 
        and others     provide grants, enhance   Homeland Security and 
                       outreach and guidance,    Governmental Affairs, 
                       and provide other         with amendments. (No 
                       support to State and      written report.)
                       local officials to 
                       enhance emergency 
                       capabilities, to 
                       achieve communications 
                       interoperability, to 
                       foster improved 
                       regional collaboration 
                       and coordination, to 
                       promote more efficient 
                       utilization of funding 
                       devoted to public 
                       safety communications, 
                       to promote research and 
                       development by both the 
                       public and private 
                       sectors for first 
                       communications, and for 
                       other purposes.
  233     S. 1802    A bill to provide for     Sept. 30, 2005.--Read the 
         Mr. Enzi      appropriate waivers,      second time and placed 
                       suspensions, or           on the calendar.
                       exemptions from 
                       provisions of title I 
                       of the Employee 
                       Retirement Income 
                       Security Act of 1974 
                       with respect to 
                       individual account 
                       plans affected by 
                       Hurricane Katrina or 

[[Page 31]]

  234     S. 1871    A bill to repeal the      Oct. 17, 2005.--Ms. 
        Ms. Collins    increased micropurchase   Collins, Committee on 
                       threshold.                Homeland Security and 
                                                 Governmental Affairs, 
                                                 without amendment. (An 
                                                 original bill.) (No 
                                                 written report.)
  235     S. 1516    A bill to reauthorize     Oct. 18, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Lott and    Amtrak, and for other     Stevens, Committee on 
          others       purposes.                 Commerce, Science, and 
                                                 Transportation, with an 
                                                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 
  241     S. 955     A bill to direct the      Oct. 19, 2005.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Frist    Secretary of the          Domenici, Committee on 
       and Alexander   Interior to conduct a     Energy and Natural 
                       special resource study    Resources, with an 
                       to determine the          amendment. (Rept. 149.)
                       suitability and 
                       feasibility of 
                       including in the 
                       National Park System 
                       certain sites in 
                       Williamson County, 
                       Tennessee, relating to 
                       the Battle of Franklin.
  251     S. 1086    A bill to improve the     Oct. 20, 2005.--Mr. 
         Mr. Hatch     national program to       Specter, Committee on 
                       register and monitor      the Judiciary, with an 
                       individuals who commit    amendment in the nature 
                       crimes against children   of a substitute. (No 
                       or sex offenses.          written report.)
  252     S. 1326    A bill to require         Oct. 20, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Sessions    agencies and persons in   Specter, Committee on 
                       possession of             the Judiciary, without 
                       computerized data         amendment. (No written 
                       containing sensitive      report.)
                       personal information, 
                       to disclose security 
                       breaches where such 
                       breach poses a 
                       significant risk of 
                       identity theft.
  253     S. 1904    A bill to provide         Oct. 21, 2005.--Read the 
      Mr. Alexander    elementary and            second time and placed 
        and others     secondary education       on the calendar.
                       assistance to students 
                       and schools impacted by 
                       Hurricane Katrina.

[[Page 32]]

  254    H.R. 554    An act to prevent         Oct. 21, 2005.--Read the 
                       legislative and           second time and placed 
                       regulatory functions      on the calendar.
                       from being usurped by 
                       civil liability actions 
                       brought or continued 
                       against food 
                       advertisers, sellers, 
                       and trade associations 
                       for claims of injury 
                       relating to a person's 
                       weight gain, obesity, 
                       or any health condition 
                       associated with weight 
                       gain or obesity.
  255     S. 1409    A bill to amend the Safe  Oct. 24, 2005.--Mr. 
       Ms. Murkowski   Drinking Water Act        Inhofe, Committee on 
                       Amendments of 1996 to     Environment and Public 
                       modify the grant          Works, with an 
                       program to improve        amendment in the nature 
                       sanitation in rural and   of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       Native villages in the    159.)
                       State of Alaska.
  257     S. 1873    A bill to prepare and     Oct. 24, 2005.--Mr. Enzi, 
       Mr. Burr and    stengthen the             Committee on Health, 
          others       biodefenses of the        Education, Labor, and 
                       United States against     Pensions, with an 
                       deliberate, accidental,   amendment in the nature 
                       and natural outbreaks     of a substitute. (No 
                       of illness, and for       written report.)
                       other purposes.
  258    H.R. 2123   An act to reauthorize the Oct. 25, 2005.--Placed on 
                       Head Start Act to         the calendar. (See also 
                       improve the school        Order No. 200.)
                       readiness of 
                       disadvantaged children, 
                       and for other purposes.
  276     S. 1953    A bill to amend the       Nov. 2, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Grassley    Internal Revenue Code     Grassley, Committee on 
                       of 1986 and the           Finance, without 
                       Employee Retirement       amendment. (An original 
                       Income Security Act of    bill.) (Rept. 174.)
                       1974 to protect the 
                       retirement security of 
                       American workers by 
                       ensuring that pension 
                       benefits are funded and 
                       that pension assets are 
                       adequately diversified 
                       and by providing 
                       workers with adequate 
                       access to, and 
                       information about, 
                       their pension plans, 
                       and for other purposes.

[[Page 33]]

  280     S. 1960    A bill to protect the     Nov. 4, 2005.--Read the 
       Mr. Bunning     health and safety of      second time and placed 
        and others     all athletes, to          on the calendar.
                       promote the integrity 
                       of professional sports 
                       by establishing minimum 
                       standards for the 
                       testing of steroids and 
                       other performance-
                       enhancing substances 
                       and methods by 
                       professional sports 
                       leagues, and for other 
  283     S. 1969    A bill to express the     Nov. 8, 2005.--Read the 
        Mr. Baucus     sense of the Senate       second time and placed 
                       regarding Medicaid        on the calendar.
                       legislation to be 
                       reported by a 
                       conference committee 
                       during the 109th 
  291     S. 363     A bill to amend the       Nov. 16, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mr. Inouye and   Nonindigenous Aquatic     Stevens, Committee on 
          others       Nuisance Prevention and   Commerce, Science, and 
                       Control Act of 1990 to    Transportation, with an 
                       establish vessel          amendment in the nature 
                       ballast water             of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       management                181.)
                       requirements, and for 
                       other purposes.
  292     S. 2008    A bill to improve cargo   Nov. 16, 2005.--Read the 
       Mrs. Murray     security, and for other   second time and placed 
        and others     purposes.                 on the calendar.
  293     S. 1803    A bill to authorize       Nov. 16, 2005.--Committee 
        Mr. Roberts    appropriations for        on Homeland Security 
                       fiscal year 2006 for      and Governmental 
                       intelligence and          Affairs, discharged 
                       intelligence-related      pursuant to section 
                       activities of the         3(b) of S. Res. 400, 
                       United States             94th Congress, as 
                       Government, the           amended by S. Res. 445, 
                       Intelligence Community    108th Congress; and 
                       Management Account, and   placed on the calendar.
                       the Central             Oct. 27, 2005.--Mr. 
                       Intelligence Agency       Warner, Committee on 
                       Retirement and            Armed Services, with 
                       Disability System, and    amendments. (Rept. 
                       for other purposes.       173.)
                                               Sept. 29, 2005.--Mr. 
                                                 Roberts, Select 
                                                 Committee on 
                                                 Intelligence, without 
                                                 amendment. (An original 
                                                 bill.) (Rept. 142.)

[[Page 34]]

  295     S. 2029    A bill to amend and       Nov. 17, 2005.--Mr. 
        Mr. Stevens    enhance certain           Stevens, Committee on 
                       maritime programs of      Commerce, Science, and 
                       the Department of         Transportation, without 
                       Transportation, and for   amendment. (An original 
                       other purposes.           bill.) (Rept. 183.)
  296     S. 1354    A bill to establish       Nov. 17, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Feingold    commissions to review     Specter, Committee on 
        and others     the facts and             the Judiciary, without 
                       circumstances             amendment. (No written 
                       surrounding injustices    report.)
                       suffered by European 
                       Americans, European 
                       Latin Americans, and 
                       Jewish refugees during 
                       World War II.
  297     S. 1789    A bill to prevent and     Nov. 17, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Specter     mitigate identity         Specter, Committee on 
        and others     theft, to ensure          the Judiciary, with an 
                       privacy, to provide       amendment in the nature 
                       notice of security        of a substitute. (No 
                       breaches, and to          written report.)
                       enhance criminal 
                       penalties, law 
                       enforcement assistance, 
                       and other protections 
                       against security 
                       breaches, fraudulent 
                       access, and misuse of 
                       personally identifiable 
  299     S. 2032    A bill to authorize the   Nov. 17, 2005.--Mr. 
        Mr. Shelby     Secretary of Homeland     Shelby, Committee on 
                       Security to award         Banking, Housing, and 
                       grants to public          Urban Affairs, without 
                       transportation agencies   amendment. (An original 
                       to improve security,      bill.) (No written 
                       and for other purposes.   report.)
  300     S. 1614    A bill to extend the      Nov. 17, 2005.--Mr. Enzi, 
       Messrs. Enzi    authorization of          Committee on Health 
        and Kennedy    programs under the        Education, Labor, and 
                       Higher Education Act of   Pensions, with an 
                       1965, and for other       amendment in the nature 
                       purposes.                 of a substitute. (Rept. 
  301     S. 2006    A bill to provide for     Nov. 17, 2005.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Inhofe   recovery efforts          Inhofe, Committee on 
       and Jeffords    relating to Hurricanes    Environment and Public 
                       Katrina and Rita for      Works, with amendments. 
                       Corps of Engineers        (No written report.)

[[Page 35]]

  302     S. 158     A bill to establish the   Dec. 8, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mr. Lieberman    Long Island Sound         Inhofe, Committee on 
        and others     Stewardship Initiative.   Environment and Public 
                                                 Works, without 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 185.)
  304     S. 1400    A bill to amend the       Dec. 8, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mr. Chafee and   Federal Water Pollution   Inhofe, Committee on 
          others       Control Act and the       Environment and Public 
                       Safe Drinking Water Act   Works, with an 
                       to improve water and      amendment in the nature 
                       wastewater                of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       infrastructure in the     186.)
                       United States.
  306     S. 2027    A bill to implement the   Dec. 8, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Grassley    United States-Bahrain     Grassley, Committee on 
                       Free Trade Agreement.     Finance, without 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 199.)
  315     S. 1760    A bill to authorize early Dec. 8, 2005.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Smith    repayment of              Domenici, Committee on 
         and Wyden     obligations to the        Energy and Natural 
                       Bureau of Reclamation     Resources, without 
                       within Rogue River        amendment. (Rept. 197.)
                       Valley Irrigation 
                       District or within 
                       Medford Irrigation 
  316     S. 1860    A bill to amend the       Dec. 8, 2005.--Mr. 
       Mr. Domenici    Energy Policy Act of      Domenici, Committee on 
        and others     2005 to improve energy    Energy and Natural 
                       production and reduce     Resources, with an 
                       energy demand through     amendment in the nature 
                       improved use of           of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       reclaimed waters, and     198.)
                       for other purposes.
  317     S. 881     A bill to provide for     Dec. 8, 2005.--Mr. 
       Ms. Cantwell    equitable compensation    McCain, Committee on 
        and others     to the Spokane Tribe of   Indian Affairs, without 
                       Indians of the Spokane    amendment. (Rept. 200.) 
                       Reservation for the use   (See also Order No. 
                       of tribal land for the    179.)
                       production of 
                       hydropower by the Grand 
                       Coulee Dam, and for 
                       other purposes.
  319     S. 517     A bill to establish the   Dec. 8, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mrs. Hutchison   Weather Modification      Stevens, Committee on 
                       Operations and Research   Commerce, Science, and 
                       Board, and for other      Transportation, with an 
                       purposes.                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute, and an 
                                                 amendment to the title. 
                                                 (Rept. 202.)

[[Page 36]]

  320     S. 1408    A bill to strengthen data Dec. 8, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mr. Smith and    protection and            Stevens, Committee on 
          others       safeguards, require       Commerce, Science, and 
                       data breach               Transportation, with an 
                       notification, and         amendment in the nature 
                       further prevent           of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       identity theft.           203.)
  321     S. 1753    A bill to establish a     Dec. 8, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mr. DeMint and   unified national hazard   Stevens, Committee on 
          others       alert system, and for     Commerce, Science, and 
                       other purposes.           Transportation, with an 
                                                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 
  323     S. 731     A bill to recruit and     Dec. 12, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mr. Conrad and   retain more qualified     McCain, Committee on 
          others       individuals to teach in   Indian Affairs, with 
                       Tribal Colleges and       amendments. (Rept. 
                       Universities.             205.)
  324     S. 1003    A bill to amend the Act   Dec. 12, 2005.--Mr. 
        Mr. McCain     of December 22, 1974,     McCain, Committee on 
                       and for other purposes.   Indian Affairs, with 
                                                 amendments. (Rept. 
  326    H.R. 4096   An act to amend the       Dec. 13, 2005.--Read the 
                       Internal Revenue Code     second time and placed 
                       of 1986 to extend to      on the calendar.
                       2006 the alternative 
                       minimum tax relief 
                       available in 2005 and 
                       to index such relief 
                       for inflation.
  327    H.R. 4388   An act to amend the       Dec. 13, 2005.--Read the 
                       Internal Revenue Code     second time and placed 
                       of 1986 to extend         on the calendar.
                       certain expiring 
                       provisions, and for 
                       other purposes.
  333     S. 2036    A bill to designate the   Dec. 16, 2005.--Ms. 
        Mr. Kennedy    facility of the United    Collins, Committee on 
                       States Postal Service     Homeland Security and 
                       located at 320 High       Governmental Affairs, 
                       Street in Clinton,        without amendment. (No 
                       Massachusetts, as the     written report.)
                       ``Raymond J. Salmon 
                       Post Office''.

[[Page 37]]

  351    H.R. 2892   An act to amend section   Dec. 16, 2005.--Read the 
                       255 of the National       second time and place 
                       Housing Act to remove     on the calendar.
                       the limitation on the 
                       number of reverse 
                       mortgages that may be 
                       insured under the FHA 
                       mortgage insurance 
                       program for such 
  352     S. 967     A bill to amend the       Dec. 20, 2005.--Mr 
      Mr. Lautenberg   Communications Act of     Stevens, Committee on 
        and others     1934 to ensure that       Commerce, Science, and 
                       prepackaged news          Transportation, with an 
                       stories contain           amendment in the nature 
                       announcements that        of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       inform viewers that the   210.)
                       information within was 
                       provided by the United 
                       States Government, and 
                       for other purposes.
  353     S. 1063    A bill to promote and     Dec. 20, 2005.--Mr. 
      Mr. Nelson of    enhance public safety     Stevens, Committee on 
       Florida and     and to encourage the      Commerce, Science, and 
          others       rapid deployment of IP-   Transportation, with an 
                       enabled voice services.   amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 
  354     S. 2015    A bill to provide a site  Dec. 21, 2005.--Mr. 
        Mr. Isakson    for construction of a     Inhofe, Committee on 
                       national health museum,   Environment and Public 
                       and for other purposes.   Works, without 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 212.)
  356     S. 1708    A bill to modify          Jan. 26, 2006.--Mr. 
      Mr. Inhofe and   requirements relating     Inhofe, Committee on 
          others       to the authority of the   Environment and Public 
                       Administrator of          Works, without 
                       General Services to       amendment. (Rept. 214.)
                       enter into emergency 
                       leases during major 
                       disasters and other 
  358    H.R. 4473   An act to reauthorize and Jan. 27, 2006.--Placed on 
                       amend the Commodity       the calendar. (See also 
                       Exchange Act to promote   Order No. 191.)
                       legal certainty, 
                       enhance competition, 
                       and reduce systemic 
                       risk in markets for 
                       futures and over-the-
                       counter derivatives, 
                       and for other purposes.

[[Page 38]]

  359     S. 265     A bill to amend the       Feb. 2, 2006.--Committee 
      Mr. Frist and    Public Health Service     on Health, Education, 
          others       Act to add requirements   Labor, and Pensions, 
                       regarding trauma care,    without amendment. 
                       and for other purposes.   (Rept. 215.)
  361     S. 2273    A bill to make available  Feb. 13, 2006.--Read the 
      Ms. Snowe and    funds included in the     second time and placed 
          others       Deficit Reduction Act     on the calendar.
                       of 2005 for the Low-
                       Income Home Energy 
                       Assistance Act of 1981 
                       program for fiscal year 
                       2006, and for other 
  363     S. 2320    A bill to make available  Feb. 17, 2006.--Read the 
      Ms. Snowe and    funds included in the     second time and placed 
          others       Deficit Reduction Act     on the calendar.
                       of 2005 for the Low-
                       Income Home Energy 
                       Assistance Program for 
                       fiscal year 2006, and 
                       for other purposes.
  364     S. 1052    A bill to improve         Feb. 27, 2006.--Mr. 
       Mr. Stevens     transportation            Stevens, Committee on 
        and others     security, and for other   Commerce, Science, and 
                       purposes.                 Transportation, with an 
                                                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 
  365     S. 2013    A bill to amend the       Feb. 27, 2006.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       Marine Mammal             Stevens, Committee on 
       Stevens and     Protection Act of 1972    Commerce, Science, and 
          Inouye       to implement the          Transportation, without 
                       Agreement on the          amendment. (Rept. 217.)
                       Conservation and 
                       Management of the 
                       Alaska-Chukotka Polar 
                       Bear Population.
  366    H.R. 683    An act to amend the       Feb. 27, 2006.--Mr. 
                       Trademark Act of 1946     Specter, Committee on 
                       with respect to           the Judiciary, with an 
                       dilution by blurring or   amendment in the nature 
                       tarnishment.              of a substitute. (No 
                                                 written report.)
  367     S. 2349    A bill to provide greater Mar. 1, 2006.--Mr. Lott, 
         Mr. Lott      transparency in the       Committee on Rules and 
                       legislative process.      Administration, without 
                                                 amendment. (An original 
                                                 bill.) (No written 

[[Page 39]]

  368     S. 2178    A bill to make the        Mar. 2, 2006.--Mr. 
       Mr. Schumer     stealing and selling of   Specter, Committee on 
        and others     telephone records a       the Judiciary, without 
                       criminal offense.         amendment. (No written 
  369     S. 2128    A bill to provide greater Mar. 3, 2006.--Ms. 
      Mr. McCain and   transparency with         Collins, Committee on 
          others       respect to lobbing        Homeland Security and 
                       activities, and for       Governmental Affairs, 
                       other purposes.           with an amendment in 
                                                 the nature of a 
                                                 substitute. (No written 

[[Page 40]]


Senate Calendar of Business: 2006 Days in Session

From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 41]


     When objection is heard to immediate consideration of a resolution 
or motion when submitted, it shall be placed here, to be laid before the 
Senate on the next legislative day for consideration, unless by unanimous 
consent the Senate shall otherwise direct. (Rule XIV, Paragraph 6.)


     Number                 Short Title       Date Submitted and Author 


     When objection is heard to the second reading of a bill or joint 
resolution, that measure is then laid before the Senate during morning 
business of the next legislative day for the second reading. (Rule XIV, 
Paragraph 2.)


     Number                 Short Title                 Date and Author 

[[Page 41]]

Senate Calendar of Business: 2006 Days in Session

From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 42]

                          SUBJECTS ON THE TABLE

    Such subjects are business, usually bills and resolutions, placed 
here by unanimous consent. Once business has been given this status, it 
is in order to move to proceed to its consideration, even though it 
cannot be reached by a ``call of the calendar''.


     Measure                  Title                     Date           

                       MOTIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION

    After an action taken by the Senate, any Senator voting with the 
prevailing side or who has not voted may, on the same day or on either 
of the next two days of actual session thereafter, either enter a motion 
for reconsideration or move a reconsideration.  This section contains 
such motions not yet acted on as so provided by rule XIII, Paragraph 1.


       Date                               Subject                       

[[Page 42]]


Feb. 14, 2006.

Motion entered by Mr. Frist to reconsider the vote by which the motion to 
waive the Congressional Budget Act on the bill S. 852 was not agreed to. 
(Roll Call No. 21.)

Senate Calendar of Business: 2006 Days in Session

From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 43-46]

                           BILLS IN CONFERENCE                          

  Jefferson's Manual, Section XLVI:
  ``And in all cases of conference asked after a vote of disagreement, 
etc., the conferees of the House asking it are to leave the papers with 
the conferees of the other * * *.'' The House agreeing to the conference 
usually acts on the report before the House requesting a conference.


  Number                            Conferees              Date Report  
 and Date    Brief Title                                    Agreed to   
Conferees                 ______________________________ _______________
Appointed                      Senate         House       Senate  House 


[[Page 43]]

 H.R. 889 Coast Guard and Senators        From the 
Oct. 27,    Marine          Stevens,        Committee on 
   2005     Transportation  Snowe,          Transportation 
 Nov. 4,     Act, 2005      Lott,           and 
   2005                     Smith,          Infrastructure,
                            Inouye,          for 
                            Cantwell, and   consideration 
                            Lautenberg.     of the House 
                          (Senate asks.)    bill and the 
                                            amendment, and 
                                            committed to 
                                            Young of
                                            Mario Diaz-
                                              of Florida,
                                            Taylor of
                                            Higgins, and
                                            Schwartz of
                                          From the 
                                            Committee on 
                                            Energy and 
                                            Commerce, for 
                                            of sec. 408 of 
                                            the House 
                                            bill, and 
                                            committed to 
                                            Barton of
                                            Gillmor, and
                                              next page)

[[Page 44]]

 H.R. 889 Coast Guard and                 From the                    
Oct. 27,    Marine                          Committee on 
   2005     Transportation                  Homeland 
 Nov. 4,     Act, 2005                      Security, for 
   2005     (continued)                     consideration 
(continued                                  of secs. 101, 
    )                                       404, 413, and 
                                            424 of the 
                                            House bill, 
                                            and secs. 202, 
                                            207, 215, and 
                                            302 of the 
                                            amendment, and 
                                            committed to 
                                            Daniel E. 
                                            Reichert, and
                                            Thompson of
                                          From the 
                                            Committee on 
                                            Resources, for 
                                            of secs. 426, 
                                            427, and title 
                                            V of the House 
                                            bill, and 
                                            committed to 
                                            Jones of
                                            and Pallone.
                                          (House acts 

H.R. 4297 Tax Relief      Senators        Representatives             
 Feb. 8,    Extension       Grassley,       Thomas,
   2006     Reconciliation  Kyl, and        McCrery,
             Act, 2005      Baucus.         Camp of
                          (Senate acts        Michigan,
                            first.)         Rangel,
                                            and Stark.
                                          (House asks.)

 H.R. 22  Postal          Senators                                    
 Feb. 9,    Accountability  Collins,
   2006      and            Stevens,
            Enhancement     Voinovich,
            Act             Coleman,
                            Akaka, and
                          (Senate asks.)

[[Page 45]]

H.R. 2830 Pension         Senators                                    
 Mar. 3,    Protection      Grassley,
   2006     Act, 2005       Hatch,
                            Harkin, and
                          (Senate asks.)

[[Page 46]]


Senate Calendar of Business: 2006 Days in Session

From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 47-48]


[[Page 47]]

                                                                                                                                                     reported                            conference report agreed
                                                                                                                                                     or placed                sent to               to                           public
          measure  number                                                short title                                        passed     received in      on        passed      confer-   --------------------------   became       law
                                                                                                                             house       senate      calendar     senate        ence                                   law       number
                                                                                                                                                     in senate                             senate        house
             H.R. 1268               Emergency Supplemental, 2005.......................................................    3-16-05       3-16-05      4-6-05     4-21-05      4-26-05     5-10-05        5-5-05     5-11-05     109-13
             H.R. 2360               Homeland Security, 2006............................................................    5-17-05       5-18-05     6-16-05     7-14-05      9-28-05     10-7-05       10-6-05    10-18-05     109-90
             H.R. 2361               Interior, 2006.....................................................................    5-19-05       5-20-05     6-10-05     6-29-05      7-26-05     7-29-05       7-28-05      8-2-05     109-54
             H.R. 2419               Energy and Water, 2006.............................................................    5-24-05       5-25-05     6-16-05      7-1-05     10-26-05    11-14-05       11-9-05    11-19-05    109-103
             H.R. 2528               Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs, 2006................................    5-26-05       5-26-05     7-21-05     9-22-05      11-3-05    11-18-05      11-18-05    11-30-05    109-114
             H.R. 2744               Agriculture, 2006..................................................................     6-8-05        6-9-05     6-27-05     9-22-05     10-20-05     11-3-05      10-28-05    11-10-05     109-97
             H.R. 2862               Science, State, Justice, Commerce, 2006............................................    6-16-05       6-16-05     6-23-05     9-15-05      11-2-05    11-16-05       11-9-05    11-22-05    109-108
             H.R. 2863               Defense, 2006......................................................................    6-20-05       6-21-05     9-28-05     10-7-05     12-14-05    12-21-05      12-19-05    12-30-05    109-148
             H.R. 2985               Legislative, 2006 \1\..............................................................    6-22-05       6-24-05     6-24-05     6-30-05      7-26-05     7-29-05       7-28-05      8-2-05     109-55
             H.R. 3010               Labor, HHS, Education, 2006........................................................    6-24-05       6-27-05     7-14-05    10-27-05   12-7-05 \3\   12-21-05      12-14-05    12-30-05    109-149
             H.R. 3057               Foreign Operations, 2006...........................................................    6-28-05       6-29-05     6-30-05     7-20-05     10-27-05    11-10-05       11-4-05    11-14-05    109-102
             H.R. 3130               Veterans Medical Supplemental, 2005................................................    6-30-05       6-30-05   ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 3058               Transportation, Treasury, HUD, Judiciary, D.C., 2006...............................    6-30-05       7-11-05     7-26-05    10-20-05      11-8-05    11-21-05      11-18-05    11-30-05    109-115
              S. 1446                District of Columbia, 2006.........................................................      * * *         * * *     7-21-05       (\2\)   ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 3645               Emergency Supplemental, Hurricane Disaster Relief, 2005............................     9-2-05        9-2-05       * * *      9-2-05        * * *       * * *         * * *      9-2-05     109-61
             H.R. 3673               Emergency Supplemental, Hurricane Disaster Relief, 2005............................     9-8-05        9-8-05       * * *      9-8-05        * * *       * * *         * * *      9-8-05     109-62
            H.J. Res. 68             Continuing, 2006...................................................................    9-29-05       9-29-05       * * *     9-30-05        * * *       * * *         * * *     9-30-05     109-77
            H.J. Res. 72             Further Continuing, 2006...........................................................   11-17-05      11-17-05       * * *    11-18-05        * * *       * * *         * * *    11-19-05    109-105
            H.J. Res. 75             Further Continuing, 2006...........................................................   12-17-05      12-17-05       * * *    12-17-05        * * *       * * *         * * *    12-18-05    109-128
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
\1\July 14, 2005, Returned to Senate for technical correction and returned to House of Representatives.    \2\See H.R. 3058.    \3\Further Conference.


[[Page 48]]

                                                                                                                                                     reported                            conference report agreed
                                                                                                                                                     or placed                sent to               to                           public
          measure  number                                                short title                                        passed     received in      on        passed      confer-   --------------------------   became       law
                                                                                                                             house       senate      calendar     senate        ence                                   law       number
                                                                                                                                                     in senate                             senate        house
             H.R. 4745               Supplemental SBA Disaster Loans, 2006..............................................    2-15-06       2-15-06       * * *     2-17-06        * * *       * * *         * * *     2-18-06    109-174
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
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                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........