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Calendar of events and meetings at a Glance for 2007

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JANUARY Calendar View


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FEBRUARY Calendar View

Annual New Partners for Smart Growth Conference.
Date: February 8-10, 2007
Location: Los Angeles, California.
Site: http://www.NewPartners.org Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

Active Living Research Annual Conference
Date: February 22-24, 2007
Location: Coronado, CA
Site: http://www.activelivingresearch.org/index.php/Annual_Conference_2007/386 Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

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MARCH Calendar View

Association for Gerontology in Higher Education
Date: March 1-4, 2007
Location: Portland, Oregon
Site: http://www.aghe.org Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

American Society on Aging/National Council on Aging Joint Conference
Date: March 7-10, 2007
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Site: http://www.agingconference.org/asav2/conf/jc/jc07/ Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

7th Annual Small Business Innovation Reseach Workshop
At the workshop you will learn about the EPA's and Department of Energy's technology needs and learn how to win R and D funding under the EPA's and DOE's Small Business Innovation Research programs. This workshop is geared towards for-profit technology and science based firms with fewer than 500 employees.
Date: March 22, 2007
Location: US EPA Region 3, Philadelphia, PA
For directions to EPA Region 3 Office in Philadelphia see http://www.epa.gov/region3/direct.htm

A flier of the 7th Annual Small Business Innovation Reseach Workshop (PDF) (1 p, 3.07 MB, About PDF)

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APRIL Calendar View

American Planning Association Annual Meeting
Date: April 14-18, 2007
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Site: http://www.planning.org/2007conference/index.htm Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

National Aging in Place Council
Date: April 17th
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Site: http://www.naipc.org/ Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

Center for Civic Partnerships "Building Livable Communities for All Ages"
Date: April 19, 2007
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Site: http://www.civicpartnerships.org/ Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

Earth Day
Date: April 22, 2007

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MAY Calendar View

Site: http://www.aoa.gov/PRESS/oam/oam.asp

World Asthma Day
Date: May 1, 2007
Site: http://www.ginasthma.com/WADIndex.asp Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting
Date: May 18-23, 2007
Location: San Francisco, CA
Site: http://www.thoracic.org/sections/meetings-and-courses/international-conference/past-conferences/2007/index.html Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Coalition
Date: May 23, 2007
Location: San Francisco
Site: http://www.uscopd.com/activities/conference.htm Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

Call for Submissions for Presentations for the 6th Annual National Health Communication Conference
The American College of Physicians Foundation is requesting submissions for presentation at the 2007 Sixth Annual National Health Communication Conference in cooperation with the Institute of Medicine , National Academy of Sciences. This series of conferences focuses on research and solutions to the problems of low health literacy. The ACP Foundation seeks evidence-based research to help advance the development of patient-centered programs that focus specifically on solutions for populations that are affected by low health literacy.
The deadline for abstract submissions is May 30, 2007.
For more information and to download an application, please visit http://foundation.acponline.org/hl/hcc2007.htm Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

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JUNE Calendar View

World Environment Day
Theme: Melting Ice- A hot topic?
Date: June 5, 2007
Site: http://www.unep.org/wed/2007/english/ Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE)
Date: June 24-28
Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey
Site: http://www.cste.org Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

Call for Submissions for Presentations for the NCOA-ASA Aging in America Conference
The 2008 Conference of the National Council on Aging and the American Society on Aging will be held in Washington, DC from March 27-30, 2008. The NCOA-ASA Aging in America Conference, with more than 4,000 attendees, is recognized as a showcase of best practices for programs and projects that can be replicated. It will serve as a forum for policy discussion and advocacy, and will be a prime source of information on new research findings in aging.

The deadline for abstract submission is June 30, 2007.
For more information and to submit an abstract, visit https://www.eshow2000.com/aging/call_for_presentations.cfm Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

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JULY Calendar View

National Association of City and County Heath Officials Annual Meeting
Date: July 11-13, 2007
Location: Columbus, OH
Site: http://www.naccho.org/conferences/NACCHOannual06/documents/NA_Conf_Guide_Back_Page.pdf Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
(1 p, 1,442K, About PDF)

National Association of Counties Annual Meeting
Date: July 13-17, 2007
Location: Richmond, VA
Site: http://www.naco.org/Template.cfm?Section=Annual&Template=/TaggedPage/
 Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

Generations United Annual Conference
Date: July 24-27, 2007
Location: Washington, DC.
Call for Proposals: http://www.gu.org Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
Date: July 29 - August 1 2007
Location: San Francisco, CA
Site: http://www.n4a.org/2007conf/sanfran2007.cfm Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

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AUGUST Calendar View

National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
Date: July 29 - August 1 2007
Location: San Francisco, CA
Site: http://www.n4a.org/2007conf/sanfran2007.cfm Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

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SEPTEMBER Calendar View

Healthy Aging Month

Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference: Smart Growth America, Local Initiatives Support Corporation and the Metropolitan Institute of Virginia
Date: Sept 24-25, 2007
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Site: http://www.vacantproperties.org/reclaimingconference.html Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

September Active Aging Week
Date: Sept 25-Oct 1
Site: http://www.icaa.cc/aaw.htm Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

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OCTOBER Calendar View

September Active Aging Week
Date: Sept 25-Oct 1
Site: http://www.icaa.cc/aaw.htm Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

2007 Pesticide Worker Safety & Health Conference
Date: October 2-4,2007,
Location: Arlington, Virginia
Site: Request for Speakers for the 2007 Pesticide Worker Safety & Health Conference

International Conference of the Society for Human Ecology (SHE).
Local Populations and Diversity in a Changing World
Date: October 4 - 7, 2007, in
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Site : http://www.societyforhumanecology.org Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

International City/County Management Association ICMA Annual Meeting
Date: October 7-10, 2007
Location: Pittsburgh/Allegheney County, PA
Site: http://icma.org/main/bc.asp?bcid=719&hsid=1&ssid1=47&ssid2=2221&ssid3=2805 Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

Grantmakers in Aging Annual Meeting
Dates: October 31-November 2
Location: San Diego, CA
Site: http://www.giaging.org/programs/index.asp?id=207 Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

National Conference on Prescription Drug Use, Abuse, Return and Disposal
Date: October 31st and Novemeber 1, 2007
Location: Portland Maine
Site: http://www.mainebenzo.org Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

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NOVEMBER Calendar View

National Conference on Prescription Drug Use, Abuse, Return and Disposal
Date: October 31st and November 1, 2007
Location: Portland Maine
Site: http://www.mainebenzo.org Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

Grantmakers in Aging Annual Meeting
Dates: October 31-November 2
Location: San Diego, CA
Site: http://www.giaging.org/programs/index.asp?id=207 Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing Biannual Meeting
Date: November 2-7, 2007
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Site: http://www.nursingsociety.org/convention/index.html Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting
Abstracts will be due in February 2007
Date: November 3-7, 2007
Location: Washington, DC
Site: http://apha.org/meetings/ Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
Call for Abstracts will be available Friday, December 15, 2007.

Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting
Date: November 16-20, 2007
Location: San Francisco, CA
Site: http://www.geron.org/ Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

Sixth Annual National Health Communication Conference
The American College of Physicians Foundation and the Institute of Medicine
Date: November 28, 2007
Location: Washington, DC
Site: http://foundation.acponline.org/hl/hcc2007.htm Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

International Council on Active Aging
Dates: November 29-December 1
Location: Orlando, Florida
Site: http://www.icaa.cc/convention.htm Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

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DECEMBER Calendar View

International Council on Active Aging
Dates: November 29-December 1
Location: Orlando, Florida
Site: http://www.icaa.cc/convention.htm Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

2007 National Positive Aging Conference
Dates: December 6-8, 2007
Location: St. Petersburg FL
Site: http://www.eckerd.edu/positiveaging Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

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