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PDF Download the December 2008 edition of PeaceWatch (PDF 2.4 MB)

Reflecting USIP's transition to a new era, the December 2008 PeaceWatch has a new look.

December 2008 Cover of Peace Watch

Featured Stories:

  • A special message on USIP in a new era from President Richard H. Solomon and Board Chair J. Robinson West
  • The story behind USIP's involvement in the creation of the State Department's Civilian Response Corps
  • Highlights of the Institute's future Public Education Center
  • A photo collage of the Groundbreaking for USIP's new headquarters on the National Mall
  • A feature on growing a network of Iraqi conflict management facilitators
  • An overview of the Institute's work in Afghanistan


About PeaceWatch

PeaceWatch (ISSN 1080-9864) is published five times a year by the United States Institute of Peace, an independent, nonpartisan national institution established and funded by Congress to help prevent, manage, and resolve international conflicts. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect views of the Institute or its Board of Directors.

To receive PeaceWatch by mail, please fill out our online form or write to us at:

U.S. Institute of Peace
1200 17th Street NW
Suite 200
Washington, DC 20036-3011

You may also call +1-202-457-1700 or fax us at +1-202-429-6063.

President: Richard H. Solomon
Executive Vice President: Patricia Thomson
Director of Public Affairs and Communications: Ian Larsen
Writer/Editor: Peter C. Lyon
Production Manager: Marie Marr Jackson
Production Coordinator: Katharine Moore
Photo Credits: Staff, AP/ Wide World


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