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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Down Arrow

Title 29  



Down Arrow

Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Down Arrow

Part 579  

Child Labor Violations--Civil Money Penalties

29 CFR 579.1 - Purpose and scope.

  • Section Number: 579.1
  • Section Name: Purpose and scope.

    (a) Section 16(e), added to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as 

amended, by the Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1974, and as further 

amended by the Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1989, the Omnibus 

Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, and the Compactors and Balers Safety 

Standards Modernization Act of 1996, provides that--

    (1) Any person who violates the provisions of section 12 relating to 

child labor, section 13(c)(5), or any regulation issued under those 

sections shall be subject to a civil penalty of not to exceed $11,000 

for each employee who was the subject of such a violation.

    (2) Any person who repeatedly or willfully violates section 6 or 7 

shall be subject to a civil penalty of not to exceed $1,000 for each 

such violation.

    (3) In determining the amount of any penalty under this subsection, 

the appropriateness of such penalty to the size of the business of the 

person charged and the gravity of the violation shall be considered.

    (4) The amount of any penalty under this subsection, when finally 

determined, may be--

    (i) Deducted from any sums owing by the United States to the person 


    (ii) Recovered in a civil action brought by the Secretary in any 

court of competent jurisdiction, in which litigation the Secretary shall 

be represented by the Solicitor of Labor; or

    (iii) Ordered by the court, in an action brought for a violation of 

section 15(a)(4) or a repeated or willful violation of section 15(a)(2), 

to be paid to the Secretary.

    (5) Any administrative determination by the Secretary of the amount 

of any penalty under this subsection shall be final, unless within 

fifteen days after receipt of notice thereof by certified mail the 

person charged with the violation takes exception to the determination 

that the violations for which the penalty is imposed occurred, in which 

event final determination of the penalty shall be made in an 

administrative proceeding after opportunity for hearing in accordance 

with section 554 of title 5, United States Code, and regulations to be 

promulgated by the Secretary.

    (6) Except for civil money penalties collected for violations of 

sections 12 and 13(c)(5), sums collected as penalties pursuant to this 

section shall be applied toward reimbursement of the costs of 

determining the violations and assessing and collecting such penalties 

in accordance with the provision of section 2 of an Act entitled ``An 

Act to authorize the Department of Labor to make special statistical 

studies upon payment of the cost thereof, and for other purposes'' (29 

U.S.C. 9a).

    (7) Civil penalties collected for violations of section 12 shall be 

deposited in the general fund of the Treasury.

    (b) The Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990 

(Pub. L. 101-410), as amended by the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 

1996 (Pub. L. 104-134, section 31001(s)), requires that Federal agencies 

periodically adjust their civil money penalties for inflation according 

to a specified cost-of-living formula. This law requires each agency to 

make an initial inflationary adjustment for all covered civil money 

penalties, and to make further inflationary adjustments at least once 

every four years thereafter. Any increase in the civil money penalty 

amount will apply only to violations that occur after the date the 

increase takes effect.

    (c) This part explains our procedures for issuing a notice of civil 

penalty to an employer that has violated section 12 or section 13(c)(5) 

of the Act, or any regulation issued under those sections; describes the 

types of violations for which we may impose a penalty and the factors we 

will consider in assessing the amount of the penalty; outlines the 

procedure for a person charged with violations to file an exception to

[[Page 303]]

the determination that the violations occurred; and summarizes the 

methods we will follow for collecting and recovering the penalty.

[40 FR 25792, June 18, 1975, as amended at 56 FR 8679, Feb. 28, 1991; 66 

FR 63503, Dec. 7, 2001; 69 FR 75405, Dec. 16, 2004]

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